The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 454 Wedding Banquet

Chapter 454 Wedding Banquet

The girls don't care about this, they just want to join in the fun and be happy, playing festive little songs into fairy music with tricks.

The groom's home is in another village, a little more than ten miles away. When the wedding team reached the middle of the two villages, three men in black appeared in front of them, looking at the team of more than 200 people and laughing.

Someone blocked the road and the procession stopped. Only the girls kept playing. Zhang Tianfang came over and asked, "Is there someone looking for trouble?" Zhang Ain nodded and said, "Let's see, there's a fight to join in the fun."

The three men in black have basic cultivation and are demon cultivators. Their eyes are red and they are ghost disciples.

Zhang Ain walked to the front of the team and saw the groom's father bowing to the three of them: "Today is the dog's big day, and meeting each other is fate. I dare you to invite three friends to my house to sit for a while and have a glass of wine. Xiao I still have a small gift for you." He saw that the three of them were not easy to mess with, so he would rather spend more money to buy peace.

The cultivation level of these three unlucky ghost disciples was too low to find out that there were dozens of high-level monks in the team. They only had more than thirty beautiful virgins in their eyes. They laughed wildly and said: "I don't want you to give me any small gifts. The boys and girls will keep the virgins." "Exit, the others leave, old man, I can take care of you enough."

Seeing the arrogance of the three people, Zhang was worried for a while. What happened to this world? Why can't we see good things last forever? Not talking about cultivators, just ordinary people. Starting from the Yue Kingdom, corrupt officials were rampant, and they even dared to embezzle life-saving money from floods. Let's talk about the Song Dynasty. The war between the two tribes lasted for hundreds of years, and millions of people were killed or injured by the two tribes. There was also the State of Lu, where eight aristocratic families divided up the dynasty, and each place had its own rules. The people were in trouble and miserable. There is also the Qi State, a country with thousands of counties. The territory is large, but the conflict with Shiwandashan is even greater. The two tribes have been fighting for thousands of years, especially above the Song State. When it comes to the state of Wu, the thirteen heroes stand side by side, and the civil war is very sparse. There are all kinds of lives in this world, and people all face the same hardships. Surviving in this world depends on whether you are lucky enough.

In addition, there are cultivators who are the source of evil. They look down on ordinary people, treat people as if they are not human beings, attract monsters and beasts to cause trouble if they don't do enough harm, or cause water and fire to avoid killing too many people. In short, they are selfish, cold-blooded, cruel and brutal. The ghost disciples of the Holy Kingdom are even more ruthless. They directly use human lives to increase their cultivation level and kill people in batches. If they are allowed to cultivate to become gods, will there still be any living people in the world?

Zhang was angry, what was the use of such a world? Could it be that its purpose is just to tease you and me? I think too much, but I applaud all the people in the world. Life is difficult, but they are still strong and carry on. No matter how big or difficult the difficulties are, they are just like floating clouds, and they will always pass when the wind blows. Looking at the three men in black with cold eyes, he talked to Zhang Tianfang casually: "On this special day, there will be no bloodshed. You two and I will lead the kill from a distance." Zhang Tianfang agreed, and Fang Jian interjected: "Count me in."

The groom had dismounted and accompanied his father to get close to the man in black. The three bad guys said they would keep the boy and girl. The old man thought it was a joke and said with a smile: "This man is joking. If you go to my house today, you won't come home drunk." "It's really hard for the old man. If his son wasn't overjoyed and couldn't tolerate anything unlucky, how could he please strangers so much?

The three men in black looked impatient, and the man on the left said, "Forget it, Mo Ji." The man in the middle said yes, stepped forward, and drew a long flag in his hand, intending to kill and seize the soul.

Of course Zhang Tianfang would not tolerate their arrogance, how dare they kill people in front of me? The man rushed forward, grabbed the man in the middle by the throat, raised his head high and rushed towards the field beside the road. Zhang was afraid that Fang gradually followed him, grabbing one by one and disappearing into the field.

Song Yunyi walked to the front of the team and talked to the old man: "It's getting late, hurry up and get on the road." The old man was confused and didn't know what was going on, and asked: "Where are they going?" Song Yunyi said with a smile: "I don't know, don't go. "Never mind them, the first thing today is the wedding. Many people are waiting for the wedding banquet." The old man said hurriedly: "Yes, hurry up and get on your way." Let the groom get on his horse and start again.

At this moment, the three unlucky villains had already sacrificed their precious lives. Zhang Weijing and the other three walked back and were far behind the wedding procession. They were walking and chatting. Fang Jian said, "It's not peaceful lately. Why do the people suffer so much?" Disaster?" Zhang Tianfang pretended to be arrogant and said, "You don't understand, this is called preying on the weak." Zhang Zhidao said, "Crow's mouth, another strong predator is here."

Five miles away, at the entrance of another village stood a Foundation-Establishment Demonic Cultivator, looking at this with suspicion. He was wondering, how could he lose the person?

Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Young Foundation-Building Monk, I'll just kill him." Then he added: "It's really hard to drink with that old man." Zhang Wen stopped him and said: "That man is not a ghost disciple, you are addicted to killing people. ?”

The demon cultivator didn't realize the identities of Zhang Wen and others. He couldn't find the ghosts and disciples, so he focused his attention on the girls. The more than thirty beauties were really coveted, especially there were two huge beauties in the middle. Fortunately, he had quite a lot of self-control and had a mission, so he didn't dare to do anything random and get into trouble. After looking at the beautiful woman, he looked back without being satisfied. He used his spiritual consciousness to search the surrounding area again, but still found nothing. After thinking for a while, he turned back and reported the news.

After the demonic cultivator left, there was no longer any obstacle on the road ahead, and the wedding procession entered the village in great force. There are red words of "Happiness" posted at the entrance of the village, and there are red papers along the way to guide the way. After walking around for nearly a kilometer, we enter a courtyard. The courtyard is filled with tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks. Behind it are three main rooms, which should have been built with blue bricks and blue tiles. It didn't take long.

Many people stood along the way, congratulating each other, pointing at the soft sedan and talking lively. But soon the attention was focused on the girls behind the sedan, a group of beautiful girls like flowers, which attracted more discussions.

The girls had a great time, and they continued to play as they entered the yard. The groom's father came over with a small red silk package in his hand and said, "Thank you girls for your help. Have a rest." As he spoke, he handed over the small silk package, feeling a little uncomfortable. He said politely: "Farmers depend on the weather for a living and don't have much money. I hope you'll forgive me."

The package was small and could be held in one palm. When opened, there were two ingots of broken silver. Song Yunyi didn't want it at all, but Cheng Xier took it first and said with a smile: "You have to accept the red envelope, thank you, old man." He took out an emerald green ring with his backhand and said: "We should treat the wedding wine as a gift, and this will be used as a dowry for your daughter-in-law. The old man pushed his hand away, and Cheng Xier pretended to be serious: "Take it. If you don't accept it, we'll leave immediately." The old man naturally thanked her repeatedly, took the ring and left.

After a while, the old man ran over quickly, handed back the ring and said, "It's too valuable to accept." I had just asked a knowledgeable person and knew how valuable it was. Song Yunyi smiled and said, "There's no reason to take back the gifts." She liked the old man's sincerity. If she hadn't been worried about money being jealous and causing misfortune, she would have given him some more gifts.

Finally, the old man took the ring and went back, and opened three large banquets for the girls. The good wine and food were served first, for fear that the reception would not be complete.

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