The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 441 Another fight breaks out

Chapter 441 Another fight breaks out

Fang Jian said that it was appropriate for the Lin beast to be strong on the outside and strong on the inside. Zhang Ping said: "You watch the disciple, I will take charge of that big guy. If it messes up again, I will freeze it." Fang Jian agreed.

For the next few days, Zhang Ain stayed on the edge of the ice sea to meditate, and Lin Beast was also practicing here. You guys are very smart. They know that there is a lot of spiritual power in the icy sea water. They jump in and stay there for a while every day. After the whole body is sealed by ice, they fly back to the shore to refine the ice outside the body. After a few days, the injuries all over the body are healed, and only the spirit is left. It is difficult to recover from serious illness, but it is better than before. The clear consciousness controls the mind and I will never go crazy again.

Linshou regained consciousness and lost his hostility toward Zhang Ai, but he was unwilling to pay attention to him and remained silent all the time. On this day, the injury healed, and Zhang Ai nodded to express his gratitude, and flew away.

Zhang Ain looked at its back and smiled and said, "This guy's way of healing is quite special." Fang Jian noticed the aura of the lin beast disappearing in the room, so he came out and asked, "Leaving?" Zhang Ain replied, "Going away." "Fang Jian teased him with a smile: "You don't regret it." Zhang Wei also laughed: "What do you think?" Fang Jian said seriously, "That's a Lin beast!" Haha. Qi said: "Yes, I regret it. Now go chase him. If anything happens, give me the talisman." After saying that, he flew south.

He was in a hurry when he came back from the forest last time and didn't tell Song Yunyi and others, so they didn't know that the Lin Beast had come and still stayed in the forest. Zhang Ai was worried about the disappearance of the beast in the forest and worried that something unexpected would happen, so he rushed over. This reflects the importance of verbal communication. If the Lin beast could tell Zhang Ain that all the beasts in the forest were eaten by it, Zhang Ain would naturally not think too much.

When he passed by, Zhang Tianfang complained to him: "I'm bored, let's go out to play." Zhang was afraid that there would be no reply, so he went to ask Fu Kong: "Is your Buddha blind? How could you choose such a thing to be a Buddha to kill?" Fu Kong said seriously: " Don't slander the Buddha. The Buddha's heart is mysterious and things happen by fate. How can you and I understand?" After speaking, he turned to look at Zhang Tianfang and couldn't help but let out a long sigh and muttered in a low voice: "To be honest, I also doubt that something went wrong this time. "He spent a lot of time with Zhang Tianfang and found that this guy's biggest advantage was that he was lazy, and his other advantages were impulsive, like to cause trouble, unwilling to use his brain, greedy, playful, murderous, and so on. Fu Kong asked himself about the Buddha's mind, and he was extremely skilled in enlightening the Buddha's nature, but he was unable to influence Zhang Tianfang. This was actually the biggest failure in life.

Zhang Weijing was amused by Fu Kong's words and laughed loudly: "Your Buddha does have great supernatural powers and boundless Dharma. His actions and actions make me and other ordinary people puzzled and admired."

Zhang Tianfang was ridiculed by the two and said angrily: "Nervous!" He went to play with the little animals raised by the girls, but as soon as he held a little leopard in his hands, the girls came to drive him away: "Go quickly, what should I do if I scare the baby?"

Zhang Tianfang was frustrated, and Zhang was afraid of gloating and laughing. As he was laughing, a talisman flew in the air, and Fang Jian sent word that many outer monks were surrounding Binghai, intending to do harm to the kitten and piggy. Zhang Wei cursed secretly, "What a bastard." I just came over and had to go back again. The sleeves of his robe were spread out, and when he was about to take off, he suddenly thought that since those people could find Fang Jian and the others, they might also be able to find Song Yunyi and others. To avoid any accident, he asked all the girls to fly back to the base together.

