The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 498 Capturing the King

Chapter 498 Capturing the King

Princess Shuiyue had already come ashore. She didn't care even though she was wet. She asked the soldiers for a cloak and wrapped it around her body to cover the parts that showed the shape. She picked up a knife next to the corpse on the ground and pointed at the Heiyun Kingdom warship and shouted He said: "Which one is the Grand Governor? Why are you attacking our country for no reason?"

The Commander-in-Chief was in his thirties and looked strong. He stood on the bow and laughed loudly: "How dare thousands of people rule the country in such a big place? Besides, you have betrayed your trust first. I will bring some people to teach you a lesson." Zhang was afraid that the large ship whose situation he could not figure out was there, so the governor did not dare to speak too harshly.

Princess Shuiyue said angrily: "What is a breach of trust? My ship encountered a shipwreck, and half of the crew died. Fortunately, I was saved by Lord En, so I managed to survive. If I die, will it be considered a breach of trust?"

Everyone knows that Heiyun Kingdom covets Bai Qiandao, but for the sake of good looks, one of them is looking for reasons to fight, and the other is looking for reasons not to fight, and they are playing a literal game.

The Grand Governor sneered: "It's up to you to say what you say, I only look at the facts."

"Okay, it's nothing more than asking me to get in. As evidenced by the soldiers on both sides in front of the two armies, I will marry you now. Do you dare to marry me?"

The governor was stunned, is this okay? It was so easy to lead the troops to fight back, but everything could happen to them.

Fang Jian shook his head slightly. This woman was really smart. The enemy army was pressing down on the situation. She knew that she could not fight hard, not to mention that she might not be able to fight, so she sacrificed herself to save the people. She had already had this mentality in mind when she first agreed to get married. Now that the situation was urgent, it was just bringing up old matters again.

Zhang Ai thought further. Thousands and eight people from Heiyun Kingdom came to attack the island? Bai Qianguo only has 300 guards? Why do I think there is something wrong with this view? I let go of my consciousness and found that there was also a war going on behind the island. There were more people than here, and the fighting was much more tragic.

Don't be afraid of quarrels. No matter how fierce you are, you can't kill anyone. But that's not the case in the battlefield behind, where someone can die at any time. Zhang was afraid of lightning and disappeared into the dense forest behind the coast in the blink of an eye.

Some soldiers on Baiqian Island were confused about the situation and hurriedly fired arrows to intercept them, but everyone disappeared and the arrows had not yet fallen. A group of people were surprised when there was an explosion behind the island. Two groups of people on the beach were stunned and suspicious. Who is this guy helping? There are thousands of soldiers who are worried that their lair will be taken away and want to run back and fight for their lives.

At this time, the man came back again, carrying one person in each hand. One was a man in his fifties, naked from the waist up; the other was wearing leather armor and was about forty years old.

Zhang was afraid that he would throw the two of them on the beach when he came back, so he sat down cross-legged and said nothing.

When Princess Shuiyue saw the two people he had captured, she rushed over and shouted: "Dad." The soldiers of the Black Cloud Kingdom on the sea also exclaimed: "General?"

The troops of the Heiyun Kingdom were divided into two groups. One was led by the Grand Governor to attack from the beach, and the other was led by the General and the death squads to climb up the cliff behind the island and attack in a sneak attack. Because the dead soldiers were brave and powerful, they contained most of Bai Qianguo's troops, and even the island owner went to battle in person.

Now the generals of the two armies were captured by Zhang Afraid, and the soldiers below did not bother to fight. The leaders were all caught and beaten. Except for Princess Shuiyue, no one acted rashly. That guy could easily kidnap the top general, or two, in front of the two armies. What level is this?

The Grand Governor said loudly: "Sir, can you board the ship and tell me?" He didn't even ask about his name and origin, and he wanted to rescue the general first.

Zhang Ain waved to him: "Come and talk." He then said to the surrounding soldiers who were about to move: "Don't come here, come here and kill people." He waved his hand and shot a silver light in front of the fifty-year-old red man, half of a Ruhong long sword. It sways slightly in the sand.

