The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 450 The Ghosts are Fierce

Chapter 450 The ghosts are fierce

Zhang Tianfang was still dissatisfied with himself: "If you talk nonsense, I will kill him."

After hearing this, Zhang Wen stared at him for a long time and said, "I just don't understand why your murderous nature has not changed at all after more than a hundred years?" After saying this, he was shocked and ignored this question. Why is he so... Like killing people?

Zhang Tianfang frowned and thought for a while and said: "It's just killing people, there's so much nonsense."

Fang Jian smiled softly and cleared up his doubts: "Buddha kills, that's how it should be." Zhang Wen was right. If Buddha kills, who else is homicidal?

When the three of them said a few words, Yong San flew back again. Zhang Weijing looked at him out of curiosity. After Yong San fell, he said, "I thought about it. Anyway, you don't want to kill me. I'll just hang out with you for a few days."

Zhang Ai laughed and thought that this guy would use us as bodyguards. He shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to kill you, but I'm just too lazy to do it. You'd better leave earlier." Yong San said with a grimace: "It's not that I don't want to leave. The front is surrounded by ghosts."

Surrounded by ghosts? Zhang Ai asked in confusion: "How many people are there?" "At least nearly a thousand people, divided into about a hundred small teams to massacre the city." Yong San said.

Zhang Ai's face suddenly turned cold, massacre the city? There is a village one mile away from the river at your feet, and there is a small town ten miles away. When you passed by it just now, it was a peaceful scene. Just a short while later, ghosts massacred the city?

Fang Jian sighed and said, "Go, they just arrived, they can still save more people." Zhang Ai said, "Okay." The two of them had the same idea, and there was no need to say anything. They raised their swords and flew towards the way they came. Fang Jian called to the girls: "Follow me." Zhang Tianzhang shouted: "Where are you going?" Yong San was surprised at first, and then followed up with a wry smile: "It's okay to fight hard."

Forty people, their white clothes are as white as snow, their blades are as white as ice, their murderous aura is full of blood, their light is as cold as the world. When the girls saw innocent people being brutally killed, they were more impulsive than rational, and their compassion turned into anger, and they formed a formation to kill the ghost disciples. This was the first time that the girls seriously fought against others.

Zhang Ping was the first to arrive, slashing at the ghost disciple with a sword like lightning, and more than a hundred divine snakes followed him to kill the enemy. Fortunately, the enemies are not strong. They all have alchemy cultivation and are vulnerable to Zhang Ai and Fushen Snake. Fang Jian was followed by Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang took a ghost sword and felt as happy as a dragon entering the sea, reaping life with excitement. Yong San followed closely, but due to his poor cultivation, the fight was a little difficult. Finally, there are the girls. Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er formed the Tiangang formation with the help of thirty-four girls, with piglets and kittens supporting them. This formation was a formation that I used to practice when I first learned to play musical instruments in order to achieve harmony. It just made up for thirty-six people. The girls stayed together all day long. Cheng Xier was very demanding and thoroughly experienced the various changes in the Tiangang formation. , has become a great means for the girls to kill the enemy and save their lives. Today is the first time the formation appears.

Nearly a thousand ghost disciples had already massacred the city in half a cup of tea, and hundreds of thousands of lives had been taken away. Fortunately, Zhang Ai arrived quickly, and with the help of more than a hundred little snakes, he easily defeated the enemy. Later, Zhang Tianfang and others helped. , killing and injuring hundreds of ghosts in an instant.

The ghost disciples were cunning and cunning. Seeing that there were too many masters on the other side, they retreated at the same time. Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to make them retreat calmly, so he shouted loudly: "Kill." One hundred and twenty-eight god-defying snakes flashed back and forth like death arrows, easily killing the ghost disciples.

At the beginning, the ghost disciples were just teasing, and they killed hundreds of thousands of people in half a cup of tea, which was not very fast. However, Zhang was afraid that he just wanted to kill people, so he went all out and wiped out most of the ghost disciples in an instant, leaving only a few who escaped. ten people. Among them, the Fushen Snake plays a great role. Zhang Ping took out the calming bead on his forehead again. The bead rolled around in the city, collecting many dead souls.

