The Monk

Volume One Chapter 404 Asking to See Zuo Shi

Chapter 404 Asking for an audience with Zuo Shi

King Wu and Zhang Tianfang were fighting. Zuo Shi could feel the fluctuations of their spiritual power. He didn't want to intervene, but there was a familiar smell of spiritual wine in it. It must be related to Zhang Pa. Zuo Shi had always had a good impression of Zhang Pa. He had to intervene when the matter involved him, so he rushed to investigate the cause of the matter. He happened to see the disciples of Tianlei Mountain fainted and Zhang Tianfang was trapped by King Wu. He knew that Zhang Tianfang and Zhang Pa were in the same group, so he took advantage of King Wu's concentration on fighting the Ghost King to sneak attack him and drive him away.

After thanking Zuo Shi, Zhang Tianfang's teeth were itching with hatred. This fight almost injured the Ghost King. He gritted his teeth and said hatefully: "King Wu, I must kill him."

King Wu escaped, and the matter was understood. Zuo Shi smiled and said: "As long as you don't fight in the mountain, you can kill him as you like." After saying that, he was about to leave. Zhang Tianpa asked anxiously: "Where does King Wu live? Which mountain is he from?" He fought with the black-faced guy for a long time and didn't ask about his origins at all.

Zuo Shi laughed secretly. This guy was so confused that he didn't know who was bullying him for a long time. He said, "You are outside the mountain. Your power is not enough to compete with him. I'm leaving. Please ask Zhang Pa for me." After that, the figure disappeared.

Zhang Tianfang wanted to ask again, but Zuo Shi had already left. Seeing that he didn't want him to take revenge, he could only say angrily, "Go back to the mountain." There were two pieces of peach wood swords and a broken wooden peach blossom on the ground. Zhang Tianfang stepped on them angrily, then leaned over to put them away. He looked at the seven disciples and asked, "Are you okay?"

Seven disciples replied that they were okay, only one disciple said, "My clothes were stripped." Zhang Tianfang said, "It's nothing. Go back and ask Zhang Pa to give you another one. Let's go."

Having learned from the previous experience, the eight people returned to the mountain honestly and quickly. As soon as Zhang Tianfang entered the mountain, he went to find Zhang Pa, broke the door and shouted loudly: "Revenge, I want revenge." Zhang Pa was holding the formation diagram of the Refining God Temple and thinking hard. Hearing Zhang Tianfang's shouting, he wondered: "What revenge?" Zhang Tianfang dragged him out of the house, called Fang Jianbukong, and told him the story again. After listening, Zhang Pa asked for the peach wood sword to take a closer look, and said after a long time: "I don't understand, how can a piece of wood pierce the skin of the Fushen snake?"

This sentence didn't make Zhang Tianfang angry to death, and he shouted: "I asked you to help me get revenge, not to study how to refine weapons."

Zhang Pa rolled his eyes at him: "Nonsense, don't understand the enemy's magic weapon, and go to die?" Paused and said: "Tomorrow you have to thank Zuo Shi for saving your eight lives." Zhang Tianfang snorted: "It's seven people, I don't need him to save them." Although he said so, he didn't have the confidence at all. If Zuo Shi hadn't intervened, the Ghost King would definitely be hurt.

Bukong asked: "That man is called Wu Wang, and he uses peach wood as a magic weapon. Do you know his origin?" He was not interested in hatred. The problem was that just this time, he did not accompany Zhang Tianfang down the mountain, and the great and precious Buddha Sha in Buddhism was killed. Bukong was sent to protect Buddha Sha. Even if it was superficial, he had to ask about it and care about it.

It was bad luck for Zhang Tianfang to leave. The eight of them were wandering around the mountain god platform wearing protective robes made of Fushen snake skin and were seen by Tiger King. Tiger King was a master of Longhu Mountain. Long ago, Longhu Mountain and Shiwan Mountain had many conflicts. Later, the court of Qi State put aside racial prejudice and accommodated foreign people, and the fighting between the two sides began to decrease. The mountain god was gentle in character, and the left and right servants were unwilling to start a random killing, so they allowed the Longhu Mountain disciples to wander around the mountain god platform.

