The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 462 Anger

Chapter 462 Anger

But in the end, they were a step slower. As soon as the three saints appeared, they ran towards the seriously injured ghost disciple. By the time the rescue ghost disciples arrived, one of the seriously injured ghost disciples had already been killed.

The ghost disciples sent four people to come to the rescue, two people protected the injured ghost disciples, and the other two killed the three saints. Because of the dispersion of power, the situation that was originally a draw with the Buddhists was immediately broken, and they were instantly at a disadvantage. A ghost disciple whistled, and two ghost disciples helped the injured and retreated first. After they left for a while, the remaining twelve people used their strength at the same time and fled towards the north.

They are all top-level masters. If the opponent wants to escape, even if he is absolutely dominant, it is impossible to kill him. All the masters can do is follow and pursue him. So the originally chaotic battlefield was suddenly deserted, with only the flying boats floating on the lake and a group of men and women watching the excitement on the boats.

Zhang Tianfang murmured: "Are you leaving now?" He seemed a little uncomfortable, but then he became excited: "It's fun. Twenty-seven top-level masters are fighting against each other. It's a rare encounter in a hundred years. This fight is very enjoyable."

There were so many top-level masters fighting, and even Buddhists who ignored secular matters were involved, which showed how tense the situation in the Holy Kingdom was. Zhang Fing said: "I have to find someone to ask." Zhang Tianfang didn't understand: "What are you asking?" Fang Jian explained casually: "Ask for directions, and why are they fighting?" Zhang Tianfang curled his lips and said: "The saints and ghosts of demon cultivators I fight every day, what's so surprising?" Fang Jian said, "There are so many super masters fighting every day?" Zhang Tianfang thought for a while and said, "Yeah, why are there so many masters?" , anyone would be shocked if he changed it.

What shocked Zhang Tianfang even more was that these masters came to kill them. After thinking for a while, he asked Zhang Awei: "Do you have any grudge against them?" Zhang Awei smiled: "Nonsense, I didn't break that guy's feet. The two people killed by Dragon God Valley are probably also counted on me. Do you think you have any grudges?" Zhang Tianfang thought for a long time and said cautiously: "The one who died just now and the two injured must also be counted on you. Wait. You should be hunted down." Zhang Ping cursed angrily: "If you can't speak, just shut up."

Facts have proved that the crow's mouth is always accurate. The Tiexian Valley ghost disciples have attributed all the casualties in the three fights to Zhang Ai. A total of three people were killed, two were injured, and one was disabled. The ideas of the ghost disciples were very reasonable. If Zhang Awei had not caused trouble among them, how could anyone be injured or even die?

Zhang Ai said depressedly: "Run away." Zhang Tianfang, who has always been a hero, also gave in: "That's it." One master and two masters are fine, but when they show up there are dozens of people, it will scare you to death.

Zhang Ping thought carefully for a while and found that most of the people who had just fought had been seen during the day. The ghost disciples with broken legs sneaked up on him, and the three ghost disciples who fired the spiritual cannon once chased him. The five great Buddhists escorted the people eastward, the fat monk and the four saints who arrived later. They saw him early in the morning. They flew east, and with them were the four ghost disciples they were chasing. They had also appeared in the fight just now. They couldn't help but sigh: "It can't be so unlucky. The great monk is chasing the ghost disciples. Why are the ghost disciples chasing me?" "

The fact is that before the ghosts assassinated Zhang Ping, four ghosts destroyed a city in the west, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and angered six great monks. The fat monk and four saints chased and killed the four ghosts. Five Buddhists escorted the people away and took them back to the temple for resettlement.

At this time, the ghost disciples with broken legs found dozens of virgins. They were so greedy that they assassinated them in the lake. They did not want the assassination to be successful but made a mistake. In addition, the boss of Tiexian Valley ordered Zhang Wei to be killed. Seventeen top-level ghost disciples teamed up to set up an ambush. There were four people who were chased by the Buddhists.

So when Zhang was afraid of being bullied, the Buddhist monk came after the four people. The fat monk found the spiritual power cannon. He first hid his figure, then used the magic of collecting objects to hollow out the soil under the cannon, and then put three explosive talismans into it. Throw them into the barrel respectively and destroy the biggest threat before appearing. A fight ensued, and then four saints chased him and continued the fight. Technically speaking, it was the monks who saved him.

Zhang Tianfang urged: "Stop howling and let's go." Zhang Ai was very worried: "Where are we going? Is it going to fly around?"

Zhang Tianfang educated him: "Pig brain, there were six monks just now, and you didn't even ask where the Daxiong Temple is." Then he started to pretend to be smart, and said seriously after thinking for a long time: "The most dangerous place is the safest place, let's go to Tiexian Valley "The fat monk just said that the Tiexian Valley ghost disciples should be their home base."

Zhang Ain asked: "Who did you hear that the most dangerous place is the safest place?" He was taught by Zhang Tianfang: "Studying is very important. When drinking tea, don't just think about comfort, but also listen to what others say. Being educated makes you wiser." Upon hearing this, Zhang Weijing kicked him in the face and said, "How dare you teach me what you learned by going to the teahouse to listen to storytelling?"

Fang Jian interjected: "Seven handsome guys asked for directions to Tiexian Valley during the day. What did they want to do? Kill ghost disciples?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "They don't look like madmen or fools. They don't want to die."

The three men chatted for a few words and decided to leave here first. Everyone flew up to the west. This flight lasted for a month. At full speed, the middle-grade flying bird didn't know where it would fly. Zhang Tianfang sighed all day: "I never knew that the Holy Kingdom was so big."

The Holy Kingdom is really big, and I don’t know how Zhang Ai flew. I didn’t see a single village or town along the way, not even the city that was destroyed by the ghosts. As far as I can see, it’s all forests, which are wider than a hundred thousand mountains. The forest is endless with piles of various trees. After Zhang Tianzhao sighed, the most common thing he did was to ask Zhang Ping: "Are we lost?"

A month later, I finally saw a village, five miles out of the forest, with more than a hundred houses scattered across it. Zhang was afraid to stop flying over the village, but he was not worried about causing panic among the villagers, because there was not a single living person in the entire village. Zhang Tianfang scanned it twice with his spiritual consciousness and sighed: "You must be the reincarnation of a declining god."

Zhang Ai was also a little suspicious. Fei hadn't seen any living people for a month, but now that he had seen them, all the living people were dead. Hundreds of corpses lay twisted and strewn all over the village. What they had in common was that they were shriveled, pale, and bloodless. There was no blood on the corpses, no blood around the corpses, and no blood inside the corpses.

When it fell and flew away, Zhang was afraid to collect the body. Fang Jian followed up and asked, "Ghost disciple?" Zhang Ping'en said, "The blood has been sucked out."

There were more than two hundred corpses in total. I wanted to bury them all, but thought about it, they would burn them all on fire. There are ghosts who suck their blood, and there are ghosts who take their bones.

There is a road leading to the distance in the west of the village. After burying the ashes, Zhang Ain and others walked along the road and arrived at another village after half a day. Like the previous village, there were no living people. The blood of the entire village was sucked dry and turned into mummies. Zhang was afraid that the veins in his forehead would flash, and he became furious. He always said that the ghosts were cruel, and you can only understand that kind of anger by seeing it with your own eyes.

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