The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 501 Preparation

Chapter 501 Preparation

Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to reminisce about the past, so he said loudly: "There is a tsunami. Take the people to higher places to avoid the disaster." After saying this, everyone in the audience was stunned. What nonsense did this man of God say? Princess Shuiyue frowned slightly and asked, "Do you really mean what you said, sir?"

Zhang Ping coldly said: "It's up to you whether you believe it or not." He said to the two generals: "If I see you messing around again, I'll kill you!" After that, he disappeared.

There were hundreds of people standing in the hall, led by the same four people as last time, General Heiyun and Governor Zhengming, Island Master Bai Qian and Princess Shuiyue. The four looked at each other. The island owner asked: "Is what he said true?" Princess Shuiyue gritted her teeth and said, "I would rather believe that he is there than not believe that he is not there." After having been with him for more than half a year, she trusted Zhang Ai very much. The island owner thought for a moment and made a decision: "Send the order and ban people from going to the sea. The people in the low-lying areas will temporarily move to the mountains." The surrounding soldiers shouted: "Yes." Dozens of people ran out with a huff, and took away more than a hundred Heiyun holding weapons. Chinese soldiers treat it as air.

Governor Zhengming asked the general: "Uncle, are you telling the truth or not?" The general's face was as dark as water. Regardless of whether it was true or not, he could not stay here any longer. He said solemnly: "Return to the ship and report to the king for his decision."

A group of people retreated in a hurry, and Lord Bai Qian and Princess Shuiyue had no time to pay attention to them, and were busy leading people to resettle the people.

Zhang was afraid of coming out, so he released the messenger talisman and summoned the girls to come to the nearby sea to escort the fishermen back home. He then flew to other islands.

This place is known as Thousand Islands. After a quick inspection, he found that there were only a lot more of them. Fortunately, he was flying fast, otherwise by the time he visited this place, the tsunami would have already arrived. It’s useless no matter how fast you fly. How can you make it difficult for people to evacuate and notify them one by one? It is estimated that the tsunami will hit us within a short time. Intimidation? Intimidation? What is the difference between persuasion and persuasion?

Therefore, Zhang was afraid to fly directly to various palaces, palaces or island owners' residences, use force to scare the leaders, and then tell them how powerful they were. However, those in power are always suspicious, and most people don't buy it. If you say a tsunami, it's a tsunami? Who knows if it is a trap set by the enemy, it would be strange to believe you.

Zhang was extremely anxious but could not kill anyone, so he could only abandon one place and notify the next, repeating this situation again and again. Half a day passed in the blink of an eye, and the tsunami was getting closer and closer. Fortunately, at this time, Cheng Xier came over with the girls.

Cheng Xier was smart and decisive, and acted directly. She did not escort the fishermen home at all like Zhang Wen said. She ordered the girls to work in pairs. When they saw the ship, they used magic to startle the sea. The waves were surging on three sides, and the reverse current rushed towards the ship. Only one direction was left to force them to return.

In this half day, Zhang was afraid that he could not visit more than a hundred islands despite his best efforts, mainly because he talked for too long. Seeing Cheng Xi'er bringing people over, she asked urgently: "Is it okay?" Cheng Xi'er said: "How many ships are there in Bai Qian Kingdom? Mainly there are many ships in Hei Yun Kingdom and several nearby islands. It takes a little effort. time."

Zhang Awei nodded and briefly described the situation he encountered. Cheng Xier sighed: "We have done our best with a clear conscience. We have done what we should do, but they don't believe there is any way?" Then he said: "Yunyi, Fang Jian and the others No news has been sent back yet.”

Zhang Yin gave a sigh of relief. Cheng Xi'er suggested: "Let's spread out, it will go faster." Zhang Ain shook his head: "There is no need to inform, tell the senior officials, they don't believe it; tell the people, we don't have time, you walk with me again." After saying that, his wings flapped, taking him flying from south to north over the ocean.

