The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 418 Sleeping

Chapter 418 Sleeping

After running for a full quarter of an hour, the three hundred or so men were so tired that they were out of breath, and then the large group of people drove into the shipyard. When everyone saw it, they turned out to be officers and soldiers. More than 800 people formed a wild goose formation to seal the exit. A group of cavalry flashed their swords and shouted: "Abandon your weapons and climb down. Anyone who violates this will be killed!"

After a quarter of an hour of vigorous exercise, the three hundred-odd men were out of breath from exhaustion. They knew that they could not defeat these women no matter what, not to mention that the boss died. The group of people threw away their weapons and neatly climbed to the ground to surrender. rest.

They climbed down, revealing Zhang Ain and others standing. The team of cavalry shouted: "Climb down! Anyone who violates this will be killed!" Zhang Tianfang glanced at them and shouted back: "Get out! Anyone who doesn't get out will be killed!" He was a little angry. Do people dare to shout at me? I am a Buddha!

Zhang Wen smiled and suddenly understood what the officers and soldiers were doing. He built a sea-going ship and rented part of the shipyard. He set up wooden fences to prevent other people from entering and exiting. However, the hull of the ship was tall and could be seen by standing on the flat ground outside the shipyard and looking up. Due to the precious characteristics of the five fairy trees, as long as the eyes are not blind, it can be seen I can see that this boat is a good thing.

It took three months to build the ship. In the last month, there were always people wandering around the shipyard to look around, or driving boats around to the waterfront to watch. Zhang Ping didn't care at all, thinking they were watching the fun. Only when they were surrounded by officers and soldiers did they realize that this was another group of robbers. There were more than 300 men crawling on the ground and more than 800 officers and soldiers standing outside. Many of them had come to observe the shipyard. Zhang was afraid of remembering the auras of these people, so he was careless just now. Looking at the two together now, he did not think that the officers and soldiers were here to protect him.

It turned out that he was right. The leader of the cavalry team shouted: "Insulting the officers and soldiers is insulting the court and rebelling. They should be killed without mercy. Boys and men, follow me and charge!"

At the command, the steel blades were unsheathed, the sound of hooves was like thunder, and the horses galloped wildly, murderous intent rising into the sky. They regarded the big men crawling in front of them as nothing but grass. No one warned them to avoid them. The cavalry trampled them directly and took away several people in a moment. Human life, followed by miserable cries, scared all the big men to jump up and run away in all directions.

Zhang Ping originally watched with a smile on his face, wanting to see how the officers and soldiers were struggling. Unexpectedly, they were more ruthless than the bandits, killing and injuring dozens of people in a matter of seconds. He suppressed his smile, his face was as cold as ice, and said softly: "It should be killed." He pulled out the Fu Shen Sword and faced the cavalry team.

A man with a sword actually wanted to compete with a strictly trained cavalry army. The cavalry leader coldly snorted: "You don't overestimate your own capabilities." He led the horse and rushed over, raising the steel sword high. When one man and one horse crossed each other, he used his arms to exert force. , there was a flash of cold light, and the steel knife whistled past with the sound of wind, but it cut empty. The leader was startled and suspicious. A silver light appeared in front of his eyes, followed by blackness. He fell off his horse with a plop and died on the spot.

Zhang was afraid that he would be merciless and killed all the dozen cavalrymen rushing in front. Then he raised his sword and pointed it diagonally, shouting: "Get out."

The officers and soldiers finally realized how powerful Zhang Fei was. Forced by the force of the sword, the cavalry suddenly dispersed and had to make way, allowing him to rush towards a general who was protecting the infantry. Just when the general realized that something was wrong, Zhang was already in front of him. The guards around him rushed to save him, but he killed them one by one with his sword. Then he smiled softly and asked: "You also want my ship?"

