The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 422 No. 5

Chapter 422 No. 5

On the deck, Zhang Ain raised his neck with his hands free and looked up, as if waiting for the three of them to make a decision. The man in white in the middle made the first move, and the two people on the left and right followed suit. The three moved quickly and coordinated skillfully. The three swords stabbed out three balls of light, all of which hit Zhang Ain's body.

After hearing two exclamations, Song Yunyi, Cheng Xier and others rushed out of the cabin and rushed to Zhang Wen's side to see if he was injured. At the same time as the two women's exclamations, there were three thick clashing sounds of "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding". The sword was so fast that the collisions were combined together to make only one sound.

The three of them attacked with all their strength but were blocked by ice crystals. Zhang was afraid that he was not injured, so he jumped back to stop the two women and led them back to the cabin. At this time, Zhang Tianfang and three others walked out of the cabin. As they walked, they said excitedly: "Look, the fight is about to start. I guessed it right." Fang Jian ignored him and pulled out the fire snake whip and whipped the three people in the air.

The three men in white stabbed to no avail, and they were shocked. What kind of cultivation level did this guy have? He also saw help coming from the other party, so he did not need ventilation and at the same time turned around and flew back.

Unfortunately, no matter how fast he moved, he couldn't move faster than the ice crystal. As soon as he turned around, a wall of ice appeared in front of him. The three of them have been in the same sect for many years, and they have a clear understanding of each other. No words are needed to remind them. The three sword paths pierce the same point on the ice wall, and they gather the strength of the three of them to pierce the ice wall. The three of them held swords in their right hands. When the magic sword pierced the ice wall, they withdrew their hands and put away the sword. Their left hands clapped together towards the point where the ice wall pierced. The whole movement was coherent. There was only a click sound, and a big picture was shot out of the solid ice wall. hole. The three of them had been in killing formations for a long time and had rich fighting experience. They smashed the ice wall with their left palms. The two of them took a half step back. One of them followed the palm movement and got through the hole, and then the other two followed closely behind.

The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye. Starting from when the three of them turned around, the ice wall appeared, and then they stabbed with their swords and slapped their palms, and then passed through the ice wall one after another. All the movements were perfectly connected, as if they had practiced countless times with ease. Everyone on the deck was stunned to see it, it was so awesome! The three people's reactions, decisions, and most importantly, their coordination were all perfect. They were simply more efficient than one person could do.

Zhang was afraid that he could have erected an ice wall to keep them away, but he hesitated for a moment and missed the opportunity. The three men in white flew away in a whoosh, turning into black dots and running away. Zhang Tianfang opened his mouth and looked in the direction where the three people left. He was in a daze for a while before speaking: "This is the strength of the Nascent Soul Intermediate Monk? Why do I feel that I am more powerful than Aotian?" Aotian is the capital of the Holy Kingdom over the desert. His deputy capital master, his cultivation level is unfathomable. It is said that he is in the high-level realm of Nascent Soul, but no one knows his actual cultivation level. Zhang Tianfang fought with him twice, but he always ran away with two ping pong chops. Aotian didn't use his full strength at all.

Zhang Ai sighed: "These three people are amazing! They have extraordinary cultivation, are decisive in dealing with problems, have the same mind, and cooperate with each other to defeat the enemy. They are much stronger than the three bastards in the Qingmen Tiandiren Sancai Sword Formation." As he spoke, Looking at Jiao Jing, he thought to himself: "Being able to escape from the hands of these three is considered a bit of a skill."

Fang Jian said: "Look at the three people moving forward and backward in an orderly manner, without any unnecessary movements. They should have been through battles for a long time and have rich fighting experience. Such talents are terrifying. I don't know where they are monks from."

When the three men in white came, Zhang was afraid of walking too fast, so he rushed out to confront the enemy. Zhang Tianfang and others were a step behind. He was so careless that he didn't even use the Nascent Soul mid-level monks as food, and dragged everyone to hide in the cabin to watch the fun. Unexpectedly, he saw three masters and said to Zhang Afraid: "You fight with them and don't ask about their origins?"

"I asked. They are not from Wu. I don't know anything else." Zhang Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Tianfang muttered angrily: "Nonsense." Then he said: "It's time to get a map and look at it, and then run out of the Wu Kingdom. Why do you have so many countries?"

The topography of Wu State is like a long scimitar, with the back of the knife being the Death Mountains and the blade being the coastline, forming an arc and sticking to the southeastern corner of the continent. Apart from the boundless ocean, only the tip of the knife and the upper and lower intersections of the handle can be connected to the outside world and can enter and exit freely.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Don't use your ignorance to measure the vastness of the world. There are so many things you don't know. Let's go. Uncle will take you to the Kingdom of Wu to give you a long experience. There is a famous place three thousand miles to the north. One of the two most dangerous places is the Mountain of Death. You have to take a look at it. "Actually, he doesn't know much about Wu either.

Fang Jian pursed his lips when he heard this, meaning what to do about the big snake? Yeah, what should I do with this guy? After more than a month of training, the internal injuries were not healed. The inner elixir in the brain was damaged. It was useless to just replenish the spiritual energy. He had to rely entirely on himself to repair it. Although it does not affect his actions, his cultivation level will be reduced, and he will definitely die if he is targeted by an expert. Zhang Awei thought about it and said, "I have nothing to do anyway, just wait for him for a few days."

So the ship stopped here, and Zhang Ai took out a lot of elixirs for the snake to eat to help it consolidate its inner elixir. Seven days later, the snake's inner elixir was completely repaired, stronger and bigger than before, and its strength was also improved. Jiao Jing was very grateful to Zhang Ai. To meet such a good person like a fool these days is simply a shocking thing, a legend or a miracle. In short, it is definitely not something that normal people should do. When a normal person sees an injured monster, even if he is kind-hearted and does not want to kill it, he will not stand up for it; to put it more seriously, even if he helps the monster stand up, he will not use expensive elixirs to heal its injuries. But Zhang Awei has done all these things. Jiao Jing secretly expressed gratitude and gratitude again and again, and then said goodbye in a carefree manner, diving into the sea and running away without a trace.

The girls were very busy these days. They were quarreling and clamoring to name the ship. Zhang Tianfang actively participated in it, but all the names he proposed were rejected. After the big snake left, the girls came to Zhang Ain to discuss it. They said that they decided to name the big ship "Women" after the joint discussion of thirty-four Jiedan female monks.

Zhang was afraid to deny it directly: "Why not call it Yatou? Are there male and female ships?"

The girls said another name, Snow Mountain. Zhang Tianfang shouted: "A bunch of idiots, sailing on snowy mountains and seas, their hair and claws are all gone. Aren't they looking for bad luck?" Zhang Aing agreed with Zhang Tianfang's opinion and thought to himself: "Fortunately Song Yunying and Cheng Xi'er did not participate, otherwise it would be bad luck." Becoming an idiot."

Zhang Tianfang's shouting made the girls very angry. After Fatty beat him up, he continued to mention names unyieldingly. The next names were much more exciting, including Rouyue and Yimeng. They were so dreamy and romantic that Zhang was afraid that he would feel dizzy. , ordered them to shut up, and exercised their power to force the name of the big ship to be No. 5. Because the ship was built with Wuxian wood, it should be called Wuxian, or No. 5 for short.

Of course, the girls would not agree to such a vulgar title and protested strongly, but the protest was ineffective. In the end, they had to surrender and accept their fate, so Zhang Ain drove the brand-new No. 5 to the coast of Wu State. Choosing a deserted place to dock, everyone got off the boat. Zhang Ain put away the big boat and took everyone towards a place with a strong human atmosphere.

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