The Monk

Volume One Chapter 517 King Wu’s Inspection

Chapter 517 King Wu’s Inspection

As for why Longhushan did this, it involves another gang, Hongguang Inn. The Hongguang Inn was severely damaged by the Jin family, and Longhu Mountain took the opportunity to destroy it. Only a few hundred masters fled to the Warring States Period to recuperate.

Of course Qiyunshan Yunlongmen, the largest sect in the Warring States period, would not sit back and watch a powerful force develop and grow in its jurisdiction, so it took action to suppress it. The poor Hongguang Inn has become a street rat and is bullied wherever he goes. In this regard, he is very similar to Zhang Ai. Coincidentally, Yunlongmen and Zhang Ai also have a grudge.

After several fights in the Hongguang Inn, there were countless casualties and only about two hundred people were left. They had to be broken up into pieces and dispersed to various countries to recover from their injuries. The power of hatred is so great that these immortal masters have become extremely united. In terms of the selfish nature of cultivators, these people who survived the Red Light Inn are simply great. They never forget revenge, and no one betrays and leaves. .

They also have many enemies. Apart from Zhang Ping, they have an undying hatred with Mangu Jin Family and Longhu Mountain. As for sects such as Yunlong Clan, they are not considered at all.

The last time something happened in Shiwanda Mountain, tens of thousands of monks went into the mountain to hunt monsters. This was behind the Hongguang Inn. Shu Sheng went to the mountain several times to survey the terrain. After leaving the mountain, he spread the news about monsters, with the intention of attracting warlocks inside the mountain and cultivators outside the mountain. The two clans fought again, rekindling the war between the two clans. If a war really breaks out, Longhu Mountain, as the closest cultivation sect to Shiwan Mountain, will be the first to suffer the brunt. Unfortunately, the matter was disturbed by Zhang Wei, and the Zuo waiter immediately dispatched all of them to kill him, thus turning the crisis into invisible.

Afterwards, the left and right servants sent people to investigate the cause, but they could only find out that rumors were spreading, but none of the people who spread the rumors could be found.

In the end, they had no choice but to let it go, but the mountain gods became wary and sent people to guard eighteen traffic arteries again.

The flames of war in Shiwandashan did not break out, but the Hongguang Inn did not give up. More than two hundred monks experienced life and death many times and became extremely powerful. After these people recovered from their injuries, they sneaked back to Qi State and carried out assassinations and sneak attacks on the monks of Longhu Mountain, using all possible means. The boss of Longhu Mountain was very angry and sent his elite disciples to hunt him down. However, the country of Qi was too big and the people in Hongguang Inn were as slippery as loaches. It lasted for decades and it took a lot of effort to kill ten people. Come here, there are more than 200 enemies who are causing trouble all day long. The more these people are hunted, the more they become dragon-like, almost becoming immortal gods of war. This is very similar to Zhang Ai. It seems that only by being constantly hunted can they live healthier.

When things got to this point, the boss of Longhu Mountain couldn't sit still. King He personally took action and killed more than 80 people in Hongguang Inn in three years. Only more than a hundred of these unkillable warriors remained, and they disappeared and lurked again. , the land of Qi finally stabilized.

After this turmoil, Longhu Mountain increased its control over Qi State and implemented thousands of counties and thousands of guards. It sent people to garrison in each county, mainly disciples in the foundation building period. Internally, it was said that they were going down the mountain to gain experience. Li Meng and about ten other people were disciples who came to Yong'an County for training, so they were particularly nervous about the sudden appearance of Zhang Ai, worried that he was a remnant of the Hongguang Inn.

After Li Meng reported the news to his teacher, he would come to Yong'an Lake to inspect it every day, but of course he couldn't find anything. Zhang Ai hid in the mountains and watched Yong'an Lake while practicing.

After hiding for more than two months, King Wu came and brought eleven Nascent Soul masters to Yong'an County.

