The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 477 Visitors from the Holy City

Chapter 477: Visitors from the Holy City

This sentence was agreed upon by both of them. The source of the troubles caused by the ghosts in the Holy Kingdom began with the demonic monks. The greedy ones among them harmed the world, but it was outsiders, a group of bald monks, who saved people and brought order to the world.

Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "What about Buddhists? Aren't you just using people in the same way?"

Zhang was afraid to laugh when he heard this: "I found that you are just dissatisfied and unhappy, and you have opinions on everyone and everything." Fang Jian nodded in agreement: "That's right." "You have a big head." Zhang Tianfang said angrily : "Did I say something wrong?"

The three of them were talking nonsense by the river, but the Hefang Temple was shrouded in sadness. Too many people looked sad and worried. They didn't know when they would be able to return home, and they didn't know if they would survive. For them, survival is a problem, eating, drinking, sleeping is a problem, everything is a problem.

This kind of day lasted for three days. On the fourth day, a large number of demon cultivators flew in. The leaders were three Nascent Soul masters. They led more than a thousand saints with intermediate Dan-formation cultivation levels and above to line up outside Hefang Temple. They were the saints. They were all sent to pick them up.

The Holy City received news from two demonic cultivating sects, saying that nearly 100,000 people and two sects were attacked by ghosts, but they managed to survive relying on the protection of Buddhist cultivators. Such a thing is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Holy City. Demonic cultivators and Buddhist cultivators have been at odds with each other for more than ten thousand years. If they hadn't been unable to defeat these bald heads, they would have been destroyed a few times ago. Unexpectedly, the disaster was coming, but these bald heads were asked to help save them. people? What a joke! So all the forces around Hefang Temple were urgently dispatched to pick up the injured demon cultivator and the people in the city.

An alchemy cultivator walked out of the team and said to the fat monk: "The ghosts caused chaos and the people were in trouble. Thanks to the mercy of the master, tens of thousands of people were saved. Now the Lord of the Holy City has given an order, ordering us to come and pick them up. "Give me a pure place." There were no words of thanks or respect in his words, as if two strangers were chatting casually without asking whether they agreed.

The Buddhist cultivation is good. The two gangs have been at odds for tens of thousands of years, and the magic method is to forget the past grudges and sacrifice one's life to save others. What's more, the pill-forming demon cultivator said a few nonsense words and said lightly: "Please do it." But it was still a bit of a show. For a while, he sat in front of the temple door with his eyes closed, motionless.

The fat monk said something, and more than a hundred demon cultivators in the temple came out first, rushing to pay their respects to the seniors. The people were terrified and didn't understand what was happening. Some demonic cultivators shouted: "It is the righteousness of the Holy Ancestor that all my disciples must put the people first. Now that you are in great danger, the Holy Ancestor ordered us to save you from the fire and water, and rest in the Holy City for the time being. Kill all the traitors and send them back to their homes." The voice was loud and spread throughout the temple. After hearing this, the people discussed and decided whether to stay or go.

The Holy Kingdom is vast, with no borders or edges, but everyone knows the Holy Religion, which is their state religion. Compared to the kindness of the monks, they were more willing to believe in the power of the Holy Religion. Moreover, there were more than a thousand people outside the temple, and there was only one great monk in Hefang Temple to protect them. Everyone quickly made a decision to follow the disciples of the Holy Religion to the Holy Capital.

The three top-level masters acted separately, with one scouting the way in the front, one in the middle to coordinate, and one in the rear. More than a thousand demon cultivators drove the people on their way, which was considered a good arrangement.

While waiting for the people to go to Feiya, three top-level masters became curious about Zhang Ai and others, and came over and asked: "Who are you?" Zhang Tianfang hated people pretending to be big in front of him, so he rolled his eyes and said: "We are us."

The demon cultivator who asked the question smiled slightly, glanced at the ghost sword in Zhang Tianfang's hand from the corner of his eye, and said with a slight shock: "Ghost sword? Yes, it's only been more than a hundred years. From building a foundation to about to give birth to a baby, no wonder Aotian can't do anything to you. ." Then he said casually: "Are you going to follow us or take you back to the Holy Capital?" He looked down upon the two Nascent Soul Intermediate monks and a group of pill-forming disciples.

Zhang was afraid of the surging river behind him. With his tyrannical capital, he was not afraid of him and replied: "We are not going anywhere."

The demon cultivator who asked the question chuckled softly, "You can't make the decision." The words were full of contempt, and when Zhang Tianfang was about to get angry, the fat monk Miaofa said: "They are not going anywhere, they want to stay in Hefang Temple. "The fat monk has reached the state of being as immovable as a mountain. He sat cross-legged at the entrance of the temple and there was a huge mountain of meat sitting on his back.

"Oh?" The questioning demon cultivator turned around and looked over. The fat monk looked like he was before. He was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed and could not shake him. Anger appeared in the questioning demon cultivator's eyes and he turned to look at the two companions beside him. Use your eyes to ask for their opinion. The two companions shook their heads slightly, and the questioning demon cultivator pondered for a moment, then turned around and left after holding back their anger. Since you have decided to endure this tone, there is no need to talk nonsense.

Half an hour later, the people boarded the Qian Duo Fei Men respectively, and someone shouted: "Get up." With an order, more than Qian Duo Fei Men took off into the sky at the same time, and it looked really majestic and spectacular. The three top-level experts took care of the entire team according to prearranged arrangements and led everyone to fly east to the Holy Capital.

Watching them leave, Fang Jian sighed: "You used countless pills to build up the seven hundred pill-forming masters in Tianlei Mountain. Look at others, you can easily get more than a thousand people. There is something wonderful about the magic cultivation fruit."

Zhang Awei didn't answer his question, walked up to Miaofa and said, "The people have left and no longer need protection, so it's time for us to leave." Miaofa opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Awei, and after a while he replied: "That's fine." He stood up and replied. temple. Zhang Afraid always felt that something was wrong, and shouted to the monk: "You just said you wanted us to stay here, what are you doing here?"

Miaofa didn't say anything, walked into the temple step by step, and then looked for a broom to clean.

At this time, the ghost sword in Zhang Tianfang's palm screamed softly. Zhang Tianfang asked in surprise: "Is there murderous intent?" Looking around, except for them, there was not even a ghost. He said in surprise: "It can't be wrong." Zhang Aif raised his chin and charged at Miaofa. Clicked twice, which meant that the source of murderous intent was there. Zhang Tianfang couldn't believe it and said, "How is it possible?"

Miao Fa scanned the yard for a while, then came out and said: "I want to kill someone." These four words frightened the three of them. The monk wanted to kill someone? Miaofa said: "I have recited the Heart Sutra, recited the precepts several times, and swept the yard, but I still can't get rid of this thought. I want to kill someone."

Zhang Tianfang looked up and down at the magic method: "Are you crazy, monk?"

Miaofa threw away the broom, waved his sleeves and said, "I'm going." With a wave of his sleeves, the person was gone.

"This guy went to kill someone?" Zhang Tianfang couldn't believe it. Zhang Ping said: "I don't know what kind of obsession I encountered, but the murderous intention is so strong." Fang Jian sighed: "According to what he said, he has been suppressing the murderous intention for a while, but he has not suppressed it at all."

"Why do you care about others? They are gone, where are we going?" Zhang Tianfang said.

"Stay here in the empty temple and help people guard the temple." To be honest, Zhang Ping didn't know where to go. How about sailing out to sea? But in my heart, I couldn't bear to abandon hundreds of millions of people, so I found an excuse to stay.

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