The Monk

Volume One Chapter 491 Battle

Chapter 491 Battle

Similarly, the ghost disciples were outnumbered and the eighteen great monks were not sure that they could defeat them. They did not dare to attack rashly. They just guarded the Sky Buddha and a group of girls and were on guard. The two groups temporarily formed a stalemate.

The red-haired ghost disciple was a little embarrassed. He never expected that more than 60 top-level masters could not even snatch the knife back. He looked at the group of monks with hatred in his teeth.

While everyone is tossing about it, the moon climbs high into the sky, and the night becomes deeper and deeper. There were people coming from afar. More than twenty men in black arrived one after another. When they saw the three ghost disciples in red, they raised their hands and signaled to join them.

Zhang Tianfang and others were still injured. After taking a large amount of elixirs, the girls quietly healed their injuries. Zhang was afraid that there was nothing he could do. The target of the ship was too big, so he could only move everyone to the shore to rest. Zhang Tianfang, who was always full of energy, pretended to be surprised and said, "They're here again."

There were close to ninety ghost disciples, but Zhang Wen only had twenty monks plus himself, so there was an absolute disparity in strength. If it weren't for the amazing power of ice crystals, those red-eyed thieves would have killed them long ago.

Bu Kong said: "You take the girls and go first, the master and I will stop them." Zhang Awei shook his head: "What they want is Zhang Tianfang's ghost knife. Throw away the broken knife. They have left long ago."

"Why should I throw away my magic weapon?" Zhang Tianfang kept talking while lying down.

Seeing more and more enemies, Sky Buddha was a little embarrassed. He didn't know how to minimize the casualties. What he was worried about was Zhang Tianfang's wounded number. Any ghost disciple could kill them all. Fortunately, not only the ghost disciples had helpers coming, Zhang was afraid that helpers would also come here. Seven handsome guys flew in like seven butterflies, turned half a circle in the air, and stopped in front of a group of injured people.

Not long after the seven handsome guys arrived, more than ten demon cultivators flew in, some of whom they had met before. A dozen demon cultivators suddenly saw so many top-level ghost disciples, and their hearts trembled. The enemy was beyond imagination. Fortunately, there were nineteen great monks at the bottom, so they dared to join in and stand with the seven beauties.

It was like going to a market, one came first and two followed, and not long after, four Buddhists and seven demonic cultivators flew in. There were more than fifty people in total, each holding magical instruments and treasures and waiting in formation. As for the ghost disciples, more than a dozen people also flew in. A total of nearly a hundred ghost disciples were surrounding the sky, monitoring the people below. The two sides are at war with each other and are always ready for a bloody battle.

Zhang Afraid, Zhang Tianfang and Fang Jian all looked up in a daze as more than 150 top-level masters fought against each other. It was a big deal, absolutely a big deal. Looking at the world, there was no place in the world where there were so many top-level masters. This is fighting, this is desperate, just watching it makes your blood boil.

Zhang Tianfang said calmly: "It's too exaggerated."

What is a top-level master? There are very few top-level masters, a small number of people who have reached the top level of strength. However, the top-level masters here and now are as worthless as cabbage. Not to mention the hundreds of ghost disciples, they were the killing tools crafted by the Ghost Emperor in batches, and they were also the flesh elixir used by the Ghost Emperor to improve his cultivation. They were not representative. There are only twenty-three Buddhists, plus Fu Kong, a total of twenty-four Buddhists, and thirty top-level demon cultivators. These many masters who are rarely seen in ordinary times have appeared in groups at this moment. What they were after was the ghost sword in Zhang Tianfang's hand. The Ghost Emperor needed it, and the ghost sword became the hook, easily leading so many masters to confront each other.

Zhang Tianfang didn't care about this. This guy who didn't know how to die was afraid that it wouldn't be fun, so he shouted: "Do you want to fight?" World, send him to the West to see the Buddha, but there are so many masters in front of him, more than a hundred of them are top-level practitioners, killing him is just a joke, but he still dares to talk nonsense.

Zhang Ai glared at him and said: "Shut up." He didn't want to start a fight. The city gate would be on fire and Chi Yu would be affected. One hundred and fifty super masters would fight. After the fight, I don't know what kind of ruin this place would be like. The mountains and rivers would be different. The water would definitely involve the girls recuperating on the shore. He was worried that he would not be able to take good care of them. As long as a small oversight was made, the price the girls would pay would definitely be their lives. These people are so awesome!

Zhang Tianfang stopped making noise and continued to watch the excitement. The two gangs were facing each other more than a thousand meters apart. The ghosts stopped at high altitude, and the Buddhists stayed near the water. Everyone was very nervous and trying to restrain themselves. No one wanted to be the first to rush. Go up and be cannon fodder. It's not empty, so he picked up the monk's robe and magic weapon.

The two groups of super masters just looked at each other until midnight. It was dawn.

Zhang Zisheng was so confused that nothing happened. Why did the trouble follow him wherever he went? If you get through this time, you must find a fortune teller to take a good look at it for yourself.

After dawn, the teams of both sides grew again, and all top-level ghost disciples from the Ghost Emperor on down gathered here. Zhang was afraid that some demon cultivators and Buddhist monks would come to join in the fun, including the fat monk's wonderful method. I don’t know how these guys conveyed the news and found so many people quietly.

The larger the number of people, the less dared the two gangs were to act rashly. But not daring to move does not mean that he does not want to move. The Buddhist monk is compassionate and cares about the lives of the girls, so he chooses to tolerate it temporarily. But they also thought of the common people in the world. If they let the ghost disciples go today, more people will be killed by them tomorrow. The two powers are harming each other, whichever is the lesser. The Buddhist monk in the sky sighs, and the Buddhist monks in the field activate at the same time to kill the ghost disciples in the sky.

The Buddhist monk moved very quickly, dodged and jumped over a thousand meters away, and actively looked for people to fight with various Buddhist treasures. A large number of bald heads rushed towards the man in black, looking very shocked. But because the movement was too fast, only a few people could feel the shock.

When the Buddhist monks took action, the demonic cultivators, not willing to lag behind others, also flew into the sky to kill the ghost disciples. The calm situation was immediately broken, and the sky was full of swords, swords, shadows and fists, bringing cruelty and terror to the world again.

Zhang Tianfang widened his eyes and shouted: "It's so good, we finally started fighting." Zhang Tianfang was afraid that he would not be able to watch the excitement, so he activated the ice crystals, and the river water rose up, forming a thick iceberg, half of which fell in the water and half of which fell on the shore. A group of wounded people were covered inside.

Zhang Tianfang immediately shouted: "Let me out, I can't see you anymore!" No one paid attention to him, Zhang was afraid and ignored him, and flew to the iceberg to stand there. He wanted to protect the iceberg and the girls who were recovering from injuries in the iceberg.

There was a chaos in the sky, and the chasing and fighting was so lively, because the movements were too fast, and looking from the bottom up, it seemed like countless shadows were flying, dangling here and there but never landing, and not bullying those with more. It is difficult for anyone to be injured by the other party.

Zhang Ai looked at it for a while, and realized that the Buddhists were really powerful. They usually fought against the ghost disciples one against two. Unfortunately, the Buddhists were good at defending but not attacking, and the Buddhists rarely killed animals. They often missed the opportunity to kill, and were occupied by the ghost disciples for a while. It's cheap, but it's at a disadvantage.

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