By the time they returned to the ice sea, the little pig and kitten had already started fighting with a group of monks. Eleven top-level Nascent Soul monks teamed up to form an formation to trap the two beasts. Fang Jian stood beside him anxiously with more than 700 disciples. He knew that he could not defeat this group of people, so in order to reduce casualties, he risked his life to control the disciples from being impulsive.

But the eleven top experts did not see them at all. They treated more than 700 people as if they were nothing, and tried their best to capture piglets and kittens.

Zhang Wen was furious when he saw this situation. Several ice walls flew up from the ice sea to protect the Tianlei Mountain disciples and girls, and then shot ice arrows all over the sky, hitting the eleven masters.

A master snorted coldly: "You don't overestimate your capabilities!" He made a circle with the magic sword in his hand, and the entire sword formation suddenly expanded outwards, trying to trap Zhang Wen and others. At the same time, someone released a face shield to block the ice arrow attack.

Even though the attack was blocked, he did not dodge. The ice crystals flew out of his body and controlled the seawater to freeze. He made the ice wall grow as large and thick as possible, making it impossible for the sword array to trap him. And Zhang Ai flicked his hands together, and the high-level spells were sprinkled on the eleven masters like snow flakes. After throwing the pile of dangerous items, he immediately hid behind the huge ice wall. After a while, the ground shook, the ice surface shook non-stop, and the thick ice walls were shattered and cracked, and some were directly blown into nothingness; the opponent's sword formation, which bore the brunt, disappeared in the continuous explosion of spells, and the eleven masters were disgraced. Far away, he glared angrily at Zhang Wei.

Also angry with them were the pigs and kittens. These two guys were trapped in the formation, and their natural magical powers were suppressed. No matter how big a fire or flood, they could not break through the cage. When they were furious, the spell exploded, and the two beasts were affected. Fortunately, they were in the ice sea, and they sank to the bottom of the sea with the power of the explosion. They did not emerge from the water until the explosion stopped, and they vented their dissatisfaction by chirping and cooing.

Zhang Ping said: "Stop shouting, come here to help." He showed the Fu Shen Sword and looked up at the eleven people in the air.

Four of the eleven masters had hunted down the lin beast, and when the lin beast went crazy, they took the opportunity to escape. Then they contacted their fellow practitioners as fellow Taoists and prepared to set up formations to capture them. Everyone shared the benefits equally. Not wanting to search all the way, there was no trace of it, so they flew randomly to the ice sea and found the piglet and kitten. Of course the eleven masters knew that the two beasts were precious, so they were greedy and set up an array to collect them, and then they were blown to pieces.

A monk with a long beard said angrily: "Zhang is afraid of you, I will destroy your Tianlei Mountain."

The image of Zhang Ai is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The monks all over the world know that the relic of Tianlei Mountain holds the Divine Sword in his hand, accompanied by two piglets and kittens, and has a group of beautiful women. Such a powerful team cannot be faked even if they want to. It is normal for people to recognize it. Then he smiled and said: "I have such a big name? But who are you? Also, Tianlei Mountain has been destroyed twice, and now it is an empty mountain, which disappoints you."

A white-faced monk shouted: "Don't talk nonsense with him, just set up a formation and kill him." With a jade bead in his hand, the world turned pale green, and the other ten monks each used their magic weapons to attach it. After a while, the green color faded, and the world became pale green. Change, nothing, as if nothing exists. But Zhang Ai clearly felt a strong pressure flying towards him from the air.

If you want to fight, let's have fun. An ice gun is thrust straight out of the sea water, pointing directly at the invisible pressure. Then a banging sound is heard, the ice gun breaks, and the invisible pressure flies slowly. Zhang Ai gritted his teeth and saw how much you could withstand. He raised his hands flat, ice crystals swirled around his body, and the ice walls pierced into a forest, finally restraining the opponent's invisible sword formation. At this time, the little pig and kitten were not idle either. The two brothers' innate magical powers rushed towards the eleven masters with anger. Zhang Weijing added fuel to the fire and injected a large number of spells into them.

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