When the ghost disciples arrived, Zhang Wen and others arrived. In just half a cup of tea, more than half of the population of the small town was wiped out. The remaining people cried and cried after knowing that their lives were safe, and misery became a normal state.

The girls formed a Thirty-Six Tiangang Sword Formation. Although there were many people, they killed few enemies. They killed more than a dozen ghost disciples in total, and they were all the ones who took the initiative to rush into the formation. When the girls started killing people for the first time, they inevitably felt a little depressed. Anger, excitement, fear, fear, all kinds of emotions emerged one by one. They chanted the Jingxin Jue for a long time before they gradually calmed down.

Most of the ghost disciples were killed, and only a few dozen escaped. The results were quite impressive. Zhang Ai ordered the girls to appease the people, but before he could say anything, the situation changed again, and five terrifying auras flew towards the small town in the distance. Zhang Ai hurriedly recalled the little snake and the concentration beads, and shouted to the girls: "Be careful to form a formation and retreat to the river."

When the girls saw Zhang Ain's nervous expression, they knew someone was coming again and quickly approached the river without caring about the people. Zhang Tianfang muttered: "We are in trouble again, can't we be honest for once?" Zhang Ain shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, take the piglets and kittens to protect them."

Just after he finished speaking, five black lights appeared in front of him. The black lights faded, revealing five old men in black robes. Their faces looked evil, and you could tell at a glance that they were not good people.

Zhang Tianfang felt upset when he saw the five old men. He screamed and slashed with his knife. The five old men couldn't move. One of them pulled out a bone and faced it. There was only a clang sound. The ghost knife bounced away and the bones were thrown out. Make a small gap. The old man stared at the ghost sword with blood-red eyes and said, "Ghost sword? I didn't expect the ghost sword to reappear."

Ever since Zhang Tianfang and Zhang Wen wandered in the Eastern Continent, there was no trace of the Ghost Sword in the Holy Kingdom.

Another old man Jie Jie smiled strangely: "No wonder it's so ghostly. Haha, if you refine the soul in the sword, you should be able to become a god."

When Yong San saw the arrival of the five old men, he was shocked and asked, "Did you kill the uncle?" Fang Jian pulled him and whispered, "Let's go!" He followed the girls and retreated to the river.

One of the five old men separated, and a black wind blew past, blocking the way of the girls. He smiled strangely and said: "Thirty-six pill-forming virgins, great tonic, definitely great tonic. It seems that we are lucky, and we can actually meet them." Got such good stuff.”

An old man stared at the pig and kitten: "These two little beasts are very good!"

Zhang Tianfang's attack failed, and he wanted to fight again, but Zhang Wear dragged him back. Since the girl couldn't escape, they gathered together to fight the enemy together. At the same time, Fang Jian also dragged Yong San back outside the Tiangang Formation.

The little pig and kitten were scolded as beasts, and the two guys were furious. They opened their mouths and spewed out huge fire to burn the person who scolded them. The piggy's anger was a guest star of demonic energy, and all the sins in the world could not stop the fire from burning.

The four people stood side by side. The flames were too big. The four ghost disciples bore the brunt and were forced to retreat. The ghost disciple behind him silently shot out three points of will-o'-the-wisp fire, faintly burning towards the little pig. Xiaozhu didn't notice it, but the girls with their backs saw the will-o'-the-wisp sneak attack. With the help of everyone, they used the power of the formation to slash at the will-o'-the-wisp with a dense sword energy. They forced the will-o'-the-wisp back with three consecutive swords, and then stabbed the ghost disciple.

The ghost disciple smiled coldly, obviously disdainful of this formation. He rubbed his palms together, and a huge skeleton with a golden crown appeared in front of him. It was twice as tall as an ordinary person, with a thick skeleton, and half black light and half white light flowed on the skeleton. He seemed to be a king among ghosts. Although his face was hollow and expressionless, he could still feel a surge of arrogance rushing into his chest.

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