The soldiers from both sides understood clearly that this guy was either abnormal or very capable and dared to offend two countries at the same time.

The Grand Governor saw Zhang Wei's performance and thought for a moment. He must not lose face in front of the army no matter what. He is the future leader of the Black Cloud Kingdom and a role model for the army. If he is too timid to step forward, how will he govern the country in the future? He gritted his teeth and said, "Prepare the ship."

The surrounding lieutenants all knelt down to stop him, and the governor said coldly: "It's just a life, what are you afraid of? If the general can't be saved, do you and I still have the nerve to return home? Prepare the ship!"

This battle was too confusing. I originally thought that it would be easy to capture, but I never expected that there would be an extra variable like Zhang Wei. It’s just a small country with tens of thousands of people, what can it do? Rather than saying it is a country, it is more appropriate to call it a tribe, and Heiyun Kingdom does not look down upon it at all. Three thousand elite soldiers and one thousand dead soldiers were sent to attack, led by two close relatives, in order to gain military exploits for the two of them.

Now there is no way to accumulate military exploits, but the general cannot be allowed to die here. The Grand Governor was very upset, and he launched a sneak attack. Why are you, a prince, running into the battlefield? The general is his uncle, why don't you save him? Let him die here? It makes no difference whether you go back or not. If you are timid and have no responsibility, you abandon your loved ones without saving them. If you go back, you will not be able to become the leader of the country. You might as well give it a try.

After a long delay, the governor finally came to the shore. Zhang Aing said loudly: "All soldiers stand back a hundred meters. If there are any offenders, they will be killed without mercy!" He picked up a stone the size of a millstone on the beach and struck with his right hand, causing the stone to shatter and shoot out.

Zhang Tian placed his lips on the boat and said: "It's embarrassing, it only scares people." After laughing at Zhang Awei, he laughed at the soldiers of the two countries: "It's just a fight with just a few people? It's boring."

Zhang Tianfang thought it was boring, but the soldiers on both sides didn't dare to think so. If they could break stones, wouldn't their heads be broken with just a touch? Soldiers from both sides retreated slowly. Zhang Ai was left with four people: the island owner, who was in her fifties, her daughter Princess Shuiyue, and the general and governor.

The Grand Governor approached his uncle to check his body and found no injuries. He complained in a low voice: "There are so many soldiers, why are you rushing up?" The General smiled bitterly and said: "Where is it? I'm in the warship. I'm on the ground. He was caught, and that guy was very fast on the water." When the Governor heard this, he could easily capture the king in the military formation but he didn't capture me? Are you giving me face or looking down on me?

Zhang Ping said: "Let's talk about how to avoid fighting." War is like child's play in his eyes.

The four giants didn't say anything, especially Princess Shuiyue who was very angry and glared at the general and the governor. The Grand Governor smiled bitterly: "Don't look at it. Isn't it enough to withdraw the troops?" The island owner coldly snorted: "I can come and leave whenever I want. What do you think I am, Bai Qianguo?"

Zhang was afraid of what he said in his heart: "Stop putting on airs, how dare you call a country with such a small number of people, alas." He looked at the Governor and listened to what he said. The governor said: "I've been beaten, what else can I do? If you want to keep me, you must have this ability."

He despised Lord Bai Qian from the bottom of his heart. If his daughter, Princess Shuiyue, wasn't so pretty, he wouldn't even come. There are not many beauties among the people on the sea, and it is really rare to find a great beauty, so he is willing to give up the advantage of an island and only ask for the companionship of Princess Shuiyue.

Fundamentally speaking, Heiyun Kingdom wants territory and women, but Princess Shuiyue has a fierce temper. If you want territory, I will fight with you, if you want me, you have to give up territory. You can only choose one of the two. For the sake of future generations, the Lord of Heiyun reluctantly chose the beauty to give up the country. Unexpectedly, the beauty disappeared, so he led his troops to take the country. In the middle of the fight, the beauty appeared. Isn't this a torment?

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