The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 412 Right Attendant

Chapter 412 Right Attendant

Hundreds of monks acting together can easily cause misunderstandings among the warlocks in the mountain. If this leads to another war, the consequences will be unimaginable. Zhang Aing speculated: "Master Zuo Shi should know, right?"

Zhang Tianfang cursed: "There are always bastards who cause trouble and deserve to be killed. What do you think these bastards want to do when they go into the mountains?"

"What can we do? We're just catching monsters. Could it be that we're here to visit relatives?" Zhang was afraid of returning to the thatched hut and kept thinking in his mind. More than a hundred people had conflicts with piglets and kittens because of catching monsters, but why were there so many at the same time? people?

Fang Jian thought of something with him, frowned, and shook his head slightly and said, "It's a bit abnormal. Shiwandashan has existed for a long time. Except for the war between the two races, there have never been so many Han people entering the mountain at the same time."

Zhang Tianfang interrupted: "Why not? More than 800 people from our Tianlei Mountain have come in."

Fang Jian said: "That's different. We were sent in by Mr. Zuo Shi. We won't disturb the order of Shiwandashan. It's hard for others to tell."

Zhang Ai pondered for a long time, and for some reason suddenly came up with a sentence: "Is there someone who deliberately provokes a war between the two races?"

Zhang Tianfang snorted: "Nervous, what about it?" Fu Kong looked solemn and chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, not knowing what was going on in his mind. Fang Jian was shocked and murmured: "Start a war, start a war." Suddenly he shouted: "There have always been monsters in Shiwanda Mountain. Why didn't so many monks go into the mountain to hunt animals before?"

Zhang Wen met Zhang's eyes and thought for a long time before saying, "I'm going to see Zuo Shi. You go and tell everyone not to go down the mountain."

Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Servant Zuo just left..." Before he could say anything else, Fu Kong held him down and dragged him back to his room. Zhang was afraid that the other party would gradually say: "Please inform everyone." He put down the piggy and ducked down the mountain.

He hurried all the way, and when he arrived at the Mountain God Platform, Zuo Shi had not returned yet, so he couldn't help but feel anxious. After thinking about it, he asked Xue Sha to help him report, and he asked to see his right attendant. Xue Sha was as arrogant and arrogant as ever. He didn't bother to talk to him, and dismissed him easily with "The left servant is not here, the right servant is not available." Zhang was so angry that he couldn't stop slandering him. He went to Foggy Valley twice with more than a hundred people, but there was not a familiar person on duty. He was very unlucky. Is it possible that we still need to ask to see the mountain god?

He stood in front of the mountain temple for half an hour, thinking hard. He was so anxious that he shouted on the spot: "Right attendant, come out!"

The sound is so loud that it scares many people. Everyone who heard his shouting was stunned and stared blankly at Zhang Awei, as if looking at a fool or a dead person.

The expressions of the two blood killers on duty suddenly changed, and they showed their magical weapons and hit Zhang Afraid. Not far behind Zhang Ao is a square platform. Occasionally, someone comes on the stage to convey news. Under the platform is a long market. After Zhang Ao shouted those words, the cultivators near the platform dispersed elsewhere with a roar, leaving an open space for the boss. Give him a hard time.

Xue Sha is a pill-forming monk, so he cannot defeat Zhang Ai. Zhang was afraid of hurting the enemy, so he just dodged. But he shouted too loudly, and hundreds of bloody warriors poured out of the mountain temple. They were all red-clad and red-faced, and surrounded him with murderous intent.

Someone in this group of people finally knew him and said in surprise: "A relic of Tianlei Mountain? You are on good terms with Master Zuo Shi, why are you scolding Master Right Shi?" Someone next to him said: "What nonsense do you dare to insult Master Right Shi? Just catch him." Then dozens more people joined the battle group one after another.

The fight between these people was lively, and Zhang was afraid of the difficulty of hiding, so he shouted: "Right servant, if you don't come out, I will kill you."