Longhushan didn't pay much attention to the news that Li Meng sent back. Qi is such a big country, it is normal for a few masters to appear. Just like the local ruffians informed Li Meng that he had a master, but Li Meng didn't care much; the higher-ups didn't care about the news they sent back to the mountain, and they were basically shelved.

But since Longhu Mountain has made the decision of Qianjun Qianshou, we can't all fool around together. In order to look good and take care of the emotions of the disciples, the senior management made a serious gesture and selected twelve Nascent Souls. Experts formed patrol teams to inspect thousands of counties. This year it was King Wu's turn to lead the team.

When King Wu arrived, Li Meng was anxious to meet him and told him everything he had discovered over the years, going on and on about big and small things. King Wu was impatient: "No one died, so it's not serious. Let's go down." When he said no one died, he meant that no monks in Longhu Mountain died, so it was not a big deal.

King Wu Hei Hei Zhuangzhuang was not angry and was proud of himself. Li Meng did not dare to say anything and retreated as ordered. Although he complained a lot in his heart, he didn't dare to show it on his face.

A junior Nascent Soul monk who was traveling with King Wu raised his hands and said: "Uncle Master, the pursuit of the Red Light remnant relies on the disciples to find out the information. Do you think we should give some rewards so that the people below can have the strength to do things." He did not dare to speak directly. He said that King Wu had a bad attitude, so he had to use gentle words to persuade him in another way.

King Wu understood the meaning of the words and said perfunctorily: "Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow." He got up and went back to his room to rest.

The next day, King Wu summoned the monks stationed in Yong'an County and told Li Meng, "Take us around." Li Meng was overjoyed. This was a chance for him to show off, and he happily led the way.

The places they can move to are all in the suburbs, with the county as the starting point and covering the surrounding villages and towns. After wandering around, we came to Yongan Lake. Li Meng introduced what happened to Zhang Pingzhi a few days ago, saying that a master suddenly disappeared. King Wu didn't care either. He thought it was Li Meng who saw a mountain master going out. There were hundreds of thousands of mountain masters. After so many years, he should have bumped into one even if he bumped into them.

Flying around Yong'an Lake and flying near the mountain, King Wu stopped. He felt something strange in the mountains, as if there were masters hiding in silence. I searched carefully and found someone meditating ten miles away in the mountain, but I couldn't find out the level of cultivation. He turned around and asked Li Meng, "Why didn't that master kill you?"

After talking for a long time, King Wu remembered to ask. Li Meng sighed secretly: "Are all masters such virtuous?" He respectfully replied: "That man was wearing gray cloth. He said he was not our enemy and had no ill intentions towards the master. Disciples were worried. , formed a formation with all the junior brothers to trap him, and the man ran away. "

King Wu didn't answer any more and stared in the direction of the mountain. Apart from trees and rocks, he didn't know what he could see. A Nascent Soul master next to me asked: "Uncle Master, do you want to go into the mountain and have a look?"

King Wu shook his head: "Go back to the city."

At this time, there are people guarding the eighteen important roads in the mountain. The direction of Dongfang Yong'an County is in charge of Chi Zun. That guy has a hot temper and is easily impulsive. If he takes people into the mountain and causes the Red Lord to misunderstand him and cause unnecessary conflicts, the consequences will be disastrous. The name of the war between the two clans was too big, and he thought he couldn't resist it. To take a step back, even if the war between the two clans does not happen, it is not a good thing to be remembered by the Red Lord. That guy is too crazy.

He planned to explore at night. A group of experts entering the mountain would easily cause misunderstandings, so it would be fine if he went alone.

King Wu found Zhang Ai, and Zhang Ai also found them. A group of monks were wandering back and forth in Yong'an Lake, clearly targeting themselves. He thought to himself: "You haven't allowed me to live in peace for more than two months?"

All his focus is on Yong'an Lake. As long as Bing Jing's injury is not healed, he will continue to monitor the lake's movements.

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