The general's face was pale. He held the hilt of the sword tightly with his right hand and wanted to draw the sword but did not have the courage to fight. He replied with a trembling voice: "I don't want to." "Oh? Did you bring so many people here to protect me?" Zhang Ai looked at hundreds of people. Officers and soldiers act like they have nothing.

The military general hesitated for a moment and confessed: "The prefect has taken a fancy to your ship and found out that the ship gang is also making plans to ask the subordinate to lead troops in the name of suppressing bandits...ahem." The prefect's order was to kill the ship owner and the gangsters as well. Death, of course I dare not say these words.

He didn't say it, but Zhang Ai could guess that if he wanted to take possession of other people's things openly, of course he had to kill the owner. Sighing softly, he could not find a place in the world that was just, happy, and free from sin. The silver sword in his hand danced and killed the generals. In a flash, he took away several people's lives. He said softly: "Those who want to die, stay here and don't leave." The tone of his tone. Calm, as if doing things at home.

One sentence reminded hundreds of people in the shipyard, including cavalry, infantrymen, and ship-robbers, all rushing towards the gate of the shipyard. The leader is dead, who would be foolish enough to die?

Zhang was afraid but did not stop him. When they all ran away, he followed the officers and soldiers to the Yamen. After killing the prefect, he returned, boarded the ship with others, cut off the mooring ropes, and the hundred-meter-long ship slowly slid into the sea. Officially set sail.

The length is 108 meters and the width is 18 meters. The big one can wrestle, run and do tricks on it. The girls were walking around from floor to floor, choosing bedrooms; Zhang Tianfang was lying on the deck basking in the sun, with two black tigers lying beside him; Song Yunying, Cheng Xier and Fangjian were discussing the way forward; Fu Kong was on the ceiling of the highest floor. Meditate on the boat; Zhang Ain stood on the bow of the boat and stared at the sea in a daze.

Is cultivation just about fighting and killing? Zhang was tired. He didn't know how many people had been killed or how many more people would be killed. Looking down at the sea, the blue sea surface is as flat as a mirror. The bow of the ship splits the water, splashing white waves and pushing them to both sides. He wanted to jump down, jump like a stone into the flat sea, and smash the mirror.

Fang Jian greeted him and asked, "Where are we going?" Zhang was afraid that he didn't know. He was worried about the 773 disciples of Tianlei Mountain and didn't want to go far, so he replied, "You decide."

Some girls ran out of the cabin and urged everyone to choose a room. They bought a lot of bedding, tables, chairs and other furniture and furnished the room with enthusiasm. Zhang was afraid of choosing a room to stay in, so he closed the door and covered his head to sleep.

He doesn't need to sleep and rest, he just wants to sleep, sleep without thinking about anything. He didn't get up even when he woke up, and continued to lie down, waiting to fall asleep. He didn't know how many days he slept, and he felt a little dizzy. Finally, someone stopped him from sleeping.

Two monks flew over the sea. After spotting the big ship, they released a communication charm. A quarter of an hour later, seventeen monks flew over. They stopped over the big ship and shouted loudly: "Qiyun Mountain Yunlong Gate is doing business. Please come out and see the ship owner."

Zhang Ai was dizzy and tried hard to sleep. He had noticed these people earlier, but he didn't want to move. He forced himself to think that these guys were passing by. Unexpectedly, his good intentions were wasted. He immediately became angry and rushed out of the cabin and stood on the deck. shouted: "Get out."

The nineteen Yunlong Sect disciples were all top-level Foundation Establishment monks and junior Core Formation monks. From their eyes, Zhang Ai was just a Foundation Establishment disciple. At that time, someone said angrily: "What can you say, kid? Just tell me if you want to die."

Zhang Fing's eyes turned cold. He didn't know why he wanted to kill someone. He had blamed himself for killing too many people a few days ago, but now he had the urge to kill someone. He took a long breath to restrain his murderous intention and said coldly: "I want to." Dead, can you kill me?"

The man became even more angry, and when he was about to take action, he was stopped by someone on the side, who asked loudly: "Is this boat yours?"

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