Wu Wang rarely went down the mountain, but this time he saw eight good protective robes. Although he didn't know what materials the clothes were made of, he could always tell the good from the bad. He couldn't help but wonder when a powerful sect would appear in the Ten Thousand Mountains, and how could such a precious robe be owned by everyone? So he wanted to find out. If possible, he would of course like to know the source of the materials so that he could strengthen the strength of the Longhu Mountain Sect.

He followed carefully for a few days, but he never showed up. It was also because Zhang Tianfang was not serious, and wasted a lot of time wandering around. The most annoying thing was that he stopped walking and took the spirit wine to get drunk. This time, King Wu couldn't help it. The precious spirit wine could be drunk at will, so it can be imagined that the forces behind these people are not ordinary. King Wu was worried that the night would be long and dreams would be many, so he showed up to interrogate, and then there was a life-and-death fight.

What he didn't expect was that both sides were injured after tossing for a long time, the peach wood shield had cracks, the wooden peach blossom and peach wood sword were destroyed, and he got back a few bottles of half-drunk spirit wine and a Fu Shen Snake robe.

Hearing Bukong's question, Zhang Tianfang glared: "I don't know." Zhang Pa smiled and said: "I don't know anything, who can I go to for revenge?" Zhang Tianfang was furious: "If you don't know, can't you ask? Old man Zuo Shi must know, he said we can't beat him." "From what you said, that person's methods are really powerful, and the peach blossom miasma is hard to break, how can we take revenge?" Zhang Pa thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow I will go to the Mountain God Platform to ask about the origin of King Wu." Zhang Tianfang agreed, and said: "I will go too, and I will get another piece of clothing for that unlucky guy in your sect." That guy was a bit unlucky, there were seven people lying in a row, and King Wu took his clothes. Zhang Pa agreed, the clothes were simple, there were plenty of materials, and he made another one at night, which took three days to make, and asked the head of Tianlei Mountain to pass it to the disciple, and then went out alone to see Zuo Shi. Zhang Tianfang wanted to follow, but unfortunately he was sleeping when Zhang Pa left. After waking up, he wanted to chase him, but was strongly stopped by Bukong, who said to stay to protect the girls, so Zhang Tianfang had to give in. It has been a long time since I came to the Mountain God Terrace. When I stepped on this huge stone again, Zhang Pa felt something inexplicable in his heart. The crowd on the stage was still as crowded as before, but many people had changed, including the blood killers who were responsible for security.

He followed the crowd through the market and stopped in front of the only building complex on the Mountain God Terrace. He clasped his fists and said to the two blood killers standing at the door: "Please inform me that Zhang Pa wants to see Lord Zuo Shi."

The two of them looked at Zhang Awei. There was a difference between a warlock and a monk. They couldn't tell the depth of Zhang Awei's cultivation. One of them said, "My lord, you won't see any guests during your meditation practice." He refused directly. Zhang was afraid that he was a little depressed. Is it possible that he could still get in without being informed? He added with a grimace: "Thank you, my two fellow Taoists, for saying that my old friend Zhang is afraid of coming to visit."

"You said an old friend is an old friend?" It seems that these two guys hate the monks very much, and they don't give him a good face at all.

Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to lure him with spiritual wine, but he was also afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so he had to sit cross-legged and meditate not far from the door, thinking that he would wait for the two brothers to change their posts. But he didn't expect that this would attract the attention of the two blood killers, and when they changed the guard, they specifically asked him to kill them later. Sure enough, Zhang Wen ran into another wall when he went to ask for an audience again.

He could only sigh and leave the door, find a corner to sit down, and wait a few more days.

There is no night on the mountain altar. At night, everything else is dark, but the Dushan Temple is as bright as day. Lie on your back and watch the bright moon hanging high in the sky. It is bright in the sky and bright around you, and the boundless background between the two lights is pitch black, showing a different kind of beauty. Zhang was afraid that he would just pass the time bored in this different beauty.

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