Not all of the thousands of islands are suitable for human habitation. Too many islands are too small, lack water, or are full of rocks, making it impossible for people to live in peace. Zhang feared that his spiritual consciousness was fully developed, and he flew north and south over and over again, carefully grasping the situation on the westernmost island. The tsunami comes from this side.

The northernmost part of the western line is Bai Qian Country, and the southernmost part is a large island with hundreds of thousands of people living there. The two islands are separated by more than 3,000 miles. Between the two islands, there are more than 300 islands, large and small, with a population of tens of millions.

Zhang was afraid that if he lost his temper, he would risk his life again. He plans to use ice crystals as a wall to stop the tsunami! Let the tsunami not harm the people. After making the decision, he apologized to Bing Jing. The last time he tried to save the people of Yue Kingdom, Bing Jing was seriously injured due to loss of strength. He returned to the place where he grew up to rest for a few days before slowly recovering. Bing Jing didn't care if he would be injured again, and jumped over and said that it was just a thousand miles away, no problem.

Its jump reminded Zhang Ai of something. Yong'an Lake, where the ice crystals were born, is only a few hundred miles long and wide. It is considered a boundless lake. Ice crystals have the ability to control the changes in the lake water, but this is the sea, and an ice wall of more than three thousand miles has to be condensed. ? Still have to withstand the impact of the tsunami?

The more he thought about it, the less he dared to think about it. He was worried that Bingjing would be injured again, so he got up and flew north to Bai Qianguo. He found Princess Shuiyue and said, "When the tsunami comes, I am unable to protect you. I suggest that the people abandon the island and go south to take refuge on a larger island. Princess Shuiyue murmured: "Is there really a tsunami?"

Now is not the time to discuss the truth or falsehood of the matter. Zhang Ping once prayed secretly, praying that the power of the tsunami would be greatly reduced when it approached, and it would not have a catastrophic impact on the island residents. But that was prayer, and the facts were always contrary to prayer. He said solemnly: "It's best to avoid it. If you want to avoid it, I can help you."

Of the more than 300 islands on the western front, only Bai Qian Island is isolated overseas, neighboring the Black Cloud Country across more than 400 miles of sea route. Princess Shuiyue bit her lips, shook her head slowly and said, "I won't go to Black Cloud Country."

"If you don't go, the people won't go either? Are you waiting to die?" Zhang said anxiously as time was running out.

Princess Shuiyue looked at the people who were dragging their families up the mountain in the distance. There were flags and soldiers on the mountain to guide the way. There was a panic at the bottom of the mountain. She was anxious but couldn't make a decision. She said softly: "What if a tsunami comes while the boat is sailing?" A worse death."

Zhang was speechless and looked at the people. He saw the sea breeze blowing the flag flying high and cursed himself as a bastard and a pig brain! The more critical the moment, the less awake you become! Say to Princess Shuiyue: "What you said is, I will help you protect the island." She ducked away, turned into light and shadow, and formed an array at the foot of the mountain where the people gathered. The smaller the range, the stronger the protection. The Five Elements Array was built according to the terrain, and adopted the method of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements. It focused on setting up earth attribute arrays, supplemented by wood attribute arrays to absorb the power of the ocean tide.

The speed was too fast, and the people could not see anything. They could only feel the air shaking, and something seemed different here.

Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to say goodbye to Princess Shuiyue after setting up the magic circle, so he flew south to other islands and looked for smaller islands with more people to continue setting up. He has tens of thousands of formation flags, but he used to think they were too many, and he never had the chance to use all the formation flags. Now the opportunity has come. The tens of thousands of formation flags have been used up quickly, and more than forty formations can be set up. On average, each formation uses nearly two thousand formation flags, which can only protect a very small area, while the entire Western Front , there are more than 300 islands that do not even have such protection.

Use the light array flag and wait for the tsunami to arrive. All we can do now is pray that the tsunami stops.

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