The Monk

Volume One Chapter 424: Going to Wu Fengcheng

Chapter 424: Going to Wu Fengcheng

To identify the identity of the enemy and ourselves, we must attack with all our strength, take action at the first opportunity, retreat immediately when frustrated, conserve our strength to look for the next opportunity to attack, and must have spare weapons on our body. These are all experiences summed up through countless actual combats.

The six of them were monks who had been beaten out of the dead. There was absolutely no tricks in their fights. They were all real attacks that killed people. They just happened to launch attacks at the same time, so they looked like they had been well-trained.

Zhang was afraid that he saw in them the shadows of the three Nascent Soul monks in white clothes he met at sea during the day. He didn't do anything. He made a gesture like thunder, raised the Divine Sword in his hand, and said in a cold voice: "I need an explanation. " Regardless of whether the six monks understood it or not, they counted with their left hands, one, two, three.

He made no sound and bent his fingers to count, but the six monks did not look at his fingers. They all stared at his eyes and the right hand holding the sword. After all three fingers were bent down, Zhang Aiyang thrust his sword straight, and at the same time, six monks attacked and stabbed him as if they had been ordered.

Zhang Awei was confident that he could kill one person with one sword thrust, but there were five other swords stabbing at his neck. He sighed in his heart, these guys have too much experience in fighting. Although his cultivation level is high and his sword speed is fast, he is not. He was sure that after killing one person, he could still defeat the other five swords in a row, so he had to switch from offense to defense and use the sharpness of Fushen Sword to kill six more magic swords.

The six people were still the same as before, retreating at the first touch, throwing away the broken sword and taking out a new magic sword, retreating dozens of meters away and standing in a circle around him. Looking at the uniform movements of the six people, Zhang Ping deeply suspected that they must have come from the same sect. Not only did they advance and retreat at the same time, their positions were accurate, but what was even more accurate was that two of them shot the transmission talisman at the same time.

The transmission talisman disappeared in a flash. Zhang Ai sighed sadly and looked for help again? It's not a good habit to call someone if you can't beat him! He made comments to the six people in his mind, and his sword power rose again, stabbing the monk closest to him with murderous intent.

The six monks on both sides saw the opportunity very quickly and made decisions even faster. When the two transmission notes were fired, the six figures moved again, retreating ten miles like ghosts. Zhang Awei's fierce assassination was actually missed! He was so angry that he cursed secretly: "One coincidence, two coincidences, how many fights do these guys have to fight to achieve such a tacit understanding?"

Considering the safety of the girls, Zhang Wen had no intention of fighting with them, so he jumped back to Zhang Tianfang and whispered: "Let's go." Forty pill-forming masters took off at the same time and flew eastward.

As soon as they disappeared, the reinforcements called by six monks arrived, and there were three more of them, who were at the beginning level of Nascent Soul. The six people appeared almost at the same time. As soon as they appeared, they stared at each other with hostile and hateful eyes. They all drew their magic swords, waiting for a good opportunity to rush in and kill. The two monks who summoned them with the transmission talisman hurriedly rushed over and explained the situation in a few words. The six of them took off at the same time and dispersed. There was no need for verbal reminders at all. They formed two triangular cone attack formations and chased eastward. go.

But a few words were enough time for Zhang Afraid to run away with everyone. The forty people flew east for a while, then turned to fly south, finding a place to land at random, and then setting up barriers and restrictions to seal everyone's breath. The rest was to be in a daze and take the time to think about the two groups of people they met today.

The monks of the Wu Kingdom were more interesting. They formed a group of three and acted in a unified manner. Their magic weapons were all magic swords. Their attack methods were simple and direct, without any fancy tricks. They were ruthless and showed no mercy when attacking. They attacked with all their strength. If your opponent is strong, make a decisive decision and retreat immediately without making any unnecessary attempts.

Such monks were quite scary, and Zhang was afraid that he subconsciously didn't want to have contact with them. At the same time, I am also somewhat curious about what kind of country Wu is that can turn cultivators who devote themselves to cultivation into Shura butchers.

Everyone rested here for a night, and set out eastward in broad daylight the next day. Zhang was afraid of exploring the road ahead. He brought everyone to Wu Country just to walk here, thinking that since it was not far away, he would stop by and have a look. He did not expect to encounter a war, nor did he expect to have conflicts with cultivators. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but admire himself. He was surprised and confused as to why my enemies appeared wherever I went. Even if I set foot on a country I have never heard of before, I will immediately offend two groups of people. Am I the reincarnation of a lone star from the sky? Wherever Point has traveled, apart from the Hundred Thousand Mountains, there are really enemies everywhere, and enemies are everywhere.

Zhang Ai was thinking wildly while walking, and half a day later a tall city appeared in front of him. It's really high. The city wall is at least twenty meters long. It's all made of thick and heavy stones. The first impression it gives people is that it's strong. It looks tall, majestic and indestructible.

He had never seen such a city before. When the Song Dynasty was constantly at war with the barbarians, there had never been such a majestic border pass. Now he was interested in visiting the city.

When they were still five miles away from the city, they were stopped by someone. A group of about 200 soldiers were divided into three columns and formed into a simple attack formation across the road ahead. The general in front of them shouted: " Please return the long way!”

Without asking who you are, where you come from, or where you are going, I will tell you that this road is dead! The general raised his right hand high and stared at everyone with eager eyes. If he found any wrongdoing, he would immediately let go of his right hand, followed by a rain of arrows from sixty bows and eighty crossbows.

Zhang Aifang frowned. What he wanted to do most now was to find a ladle of cold water to drink to see if it would really clog the gap between his teeth. There is an old saying that people are unlucky and their teeth will get clogged when they drink cold water. He thought that he was unlucky enough at the moment and could verify whether the old saying was accurate.

The crowd was sixty meters away from the soldiers, within the range of the bows and arrows. Cheng Xier glanced at Song Yunyi, nodded slightly, and then walked slowly to the front of the team and asked crisply: "Why is this general blocking the way and not letting me walk?"

Cheng Xier's face is extremely beautiful, the kind of beauty rarely seen in the world. The eyes of more than 200 soldiers were immediately attracted. The generals were also shocked by her beauty. They coughed and regained their serious expressions, and said loudly: "Shangwu is closed and no passage is allowed. If you want to go east, you can take a boat to go around."

This sentence is so difficult to understand. What city is Shangwu Fengcheng? To go east, you need to take a boat?

Zhang Pa discovered the existence of this group of soldiers from a long distance, but he didn't care. When he got closer, he found that more than 200 people were wearing dark purple heavy armor. Thinking of the black armor and blue armor he saw yesterday, this should be a third-party force. Unexpectedly, in the small Wu Kingdom of 3,000 miles, there are many forces from all sides, and even more heavy armor. But isn't it tiring to always wear such heavy things?

He actually admired the general in front of him a little bit. Facing the beautiful Cheng Xier, he did not say or do anything inappropriate, and his soldiers did not say anything offensive either. This was extremely rare. Soldiers are here to fight for their lives, so it is normal to say a few words to tease women. It is a matter of life and death to have fun with a few words, and if there is a chance to take advantage of them, it would be the best. However, the more than 200 people in front of him, except for staring at them with fiery eyes, did not move at all, and their crossbows were always aimed at everyone.

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