The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 459 Ghost Attack

Chapter 459 Ghost Attack

Zhang Ain looked up and saw that this guy was so cruel. He gave up his magic weapon first and then his legs and feet. He was as quick as throwing away garbage. He immediately ran away when he sensed the danger. He didn't even waste a moment to breathe. How could he escape so fast? Do. From the moment Zhang Awei looked at him to the moment he escaped, as long as he hesitated for a moment, he was already frozen. He was able to escape in the short moment when the water turned into ice. Such perceptive ability and such decisiveness This level of cultivation is so terrifying and astonishing, why is he a ghost disciple?

Sighing, he moved the girls into the ship. Fang Jian and others also entered the ship and sat in meditation to heal their injuries. Zhang Wen stood on the bow of the ship holding the piglet and kitten and was on guard. Now that he is deaf, it will take him a long time to regain his hearing, so he has time to think about the man in black just now.

High-level virgins have a strong attraction to ghost disciples. They can be used to refine weapons and improve their cultivation. It is normal for ghost disciples to be tempted to sneak attacks. What Zhang is afraid of is that these people are good at concealment and assassination. They will fall into trouble if they fail to protect them. Be more careful and don't let others bully you without noticing.

There was no wind at this time and the lake was calm, urging the ship to sail slowly westward. Not long after, the girls woke up and dragged Zhang Tianfang to Fang Jian to ask what had just happened. After understanding, they scolded the man in black. Fang Jian was so noisy that he could not calm down and walked into the cabin with a grimace. Zhang Ain smiled secretly: There are advantages to not being able to hear.

The lake was not big, no more than 10,000 meters wide. Zhang was afraid to park the boat in the middle of the lake. After an hour, his hearing slowly recovered and he took a deep breath. Fortunately, he was not deaf. Then he remembered the guqin magic weapon left behind by the man in black. With a thought, the ice on the lakeside melted, and the guqin and severed feet turned into powder and melted into the lake water. Zhang was afraid to scratch his head, but he didn't take advantage.

After some time, the sky gradually darkened, the lake became dark, and the night covered all the beautiful scenery. The girls carried the piglets and kittens back to the house, and only Zhang Ping and Zhang Tianfang were left on the huge deck. Zhang Tianfang suddenly spoke: "I haven't seen the little monk for a few days. I miss him a little. If I leave, will you miss me?" Zhang Ai was frightened by this sentence, and he was surprised and said: "Are you sentimental?" Zhang Tianfang said angrily: " Get out!" Zhang Ai patted his chest and said, "This is normal." Zhang Tianfang became even more angry and turned around and entered the cabin without saying a word. Zhang Ai was left alone, watching him leave with a silly look on his back.

There was no moon or stars in the night, and as far as the eye could see, only the shadows of mountains, rocks, and trees could be seen. Zhang was afraid that a strange thought suddenly flashed in his mind, that tonight might not be peaceful. After thinking about what I had done in the past few days, I found that I had offended many people, so I had to be careful in everything, so I activated the ship's mechanism, and formed formations to securely protect the cabin, dividing the inside and outside of the ship into two worlds. Then he used the ice wall as a cage to cover the ship from top to bottom, left and right, then took out the soft cushion and lay down on it to rest.

As the old saying goes, good things don't work but bad things work. This sentence is perfectly reflected in Zhang Ai. At the fourth watch of the day, when all living things are in their deepest sleep, seven people suddenly appear on the shores of the lake, appearing silently like seven ghosts, and then motionless, like stones standing on the shore of the lake.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't notice, but he didn't sleep either. He would occasionally think about random things when he was alone. Now he was thinking, why is it that although he is tired of fighting and killing, things keep coming, and he can't even think about fighting? He can't understand!

At this time, four people flew in from the north. The first person was slightly shorter. If it was daytime, you would see that this person had no feet. They wore black clothes and flew quickly in the dark night, appearing suddenly like ghosts.

They flew to the lake and stopped. Zhang was afraid that he would notice the person coming, so he stood up suddenly and stared coldly. The visitor took a moment to look at the big ship. The three of them took a step forward and stood in the perfect glyph position. They made magic spells with both hands. A gray mist filled the sky and the earth and floated thickly towards the big ship.

The gray fog is difficult to see in the night, but it contains a sinister aura. Even through the ice wall, the danger can be sensed. Zhang was afraid that he was busy thickening the ice wall. He recognized one of them as a man playing the piano who had broken his foot during the day. Unexpectedly, Revenge so soon.

The gray fog is getting thicker and thicker, as if a big lead weight is weighing on the boat. Zhang Aizheng felt strange. The gray fog suddenly changed. From the diffuse state, it gathered together and compressed, and soon formed a thin wall of fog, standing like a mirror above Zhang Awei's head.

What do they want to do? Zhang was afraid that he was in a defensive state and could not actively attack inside the ice wall, so he could only continue to thicken the ice wall.

The three men in black recited a few mantras together, raised their hands and pressed down violently. The thin fog mirror was suddenly inserted into the ice wall and stood upright on the ship, separating Zhang Awei from the cabin, but the ice wall was not damaged at all. .

Zhang was afraid of being shocked. What was going on? Can fog mirrors break through ice walls? He summoned the Fushen Sword to stab quickly, and the tip of the sword gently pierced the fog mirror without any resistance, as if it was piercing the air. The fact is that it is indeed pierced into the air. The fog mirror is a mirror made of fog. It is visible to the naked eye, but cannot be touched. Zhang was afraid of stabbing the air with his sword, but the fog mirror did not disperse and was still inserted into the ice wall to block the front of the cabin.

They don't want me in the cabin? Won't you let me join the girls? Just when an idea came to his mind, the ghost disciple took action. Four flaming fireballs fell from the air and hit the same point on the ice wall one after another. Just as the fireball dissipated, thirteen more bone knives flew out, also shooting at that point. Then seven skulls continued to hit that point. Finally, there were two silver swords, piercing that point one after the other.

Four plus thirteen plus seven plus two, twenty-six attacks hit the same position on the ice wall in an instant. There was only a clicking sound, the ice wall continued to shatter, and a big hole was stabbed on the surface. Zhang was afraid that he had to reinforce the ice wall quickly, but he thought that he was lucky to have made preparations in advance. But it was a bit of a fluke, and four more fireballs flew in the air, followed by thirteen bone knives, seven skulls, and two silver swords. The four people started attacking over and over again.

This time the trouble was serious, and Zhang was afraid that he could only rely on the power of ice crystals to fight, but he saw that the ice wall outside the ship was broken and condensed, and the two sides were struggling endlessly. He also tried to attack them with ice crystals, but the four ghost disciples were far away and had high cultivation levels. They had already stayed away when the ice arrows and ice walls came.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye. The four men in black became a little impatient after being unable to attack for a long time. They used spells more and more loudly and fiercely. The momentum was astonishing. When the thirteen bone knives collided with the ice wall again, they made a jingling sound. At that moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the right bow of the ship, and a large light ball hit the ice wall. The entire thick ice wall shattered instantly, and the light ball disappeared at the same time.

The sound of the explosion was so loud that the earth shook, the mountains shook, the waves made the boat tilt, and only then did Zhang Zhen realize that something was wrong. Three points of silver light had pierced his forehead, throat, and heart at the same time. Fortunately, there was an ice crystal savior who made a sound. A sound was bounced away at the same time. Zhang was afraid that he had no time to think of anything else. He instinctively threw the Fushen Sword, retreated, and raised the hard iron sword in front of him. Several thick ice walls rose up from the lake to protect the ship. Then there was time to figure out what was going on.

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