The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 406: Diverting Attention

Chapter 406: Diverting Attention

Naturally, everyone didn't believe it, especially Zhang Tianfang who was still thinking about revenge. He grabbed Zhang Wen and shouted, "What did you do when you went out?" "What did you do? Ah, I met Shu Sheng. He wanted to assassinate me, but he didn't succeed. , ran away, I'll be back." Zhang was afraid of diverting his attention. Sure enough, the guy with no memory immediately got angry and said angrily: "That pretty boy? I already disliked him, why did he kill you?" "He didn't tell me, and he didn't give me a chance to ask." Zhang Ain said seriously.

A few people chatted randomly for a while. Zhang Tian slowed down for a while and then remembered that he was bullied by King Wu and continued to ask questions. Zhang Ai hurriedly took out the magic diagram of the Temple of Refining that he drew from memory, laid it flat on the table and said: "This is the diagram of the nine-story pagoda of the Temple of Refining. Hu Ping said that the nine-story tower has nine magic circles. Breaking through the magic circle can lead to There’s another world that I can’t understand even after looking at it for a long time. Take a look.”

"Another world? Where is it? Is it a place like the great monk's alms bowl or hell?" Zhang Tianfang temporarily forgot about King Wu and squeezed to the front to read the drawings that he could not understand.

Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier stood outside, neither of them interested in the drawings. Song Yunyi said softly: "What if I go to the outside world? Just live well in this life."

Zhang Awei said: "I didn't want to go anywhere, I just feel that the Refining Temple is quite strange. Monks who form alchemy can enter, but those who form babies cannot. But a big tiger is so powerful and can go in. Speaking of which, I have seen a big tiger. The most powerful master, but he always wants to break out, I'm just a little curious. "

Zhang Tianfang gave up on the formation diagram that he couldn't understand and came out to interject: "How do you know Big Tiger? They say there are treasures in the Valley of the Gods. Ask him to prepare some for you."

Fu Kong looked at the drawings, stood up for a long time and said, "I don't understand. It seems to be related to the Buddhist formation, but it doesn't look like it if you look closely." Fu Kong always spoke sparingly and rarely said more. Fang Jian followed and said: "I know few formations and know even less, but I feel that these nine formations are vaguely related to what I have learned, but I just can't understand them."

What Fang Jian said meant the same thing as Bu Kong. Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Me too."

Cheng Xi'er said: "If you don't understand it, don't read it. There is no need to be too obsessed with it."

Zhang Ainen put away the drawings and suddenly asked: "After forming the elixir, there is the formation of a baby. After the formation of a baby, there is transformation into a spirit. What about after transformation into a spirit?" Everyone shook their heads together. No one knew the answer. Fu Kong said: "No. I have seen a cultivator who transforms into a god. Is it possible that after cultivating to transform into a god, you will enter another world as you said? "

Zhang Tianfang interrupted their conversation: "Aren't you bored? Let's just talk about useful and useless things and go out for a drink." He dragged Zhang Wen and Fang Jian out. Zhang Wen smiled, thinking about these things now is really useless, it is better to drink and be confused, and continue to study the array diagram after waking up, and finding a way to enter the Refining Temple is the first priority.

That night, not only a few of them were drunk, but all the Tianlei Mountain disciples also drank and got drunk together. Early the next morning, Zhang Ping had just gotten up, and Fu Kong opened the door and came in to say: "Zhang Tian has put down the mountain."

"What? When did you leave?" Zhang Ping asked anxiously, what is this impulsive boy planning to do?

Bu Kong said: "Don't worry, I know where he is going. Just tell you and I will go find him." After saying that, he went out and went down the mountain. Zhang Wei wanted to follow him, but when he left the room, Fu Kong was already gone. After looking around and finding no trace, he muttered that the little monk is quite powerful and walked back to the room.

