The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 427 Wu State

Chapter 427 Wu Guo

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ai was protected by ice crystals and Fushen robes, so he turned a blind eye to the enemy's attacks. With a shake of his right hand, the Fushen sword flew out like lightning, pierced directly from the back of the blue-shirted monk, penetrated the body and flew back. At this time, the opponent's two swords stabbed him, and there were only two weak dings before being bounced away by the ice crystals. Zhang Weijing was unscathed and controlled the Fushen Sword to chase the other person. Then there was a thump, and the body of the blue-shirted monk fell to the ground.

The other two monks were horrified. They had gone through countless fights and many years of practice to reach their current state. However, they didn't want to just meet each other. The most powerful one among them had been killed, and the murderer was chasing them again, busy showing off. The figures ran away separately.

Zhang Weijing did not pursue him, so the Fushen Sword flew some distance away and flew back in a circle. After putting it away, he walked to the man in black robe and sat down and said, "Tell me what's going on. Why do you keep fighting?"

The man in black robe didn't open his eyes and replied forcefully: "Why should I tell you?"

"I won't kill you." There was nothing important except death, and Zhang was afraid of using this to seduce him.

The man in black robe still spoke in a sultry tone: "What's the difference between me now and my death?"

Zhang Awei thought about it and said: "Then let's kill you, right?"

"Let's do it." The man in black robe responded simply and neatly.

Zhang was afraid that the anger that had just dissipated would come back again: "I really want to kill you!"

The man in black robe urged him: "Do it quickly."

"Crazy!" Zhang Weijing scolded him coolly, turned around and left. After walking far away, he thought of something and turned around and shouted: "If you can, just wait here to die. Don't go anywhere."

After speaking, he took one last look at the high city wall and walked away with his hands behind his back. Unless we attack by force, we cannot enter that big city. Zhang was afraid that he would not like killing people indiscriminately, so he led everyone back the same way. Release the No. 5 boat to the beach, and everyone will take the boat eastward. But just as it was sailing away from the coast, a man appeared above the ship, wearing a blue shirt and pointing his sword at the treasure ship.

Zhang was so helpless that he chased away the small one in exchange for the big one. He lifted the hard iron knife upside down and flew into the sky. He said to the man in blue: "Come to fight? Let's fight." He picked up the hard iron knife and struck straight at him.

He was rude, and the man in blue was even more rude. He had already taken action when he spoke, and when he swung the sword, a cold light sword lightly stabbed his chest. Zhang Ai was startled. He dropped his hands and fell to the ground. Then he rolled to the left. He used his hands to support the ground and bounced high. Then he used a thousand-jin drop to fall suddenly. When he was close to the deck, he touched the ground with his toes and flew up upside down, calling out The Fushen Sword is in front of him. The whole set of movements is skillful and coherent, as natural and perfect as flowing water.

Correspondingly, the man in blue pierced the air with his sword, retracted his wrist, drew the sword down, and stabbed in the air again; he chased and swept to the left, but missed; the sword tilted upward, raising a sword shadow, and at this time Zhang Zhang He was afraid that he would fall down with a thousand catties and dodge the attack again. At this moment, the hard iron knife struck in front of him. Although no one was controlling it, the man in blue did not dare to take any risk. The figure flashed, and he moved to the side for more than ten meters and stood still. Finally, he gave Zhang Ai a chance to breathe. He held the Fu Shen Sword and shook his head: "Insidious, too insidious."

The opponent was a Nascent Soul mid-level monk or above, and his sword power was extremely fast. In a hurry, Zhang Wen did not dare to use ice crystals to bet with him on who was more powerful, spear or shield. He frantically used all his strength to dodge four consecutive attacks from his opponent in an instant. . At this moment, he finally took a breath and recalled the hard iron knife again and shouted: "Who are you?"

The man in blue's answer was another thrust with his sword, his body appearing and disappearing, shaking in the air like a ghost, the blade of the sword woven into a killing net with a hint of cold air, and it quickly covered Zhang Wei.

