The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 474 Seven Beauties

Chapter 474 Seven Beauties

There was a lot of fun, the sun was setting, and the number of fishing boats in the lake was slowly decreasing. The girls had eaten too much and went back to their rooms to rest. The two masters got a lot of money and left. Zhang Ain stood guard in the solitude behind the hustle and bustle and shouted into the water: "Come up." This guy actually stayed in the water for a whole day.

Zhang Tianfang returned to the deck with water stains all over his body, and Zhang Ping pushed over a table with several plates of dishes on it. The two master chefs had a great time competing, and the dishes were also cooked exceptionally well, making them appetizing just looking at them. Fang Jian came over with three bottles of wine and said, "I'm just waiting for you and haven't eaten yet. Are you impressed?"

The three of them sat according to the table, drinking from each other under the moonlight, eating and drinking, but no one spoke. Fang Jian couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you bored?" Zhang Weijing agreed: "Say something." Zhang Tianfang said: "I didn't expect the Ghost Emperor to be so powerful."

Yeah, who would have thought? Buddhists are considered to be the most mysterious and unfathomable group of masters among cultivators. However, a ghost emperor can fight against nineteen Buddhists without losing. Even if he is tricked in the end, he can break out of the formation. This level of strength is beyond imagination.

Zhang Ping understood what Zhang Tianxin was thinking, raised his glass and said, "There are too many things that are not up to you to decide. If they didn't refine them into weapon souls, you would still be in that alms bowl." Fang Jian also advised: "Nine Great Ghosts The emperor can at least live forever."

Zhang Tianfang nodded, and he understood what they were saying, but he understood clearly. The uncomfortable feeling in his heart kept wandering around, and he could not make up his mind. He took a sip of wine and said: "Billions of ghosts have become the nine ghost kings. It is a crime to escape from the devil's bowl and swallow many innocent souls to survive and bring disaster to the people. "

Zhang Aifang glanced at him and smiled: "You have become kind." Zhang Tianfang scolded: "Get out of here." After a quarrel, the atmosphere became no longer oppressive, and Fang Jian continued to joke: "Tell me, what does it feel like to stay in the water for a day? ." Zhang Tianfang also gave him two words: "Get out."

In fact, all three of them understood that although the Nine Ghost Emperors were sealed in Buddha treasures and could not come out, if they had not taken Zhang Tianfang into consideration, they could have chosen to lose their souls. There was really no need to refine their souls into weapons for others to control. All ghost emperors are cruel and vicious. The most common thing they do is to be a piece of jade rather than a ruin. What they like to do the most is to hurt others without benefiting themselves. Let these nine top masters sacrifice their own cultivation and refine their souls to use them as weapons for an ordinary person. What a blessing. How could Zhang Tianfang not remember how good they were, not to mention that they grew up together and were already familiar with each other.

The three of them were noisily drinking, and seven people flew up in the moonlight. They landed on the deck and said with a smile: "You are in good spirits." Zhang looked back and saw that it was the seven handsome men he had seen before. He raised his glass and said: " Sit down. "Since the seven masters are all familiar with each other, let's not pretend to be reserved. The seven handsome men were not polite and pulled a table together. Someone said: "Just a few dishes? Is there any wine?"

Zhang Ping took out a few bottles of wine, pointed to the stove behind him and said, "The dishes are in the pot." This time the three of them drank without using spirit wine, because the girls thought the dishes were too delicious, but no matter how delicious they were, they were just vulgar food. Do not use spiritual wine to accompany it, otherwise the wine will be too delicious and this delicious food will be wasted. Zhang was afraid that this was what he felt, so he drank ordinary aged wine. Looking at it now, it saved him some trouble.

Eating fish is delicious. The two master chefs are definitely masters in this way. More than a hundred fish can be used to make more than 30 kinds of dishes with more than 30 flavors. All kinds of beards and scales can be used in the dishes. What they serve is dazzling in color, aroma and taste. There are about ten dishes of delicacies in the steamer at the back. They were originally intended to be left to Zhang Tianfang. Who knows when he will finish his nerves? Now it is appropriate to take it out to treat guests. The seven handsome men were really rude. Two of them stood up to serve the food. Two more people came to share the wine and asked, "No glasses? How can you drink from a bottle? You're wasting the wine."

"Drinking should be rough, eating should be careful." Zhang Ping took out a few more bottles of wine, and everyone started drinking from one bottle.

"Well said." The seven guys were all so young and handsome, wearing the same white clothes. It was hard to tell who was who for a while. One of them shouted "Hello" and raised a bottle and said: "We met by chance and felt our friendship. Let's do it."

Zhang Weijing was startled. Although it was bottled wine, it was a five-pound bottle of high-strength wine. If you didn't use magic to turn the drunkenness away, there would be no problem in knocking down a person with a pound of wine. But what’s the point of drinking with mana? He couldn't help but persuade him: "I am a layman. I drink wine to get drunk. Now I do it. Am I seeking to get drunk or to feel refreshed?"

The man was stunned, then laughed and said: "You think I use my magic power to drink? You are kidding! What are you doing if you don't get drunk? Do it." He raised his neck and took a big sip, then put away the bottle and said, "It's true that I can't do it, haha." He was like this Once this happened, everyone at the table laughed, and the relationship between the two parties seemed a little more harmonious. Another handsome man smiled and said: "This is the sixth child of my family. He likes to make mischief. Fellow Taoists, please forgive me."

How dare Zhang Ai and the three of them not forgive? These are the seven masters. They are laughing and joking to coax them over, but they also really have a good impression of the seven of them. The seven beauties are all at the top level of Nascent Soul. Zhang Ain was really surprised by their magnanimity and behavior. Is there such a person among demon cultivators?

The handsome old Liu said: "I saw you twice, both times admiring the moon in the lake. You are so elegant. Who are you hanging out with?" After taking a bite of food, before Zhang Ain could reply, he shouted: "Okay." Eat!" He frowned and asked the person who just spoke: "Second brother, how long have we not eaten?" The handsome second brother replied: "The whole fish feast is really good, thank you for your hospitality." He is better at talking than the sixth brother. , no matter what, first make sure these things are really delicious.

Zhang Ping said: "Don't be polite. Use your chopsticks to eat whatever you want. Have you been to Tiexian Valley?" The last time we met, Qimeinan asked for directions to Tiexian Valley, and Zhang Ping didn't know the location.

The handsome old man shook his head: "No, it's quite hard to find a bad place." After eating a few sips and drinking a few sips, he looked at another handsome man: "Brother, just stop looking and go home."

The boss glared at him and raised his glass and said: "I just listened to the nonsense of the sixth brother and didn't have time to introduce myself. It's my brother's rudeness. The seven of us are from Yuehe. We share the same loyalty with each other and have become brothers of the opposite sex. My name is Hengtianxiao." The remaining six brothers reported their names in turn. Zhang was afraid that the three of them hurried to follow. After an introduction, they became acquaintances, and the two parties chatted. Zhang Wen wanted to know more about the seven beauties, so he laid the groundwork for a while. Hengtian suddenly stood up with a smile and looked to the north.

what? Zhang was curious, what could he see in this dark night sky? The other six handsome guys stood up and also stood facing north. At this time, even a fool knows that something is happening to the north. Not long after, a black shadow streaked across the sky under the moonlight, followed by nineteen bald heads.

Zhang Weijing and the other three were stunned when they saw him: "Why are you here? You haven't caught up for more than a day?" The seven handsome guys were also stunned: "Nineteen Buddhists are chasing one person? Who is this person?"

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