The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 457 Unhappy

Chapter 457: Unhappy

With great dissatisfaction, Zhang Wen led people to fly to the west to find Daxiong Temple. The Holy Kingdom is so big, wider than the desert area between the Eastern Continent and the Western Continent, with high mountains and endless views. We have been flying in the sky for more than a month, and we haven't even seen a few temples, let alone Daxiong Temple. Zhang Tianfang said dissatisfied: "Where did the dead monk hide?"

The Buddhist cultivator of the Holy Kingdom is a strange existence. He has a transcendent status, but he always faces endless killings.

Buddhist and demonic powers are naturally incompatible. What all demonic cultivators want to do most is to kill all the Buddhists. But things in the world are always unsatisfactory. This sentence is equally valid for good people and bad people. But all Buddhists have great supernatural powers. The price to pay for killing a Buddhist is too high. Even the Holy City is not willing to provoke these bald heads. , so killing Buddhists has become an unattainable wish for demon cultivators. Fortunately, Buddhism seeks goodness and regards all hardships as training. Even if it is beaten, it is too lazy to retaliate, so the two can barely live in peace.

They really barely get along. The relationship between the two is like a wolf and a sheep. The wolf cannot kill the sheep if he wants to, or a lot of wolves must be killed to kill one sheep. The sheep have a kind personality and are unwilling to deal with the wolf unless their lives are related to each other. They gradually become wiser. The wolf came up with the idea not to provoke the big sheep that already existed, but to kill the little sheep that had not yet become Buddhists. This was called cutting off their retreat. Therefore, there are always many demon cultivating sects standing around the Holy Kingdom Temple, conducting comprehensive surveillance and blockade on the bald people, and killing the young Buddhists at the same time.

Zhang Wen and others were honored to enjoy this treatment. After passing several temples, they saw that demon cultivators other than Daxiong Temple came up to question them, with fierce looks on their faces, ready to fight them desperately. Zhang was a little confused, didn't he mean that all the demon cultivators went to kill the ghost disciples? Why are there so many idle people wandering around?

Feiya was fast and didn't want to get entangled with the demon cultivator, so nothing happened along the way. The girls suggested: "It's so boring to fly around every day, why don't you land and rest?" Zhang was afraid of following his good example, so he found a place to land near a big lake and let the girls play.

Fang Jian came to talk to him: "This is not an option." Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Who would have thought that demon cultivators and Buddhist cultivators would live in peace?" Fang Jian also laughed: "It's quite strange." Zhang Tianfang interjected: "It's boring. Go back to Yue Kingdom." Fang Jian was stunned: "You are from the Holy Kingdom." "So what?" Zhang Tianfang didn't care.

The three of them were messing around here, and a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the sky. Only then did Zhang Ping realize that the aura had disappeared in another direction. The three people exclaimed: "It's so fast!" Before they finished sighing, two more breaths passed by, the speed was no weaker than the previous one. Then there were three more breaths, then two more breaths, and the last breath ended, and nine terrifying masters flew over one after another.

Fang Jian sighed: "So many masters?" Zhang Tianfang was dissatisfied: "Who is a master if he can run fast?"

The nine breaths disappeared in a flash. Zhang Awei looked up and looked in the direction where they disappeared. Zhang Tianfang asked: "Who hit whom?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "The speed is too fast and you can't see anything." Zhang Tianfang snorted: "Holy The country is really lively.”

For the next few days, everyone stayed by the lake, doing nothing and staring at the water all day long. Fang Jian was very angry: "Why don't you practice? When I am with you, I have become lazy." Zhang Wen knew that he was reminding him that he should practice diligently. Just when he was about to say something, a large number of cavalry were advancing in the distance and he said with a smile: "somebody is coming."

It was a group of ordinary people, numbering over ten thousand, half cavalry and half carriage, traveling from west to east. Fang Jianfang used his spiritual consciousness to explore and knew that the distance was quite far, so he asked curiously: "Where are you going with your family and the family?"

On the horses were strong men, and on the carriages were mostly old and weak women and children, carrying luggage and bedding, obviously moving.

Zhang Fei didn't say anything, and his spiritual consciousness checked the cavalry team again. As the team slowly approached, they suddenly noticed two strange auras, one at each end of the team, calm and calm as if they had no emotions. After thinking for a moment, he concluded that the two people were Buddhists.

He scanned the team with his spiritual sense, and the two Buddhists had already sensed it. The man at the front of the team jumped from the carriage and went straight to Zhang Aixing. Not long after, a visitor appeared in front of him. He was a thin monk in gray robes. He clasped his hands and said to Zhang Aifang: "Donor, what do you want from checking my team?" A pair of bright eyes swept over Fang Jian, Song Yunying and others, waiting to see Zhang Tianfang. Shi paused for a moment, looked at her carefully, then turned around and left without waiting for Zhang Ying's reply.

Zhang Tianfang asked Zhang Ping: "What is that monk doing?" Zhang Ping's answer was very irresponsible: "Ask that monk."

The two of them spoke loudly, but the monk acted as if he didn't hear them, walked back to the group, jumped on the carriage, and continued eastward.

Fang Jian said: "You said there are so many ordinary people and two Buddhists. Is there something wrong in the west?"

Zhang Ain thought about it carefully, thinking of the nine masters who passed by a few days ago, and nodded: "It's very possible."

It was possible that he was here. The team had slowly walked away and disappeared at the end of the road half an hour later, leaving only an old monk standing alone on the roadside without saying a word. Zhang Tianfang asked again: "What is this monk doing?"

No one knew the answer, and no one wanted to ask. It was not until two days later that the answer was revealed. Many ordinary people walked on that road again. The number was several times that of the previous time, with a population of nearly 100,000. Most of them walked, and there were few horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts. Even if there were, the progress was very slow. .

Seeing these people downcast and listless, Zhang was afraid that he had already guessed what happened. It must be that a certain city was massacred by ghosts, and Buddhist monks came to rescue them, forcing the ghosts to escape. Thinking about it this way, among the nine masters who passed by a few days ago, there must be ghosts and Buddhists.

The facts were as he had guessed. After these people left, the old monk still stood still. Two days later, tens of thousands of people passed by. Zhang Fing said: "The ghost should be killed." Zhang Tianfang didn't understand, why did this guy suddenly say who should be killed? Looking over with questioning eyes, Zhang Ain's face turned cold and murderous intent loomed in his eyes. Fang Jian explained on the side: "Alarm the Buddhists to take action and force tens of thousands of people to move. Only ghosts can do this kind of thing."

One day later, the fourth group of people passed by, with more than 4,000 people. There were three Buddhists in the group. After meeting the old monk, they headed east together. The old monk whispered a few words to the three Buddhists, and one of the three Buddhists separated from the group with the old monk and quickly chased the group in front.

These people were the last group. After watching them leave, Zhang Tianfang encouraged, "Do you want to kill people?" He was talking about the troublemakers who forced the people to move. Zhang Ping said: "Who are you going to kill? Do you think those five Buddhist monks are fake?" Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Bald heads can only be hypocritical, and they will definitely not kill people." Zhang Ping said: "Buddhas can also be angry, but they can't kill living things. It depends on what happens, Sky Buddha will not stop killing." Speaking of Sky Buddha, Zhang Tian was very angry: "Don't tell me that old guy is against me."

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