Before he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter, and two people walked out with the laughter. One had beautiful features and fair skin, and was smiling happily. The other was tall and burly, with long hair reaching his shoulders. His height and appearance were somewhat similar to Zhang Tianfang. He looked at Zhang Afraid with a sinking face.

As soon as these two people came out, hundreds of blood warriors around them immediately paid their respects. Even those who were fighting stopped and bowed, shouting in unison: "I've seen your right servant, I've seen Master Qiao."

When the real master came out, Zhang Weifang hurriedly lowered his head and clasped his fists: "Zhang Weifeng of Tianlei Mountain has seen your right attendant and Master Qiao."

The fair-skinned Venerable Qiao was still laughing: "Young people today are really amazing, haha. I'm shouting at you from the mountain god platform. Hey, aren't you angry?" He was talking to the burly man.

The big man had a gloomy face and said coldly: "Don't you want to see me? I'm here." The voice was as cold as ice, which made him feel uncomfortable in his ears. Zhang was too afraid to raise his head and replied respectfully: "Junior, I have something to tell you. Your Excellency, this matter is urgent and I have offended you, please forgive me."

There were people all around, so the right servant didn't want to lose his temper too much, and sneered: "Forgive you? I roared loudly on the mountain god's platform, and even the mountain gods didn't look at me. What do I mean by a little right servant? How can I forgive you? ?”

This guy was really difficult to talk to. Zhang Wen lowered his head deeper and listened silently.

Venerable Qiao stopped laughing, pointed at Zhang Ain and said, "Who is he? Ah, the relic of Tianlei Mountain, Zuo Shi likes him very much."

The right servant snorted coldly and said: "It's him." Then he said to Zhang Ping Leng: "Tell me, what's the matter? There are so many people listening together."

When he spoke like this, Zhang was afraid to speak more and more, so he hesitated and whispered: "Junior wants to talk to you in private."

The right waiter's expression became even colder, and he looked at Zhang Ying's half-bowed figure and remained silent for a while. Venerable Qiao started to laugh again, a smile appeared on his face and said: "It's worth coming today. It's rare in my life to meet a few people who dare to talk to your right servant like this."

Zhang is afraid of being depressed, I am so polite. If it were Zhang Tianfang, he might not be as virtuous.

The right attendant raised his hand to set up a barrier, covering the Venerable Zhang Aiqiao and himself, and ordered: "Speak."

Without asking him to stand up, Zhang Pa bowed his head and replied: "I encountered more than 700 monks in the east of the Ten Thousand Mountains attacking and capturing monsters. I felt that something was wrong. I was worried that the people in the mountains would suffer, so I came to report it to you, sir." The right attendant was surprised and said, "What?" He asked the Venerable Qiao, "Did you encounter them when you came?" The Venerable Qiao shook his head and said, "No." The right attendant's face became a little better: "Seven hundred monks went into the mountains to catch monsters. Did they act separately or together?" "They should act together." Zhang Pa thought about it and said. "More than 700 people?" The right attendant calculated in his heart. If it was only more than 700 people, it would be fine. He was worried that there were more than 700 people, so he asked again: "You saw the monks catching monsters and told us? Aren't you also a monk?" "Sir, I feel it is very strange. There have always been monsters in the Ten Thousand Mountains. Why didn't there be a large number of monks going into the mountains to catch monsters before? And these people appeared at the same time. I am worried that someone deliberately provoked a fight between the two tribes." "Just based on 700 people, you said that someone provoked a fight between the two tribes. What do you think?" The right attendant shouted. Zhang Pa said, "I feel there are more than 700 people. I live on the outskirts of the mountain. There are few cultivators and monsters around me, but I have already encountered two groups of cultivators. The first group consisted of five people. I don't know what they had a dispute with, but they fought each other. Then they encountered eight cultivators hunting monsters, who burned six of them to death. The remaining two attracted 13 people who came for revenge, and attracted more than 700 cultivators. I have been in the mountains several times and walked in the mountains for a long time, but this is the first time I have encountered so many cultivators. Moreover, these cultivators are in contact with each other and respond to calls as soon as they are called. It is really suspicious."

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