The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 547 Silver

Chapter 547 Silver

He only tasted each dish lightly during his meal, and mainly drank wine. The servant looked after him from a distance, and seeing that the dishes on the table were basically untouched, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. After thinking about it, he went to the back hall again. After a while, he brought back a plate of golden crabs, brought it to Zhang Pa's table and said, "Sir, is it not to your taste? I took the initiative to serve you another plate of crabs. Please try it. It's very fresh and delicious."

Zhang Pa ignored the crabs and turned his head to look at the boy. The boy was unsure and asked in a low voice, "Is it not to your taste again? I'll change it right away, right away." He was going to serve the crabs.

Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Get a big food box and put all these dishes in it. There is still half a jar of wine left. Put it all in."

The servant responded and ran to the counter to get a food box. After returning, he was busy for a while. While cleaning up the dishes, he asked, "Where do you live, sir? I'll send it to you. It's just right to collect the dishes so that you don't have to run again."

Zhang Pa said, "I don't want it. If you don't mind, take it home and eat it."

The servant was stunned. He couldn't understand what the guest in front of him wanted to do. This person spent a gold ingot to buy a table of dishes, and then gave it to someone he didn't know. Just as he was about to ask again, Zhang Pa stood up and said, "Let's go." As for how the servant dealt with the table of dishes, he didn't care at all.

After spending some time together, he liked this young man very much. People who know how to consider others are mostly kind people.

Seeing Zhang Pa walking out, the servant hurriedly packed up the wine and food, and chased after him with the food box: "Sir, where do you live? I'll take it to you." Zhang Pa smiled, walked forward a few steps, and stopped when he was about to reach the house and said: "If you don't mind, keep it, if you do, throw it away." The servant took out four ingots of silver: "Your money." Zhang Pa said: "It's yours." He turned around and walked away. The servant was left alone, looked back at the restaurant, turned around and ran into the house. As soon as he entered the door, he greeted, "Mom, I brought back some food."

A woman in her thirties walked out of the east wing. She looked young, but her skin was dark and her hands were rough. She said, "How many times do I have to teach you to remember? No matter how delicious other people's leftovers are, you won't eat them. You should have backbone."

The servant argued, "They are not leftovers. They were ordered by the guests."

"Hey? Is there such a good thing? Come, let me see if they are all delicious?" The curtain of the west wing was lifted, and a woman walked out. She was about the same age as the woman just now, and her appearance was more beautiful, but there was a long scar on the side of her face.

There was a stone table in the courtyard. The servant put the dishes on the table one by one. The two women looked at each dish carefully. It seemed that they were not leftovers, especially the golden crab. Each one was plump and covered with golden sauce. The whole dish seemed to be a whole. If you moved your chopsticks, you could see the incompleteness. The woman who came out first asked, "Did you really order it for you?" The servant said, "Anyway, I didn't lie. I ordered all the dishes I like." At this time, another woman came out of the east room. She was a little older, more than 40 years old, wearing a coarse cloth. She looked at the table of dishes, then looked at the servant, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me, what's going on?" The servant repeated what he had just said. The middle-aged woman obviously didn't believe it and shouted, "Still talking nonsense?" "Mom! Why don't you believe me?" The servant retorted. "Believe you? How can I believe you like this? And your brother? You two won't stop until I'm mad at you, right? I've said it so many times that people should have ambitions and can't lie! Can't you remember?" His mother was very angry. The servant whispered, "I didn't lie. I met a kind-hearted person. He said I could order whatever I wanted. After the dishes were served, he only touched a piece of chopsticks for each dish, and then asked me to pack it in a food box, saying that if I didn't mind, I could take it back and eat it, and if I didn't mind, I could throw it away. I think these dishes are not leftovers, nor were they stolen. They were given to me by the guests, so I took them back. I really didn't lie."

His mother looked at her son carefully and determined that he was telling the truth. She whispered, "Mom blamed you wrongly. Take it out and eat it."

The servant shook his head, "I have to go back. Second and Third Mothers, you guys quickly take the plates and put the dishes over. I have to send the plates and food boxes back to the store."

Second Mother and Third Mother turned and went into the kitchen. Third Mother, the beautiful woman with a scar on her face, smiled and said, "Keep it and wait for you to come back to eat it." The servant said, "No need." He took out silver from his arms again, four large ingots of silver, at least forty taels. When the mother saw the silver, her face changed color and she asked loudly, "You still say you didn't lie? Where did the silver come from?"

"The guests gave me a reward." The servant said.

"Nonsense! Who gave a reward of more than 40 taels of silver? Tell me, who did you steal? Send it back quickly." Mother was very angry.

The servant was very aggrieved: "It was not stolen!"

Second and Third Mother took out the plates. Seeing this, Second Mother said to the forty-year-old woman: "Sister, please speak nicely." She asked the servant again: "Tell the truth, was it stolen?"

Third Mother was talking while twiddling the plates: "Xiao Zhi, you are not a child anymore. Tell the truth to Third Mother. Stealing silver is not a big deal. People cannot tell lies. A real man should take responsibility for what he did."

Xiao Zhi became unhappy and said angrily: "I didn't steal it! Why don't you believe me?" He went to clean up the food boxes, packed the dishes of the restaurant, and ran out of the courtyard.

There were three women left, a table of dishes, and four large ingots of silver. Er Niang hesitated and said, "Maybe it was really a reward from a guest?" The eldest lady said angrily, "Would you give him 40 taels of silver as a reward? I'll deal with him when I come back tonight."

At this time, a head popped out of the west wing, and saw the table full of dishes and drooled, "So many delicious foods." The eldest lady scolded, "Kneel down!" The boy pouted and said "oh", then retreated back into the room.

Zhang was afraid of hearing everything about the noise in the courtyard. With his cultivation level, what could he not want to hear? But he didn't come to help the boy explain. He believed that he was a weak god and was worried about causing harm to Xiaozhi's family, so he just listened and did nothing.

In the afternoon, I still wandered on the street, thinking about how to help this family. I went back to the restaurant in the evening, but I didn't expect that something would happen with such little effort.

Zhang was afraid that the way he prepared the meal and the ingot of gold he brought out made the restaurant boss covet him. Later, when he saw that the silver had returned to Xiaozhi, and was taken home by him, greed came to his mind and said that the forty taels of silver was a wine account. , it was given to the restaurant by the guest and asked Xiaozhi to return it. Of course Xiaozhi refused, so he was tied up by his boss and threatened to hand it over to the Yamen if he didn't pay back the money. He also found someone to notify his family.

Forty taels of silver, more or less, was not something ordinary people could earn in a year. After receiving the news, the woman hurriedly brought the money to redeem the man, paid the money to get her son back, and kept scolding him on the way back, saying that he shouldn't steal other people's money.

Zhang Awei came back for dinner and asked the waiter: "Where is the child at noon?" The waiter said: "He asked for leave. Just tell me what you want to eat. I will make sure you are satisfied." The hotel owner recognized Zhang Awei. This guy was wearing a black robe and wanted to It was difficult not to recognize him, but he knew he was a wealthy guest, so he told the waiter to take good care of him.

When Zhang Wen heard this, he asked for leave? Just go to Xiaozhi's house to see what happened. If you can help, I must help.

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