The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 464 Village

Chapter 464 Village

During the whole process of beheading someone, Zhang Ain remained expressionless and his moves were very steady. He was also wondering how hard-hearted he had become. Killing people at this moment and breathing out a sigh of relief is like completing a certain task. Asked the handsome young man who just spoke: "What's wrong with you?"

Can one sentence frighten all the saints? What? Is this murderous maniac addicted to killing people? Carefully retreating and being on guard, the handsome young man didn't know what Zhang Ain meant by asking, but he didn't want to offend such a cruel master, so he narrated the incident in detail, fearing that he would offend him by missing something.

A brief introduction to the whole thing is that Hu Mazi massacred three villages in a row to practice martial arts, and was discovered by two saints on the way to the fourth village. The saints bullied him two-on-one. Hu Mazi was furious and sent out a summons to summon his associates to help, and the saints also called for help. When the two groups were fighting each other, Zhang Wen arrived, and that was it.

Zhang Awei frowned when he heard this and asked: "How many ghost disciples are there in the Holy Kingdom?" The handsome young man shook his head: "I don't know, there must be hundreds of thousands, right?" Zhang Awei asked again: "How many masters are there in the ghost disciples?" The young man replied Said: "There are 108 top-level ghost disciples in Tiexian Valley alone. I estimate that there are at least over 10,000 Nascent Soul masters."

Over ten thousand Nascent Soul ghost disciples? Zhang was afraid that he was in a dilemma. How could he kill all these bastard ghost disciples? He waved to the young man and said, "Let's go." The young man hurriedly led others to bow and say goodbye. At this time, Zhang Tianzhuang shouted: "Wait a minute, who knows how to get to Daxiong Temple?" By the way, Zhang Ai said with contempt: "Pig brain , and forgot to ask for directions.”

None of the twenty or so ghost disciples knew the location of Daxiong Temple, so they all said they didn't know, and then said goodbye again. This time no one stopped him and he left quickly. Zhang Tianfang said bitterly: "Unlucky old monk, he didn't even tell me his address clearly."

At this time, a dark wind passed by, causing the concentration beads in his body to jump slightly. Zhang Ai looked at the corpse of the ghost disciple suspiciously. Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "What's there to see? It's just eaten by ghosts." Eighteen new dead souls were added, attracting big ghosts to swallow them.

But he forgot that Zhang Tianfang was born with yin and yang eyes and could see the souls of all ghosts. He thought for a moment and asked: "There are nine ghost emperors living in the ghost sword. Why don't they swallow the souls?" The souls of the eighteen pill-forming ghost disciples are not considered good. It's great, but definitely not bad. Of course, it's important for your own people to come, and you can't take advantage of outsiders.

Not wanting to ask this question, Zhang Tianfang fell silent, held the ghost knife in his arms and walked away for a few steps, with a sullen face as he didn't know what he was thinking. Zhang is afraid that he will become more and more curious. Ghosts need to continue to devour their own kind in order to continue to exist, otherwise they will slowly disappear. And they have been together for so long, and they have never seen the Ghost King devouring souls, and the power of the Ghost Sword remains unchanged, right?

Breathing softly, he released the concentration beads to absorb the soul. The Soul Concentration Pearl has a very good function. It can store and protect the souls. The ghosts hiding in it will not face the danger of death that disappears at any time, and will not start killing each other and devour each other desperately. It can be regarded as a paradise for ghosts.

The calming bead swung around in the air and then retracted into the body. All eighteen new souls and foreign ghosts were taken away. Zhang Wen and others immediately felt that the surrounding environment became much more refreshing. Zhang Tianfang stood holding the ghost knife for a while, seeming to notice something strange in Zhang Wen's eyes, he snorted and went to rummage through the dead people's storage bags, while asking, "Where are we going now?"

Zhang Ping said: "Let's go ahead and take a look." At this time, what he wanted to do most was no longer to find the ghost, but to kill the ghost disciples.

Zhang Tianfang held a dozen storage bags and said nonchalantly, "Whatever." He should head west first. A dozen miles further in this direction was another village. The people in that village knew nothing about what had just happened. They had no idea that someone was trying to kill them or that someone had rescued them.

Zhang Ain asked the girls to follow him, walked two steps quickly and walked side by side with Zhang Tianfang, pretending to be casual and asked casually: "Is Jiuling Guizhen's weapon refining magic?" Zhang Tianfang said in gratitude. Zhang Ping understood that the nine ghost emperors had merged with the ghost sword. They were no longer souls, so they naturally could not devour souls. The advantage was that they would not dissipate and die, but the disadvantage was that their cultivation would never grow.

I originally wanted to ask if there was any way to free the Ghost King, but I thought about it and didn’t ask. The rebirth of the Ghost King is not necessarily a good thing. They make a living by devouring souls. If it leads to more killings, wouldn't it be a big sin?

Speechless for a moment, he quickly walked to the village ahead. A little closer you can see some villagers busy in the fields, and even a little closer you can see a few people standing at the entrance of the village chatting. Looking at the bronzed and wrinkled faces of those men, one can't help but feel something. With our backs to the sky and our faces to the loess, we worked hard to feed the world, but what we got in return was the ruthless killings of ghost disciples.

Going further, the villagers noticed that Zhang Wen and others were coming. Those who were working stopped their work, and those who were chatting kept silent. They all focused their eyes on the women and kept looking at them.

Zhang Ain walked to the entrance of the village and coughed and said, "Brother, is there an inn in the village?"

What does a small village need an inn for? The villagers answered no. A man in his forties laughed with a young man and said, "Your family has more houses, so I'll take your family with me." The young man's face turned slightly red and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Your family has more houses, why don't you take your family with me?" The man in his forties said with a smile: "I think your sister-in-law won't let you." Another person interjected: "Does he still have the guts? If he really takes him home, the tigress can break his legs." What are these people? He dared to say anything, and one of the middle-aged men in gray coughed and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?" Chong Zhang Afraid clasped his fists and said, "The villagers in the mountains have no manners. Please forgive me for offending you all."

Listening to the suicide words of several wild men, Zhang Pa was not angry. After living for so many years, he had some understanding of human nature. Most people did not want to hurt anyone when they joked, but just for fun. In serious cases, it was called being mean, but it was actually an unintentional mistake. When they talked later, several people talked nonsense one after another, and no one wanted to lose. The words gradually became extreme and vulgar, and then it became unintentional harm. Now, the villagers did not intend to hurt the girls. Zhang Pa smiled and said, "It's nothing. Since it's inconvenient in the village, we will stay outside the village." Zhang Pa did not necessarily have to stay here. He wanted to wait and see if there were any more ghost followers to make trouble. The middle-aged man in gray clothes hurriedly said, "How can this be done? Although our village is small, we can't let guests sleep outdoors. This is not the way to entertain guests. Come, please come inside. Let's go to my house for dinner first, and then go to your own houses to rest." Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Since you said so, I won't be polite with you. Let's go to your house first." The middle-aged man was just being polite, but he didn't expect the other party to agree after just one sentence. He secretly blamed him, "Why are you so talkative? Now, the food rations of dozens of people have been wasted. What will we do in the future?" He forced a smile and said, "Please come here."

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