He just went down the mountain based on how much attention Bu Kong paid to Zhang Tianfang. Bu Kong sensed it immediately and wanted to see what he was going to do, so he followed behind without making a sound. Zhang Tianfang's idea is very simple. He must take revenge if he suffers a loss. Zhang Tianfang was afraid that he would not tell the origin of the Tiger King, so he asked him himself. He ran all the way to the Mountain God's Platform, and when he got there, he went straight to the Mountain God's Palace. He was so frightened that Fu Kong showed up quickly, fearing that nothing would happen.

Zhang Tianfang saw Fu Kong and asked, "Why are you here?" Without waiting for Fu Kong to answer, he shouted loudly at the guard: "Which room is the left servant in?" With one sentence, the market at the gate of the palace suddenly fell silent, and many people looked like Look at him like a monster.

After all, he didn't stop this guy. Fu Kong said with a grimace to the two blood killers, "We have an old relationship with Mr. Zuo Shi. Please tell me, sir, that I'm an old friend of Tianlei Mountain and I want to see you."

Zhang Tianfang was the first to be rude. Of course, the two blood killers would not look down upon him. One of them snorted, "You said we'd meet you in person?"

In everything there is good and there is bad, and vice versa. Zhang Tianfang's disrespectful shouting caused a lot of bloodshed, and some people wanted to beat him. Coincidentally, one of them had been to Foggy Valley and knew the two of them, so he came forward to speak: "Wait, I will go find the adults." After a while, he ran out and said: "My lord, please invite me." He led the two of them in.

Zuo Shi stood expressionless at the door. Zhang Tianfang asked from afar: "Where is King Wu from? Do you know him?" Fu Kong quickly rushed to the front and saluted, thinking: When will this guy become smarter? I hope Mr. Zuo won’t be angry.

Of course, Zuo Shi would not be angry because of Zhang Tianfang, and said calmly: "Disciples of King He of Longhu Mountain, please go back." After saying this, he turned around and returned to the house. Although Zhang Tianfang didn't deserve his anger, he didn't want him to see him either.

"Ah? Ah!" Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment before reacting. Zuo Shi said that King Wu was from Longhu Mountain, and muttered casually: "Not polite at all."

This guy still has the nerve to say that others are rude? Bu Kong pinched his arm to control the blood in his body, and bowed to the left servant's room to say goodbye. Then he exited the Mountain God Palace and left the Mountain God Platform. He walked far away before letting him go.

Zhang Tianzhao calmed down and shouted to Bu Kong: "Why are you pinching me?"

Fu Kong didn't answer as if he hadn't heard, but asked him: "Where are you going?"

"Of course I will go to Longhu Mountain, I want revenge!" Zhang Tianfang was very courageous.

Bu Kong glanced at him: "If you can't beat me, how can you take revenge? Go back to the mountain!"

"Help me, we will sneak attack King Wu." Zhang Tianfang knew how to find helpers.

Fukong really wanted to go back to the temple and ask his master, is this idiot, idiot, waste, fool, brain-damaged guy really the one who was killed by the Buddha? There has been no change at all in the hundred years since I met him. This kind of mind is absolutely weird. Even a pig will become smarter after living for a hundred years, but he has always been virtuous! He stretched out three fingers of his right hand to pinch, and looked at Zhang Tianfang coldly without saying anything.

Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Are you threatening me?" Fukong nodded slightly, meaning that he threatened you, what?

Zhang Tianfang thought about it, but the hero did not suffer the immediate loss and returned to the mountain in despair.

Just because he returned to the mountain did not mean that things had calmed down. King Wu was attacked by Zuo Shi and was very angry. However, he could not openly fight against Shiwandashan, so he asked his junior brother Cai Xiaoxiao to help him vent his anger.

Cai Xiaoxiao is very smart, similar to Fang Jian. They are both geniuses, but his cultivation level is much higher. Hearing that Zuo Shi attacked King Wu secretly, he blinked and said with a smile: "Tell me the reason." King Wu knew that he couldn't hide it, so he told the whole story.

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