With the hard iron sword in his hand, the wide blade could be used as a shield. Zhang was afraid that he would be safe unless the sword could bend. What's more, this is the sea, and with the help of ice crystals, he is invincible. With a thought, a screen of ice blocks him in front of him, giving no chance for the man in blue to attack.

The sword strike just now was faster than lightning, and he broke into a cold sweat. Zhang was afraid that he would not stand under the dangerous wall again, so he had taken proper protection early and watched the man in blue shirt colliding with the ice wall again and again.

From Zhang Wei's point of view, the sword of the man in blue was really ordinary, and he didn't even want it if it was given to him for free. However, such a broken sword could actually pierce the ice wall formed by ice crystals. He had to wonder, what kind of magic did Wu Guo's monk practice?

In just a moment, the man in blue pierced more than ninety layers of thin ice with more than ninety swords. He saw an endless ice wall appearing, with a leisurely Zhang Ai behind the wall. Knowing that nothing could be done, he made a decisive decision to withdraw his sword and retreat. But he wanted to leave now, but Zhang was afraid but wouldn't let him go. Ice walls appeared layer by layer, wrapping the man in blue inside. Then with a snap of his fingers, the master in blue shirt was squeezed to death by the ice wall.

Seeing the opponent's body falling into the sea, Zhang was still angry: "Sneak attack? Another sneak attack!"

Strictly speaking, the opponent was not a sneak attack. It was entirely because Zhang was afraid that his carelessness would be taken advantage of. However, no one refuted it. Zhang Tian put it behind him and said, "His sword is so fast."

The monks of Wu Kingdom are weird in everything. They form a group of three and use swords as weapons. They are ruthless and quick in action. They are not as messy as the monks in other places. They have all kinds of people and all kinds of magic weapons. Zhang Ai vaguely felt that the Wu monks existed for fighting rather than working for immortality.

As the boat moved forward, it came across a rare fishing boat with four people on board. When his spiritual consciousness swept over him, he was an ordinary person. Zhang was afraid of approaching the big ship, so he sincerely asked for advice. With the encouragement of money, he finally understood the customs of the Wu Kingdom briefly.

The territory of Wu State is long and narrow, with a width of three thousand miles and an unknown length. It is divided by many forces. The various forces fought back and forth, experienced rise and fall, and now there are still thirteen major forces, all of which have established their own kingdoms. They all believe that they are the orthodox of the Great Wu, and they are the current Thirteen Kingdoms of the Great Wu. The thirteen countries all use Wu as their country name, and to distinguish them, they call them Shang Wu, Bai Wu, Xing Wu and other country names.

If the entire Wu Kingdom did not take the sea route, only the Hulukou at the upper and lower ends could be connected to the outside world. And to walk from one end to the other, ordinary people would not be able to do it even if they spent decades. The area is too long and difficult to manage. Wu State relies on the Death Mountain. Although it is cut off from the outside world, the advantage is that this natural protective barrier contains a large amount of ore. The Death Mountain is an entire mine.

There were endless wars in the country of Wu, and the population dropped sharply. In order to preserve their strength, various forces equipped their armies with heavy armor. Those who can wear them join the army and fight, while those who are weak stay at home to farm and have children.

There are also cultivation sects in the Wu Kingdom. Any cultivator, no matter how ruthless he is, is born from his parents. There are always some relatives who are related. There has been civil war for years and the power is divided by region. Each cultivation sect belongs to different places. If you want to be aloof and ignore worldly affairs, it is cannot. There are hundreds of people in each sect, and nearly ten thousand people in many sects. Many of their relatives died in the war. The cultivators wanted revenge, so they killed again and again, and the more they killed, the more chaotic they became.

In the end, the national forces were integrating, and the cultivation sects were also integrating. There were only thirteen major sword sects left in the thirteen countries, and the country and the sword sects were closely related. The cultivators have also transformed from the initial concentrated practice into killing machines, and all methods are centered on killing!

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