The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 397 Return to the Five Spirits Blessed Land

Chapter 397: Return to the Five Spirits Blessed Land

Zhang Wen ignored the sorcerers following him and flew non-stop all the way to the Song Dynasty before the sorcerers left. At this time, Ruiyuan urged Fei'a to come to Fei'a and asked respectfully: "Uncle Master, would you like to go to Tianlei Mountain to have a look?" Zhang Ai agreed, and he originally planned to go back and have a look.

The group turned east and flew east, returning to Tianlei Mountain a few days later. The buildings on the mountain are still there, but they look dilapidated with no one taking care of them. Just imagine, if a house is left alone for more than 20 years, what will happen?

Surprisingly, although the house is dilapidated, it is inhabited by people. There are hundreds of cultivators living on dozens of mountains, large and small, who are obviously occupying the magpie's nest and greedy for their own use. All the disciples of Tianlei Mountain looked angry and were about to fly down to fight.

Zhang was afraid to look at Ruiyuan, and Ruiyuan thought about it and ordered: "Circle Tianlei Mountain once, and then continue south."

The leader gave the order and prohibited everyone. Everyone lowered their altitude and flew slowly close to Tianlei Mountain. After a circle, they took off and flew south.

They walked around in a swaggering manner, attracting the attention of the cultivators on the mountain, and each flew into the air to be on guard. However, the opponent had more than 30 flying warriors and hundreds of alchemy monks. This powerful force suppressed everyone and they did not dare to act rashly.

Looking at this group of people, Zhang was afraid that he felt uncomfortable, but he still held back his words and directed everyone to leave. He was a little aggrieved. When he was alone in the past, no one dared to challenge Tianleishan. Since he was forced to leave last time, it seemed that the monks in the world suddenly had the courage, and no one dared to bully him. Looking back at the high mountain peak coldly, watching it disappear in my eyes, one day I will come back!

Going to the Valley of Refining Gods, Zhang was afraid of remembering Hu Ping, the terrifying giant tiger monster that had transformed into a human form. When he left last time, he said he would go back to see him and bring him wine. But the spirit wine in his body has already been exhausted. After thinking about it, I admired myself very much. Giving away such spiritual wine to others casually was really wasteful! I have to go to Lin Sen to get some.

Having said that, I also miss Lin Sen and Fu'er a little. I asked Song Yunyi to talk to him, and Song Yunyi said he should go and visit. So a group of people turned around and flew to the kitten's hometown, Hantan.

Soon I arrived at Hantan, put up the tent house and called everyone together, saying that I would go out with Song Yunyi for a few days, and you guys could rest here. Zhang Tianfang naturally doesn’t want to do it. This guy’s character is simply weird and bizarre. He is lazy and unwilling to think about problems. He likes to confront each other in everything. He is irritable and likes to be lively and playful... Zhang Aif ignored him directly and talked to Bu Kong and Fang Jian: "You guys help take care of it." The two agreed.

Zhang Wen spoke to Cheng Xi'er again: "Girls, please give me your trouble." Cheng Xi'er's expression remained unchanged, she hugged the kitten and piggy and whispered in agreement. Song Yunyi knew that she was a little unhappy, but places like the Five Spirits Blessed Land must not be known to others, otherwise it would be a huge disaster for the children; but she didn't know how to persuade and comfort Xi'er, so she could only sigh in silence.

Zhang Tianfang was still asking: "Where are you going? Where are you going? Tell me!" He yelled randomly, but no one paid attention to him. He rolled his eyes and suddenly shouted: "I know! You are going to double cultivation!" After saying one sentence, Zhang Tianfang was beaten up by the girls all together, and Zhang Tianfang ran away in despair. However, Zhang Tianfang, Song Yunying and Cheng Xier's faces turned slightly red.

Especially Cheng Xi'er, who had been focusing on Zhang Wen for many years without getting any response. Normally, she was fine. She and Song Yunyi were together all the time, and there were no secrets between them. But this time, the two of them didn't say where they were going. No matter what I do, I will inevitably have random thoughts. I lower my head and think about it. It is really possible to practice dual cultivation, and I will become even more panicked, and I will turn around and run away.

Zhang Ain scratched his head, trying to explain that he didn't know how to speak. He looked back at Song Yunyi, but Song Yunyi turned his head and said nothing. He could only cough and said, "Let's go."

The two flew up and down to the north, returning to the boundless grassland in one day. The grassland is still so big, and we are used to seeing vast white snowfields. Now when we look at the desolate grassland, the various kinds of weeds also contain infinite vitality. Zhang was afraid of using his spiritual consciousness to confirm that no one was nearby before heading towards the Wuling Blessed Place. When he got there, he hugged Song Yunyi and entered the underworld using the Earth Escape Technique.

Lin Sen was waiting below with thirteen fat babies as usual. As soon as Zhang Wen appeared, Lin Sen laughed and cursed: "It took me a long time to come back this time. What happened?" Of course it was a long time, and he stayed on the snowfield for twenty for many years.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Where's the wine?" As usual, he told stories while drinking.

The scenery of Wuling Blessed Land is beautiful, and the flowers and perfume are full of spiritual energy. Some dried melons, fruits and meats were hastily placed in the pavilion on the water. Lin Sen said: "You came back suddenly. I just prepared some. Next time, I will make some good dishes to enjoy."

Naturally, the next step was to tell stories while drinking. The dolls enjoyed listening to it, and Lin Sen drank to his heart's content. The ending was an inevitable drunkenness.

Lin Sen was drunk, and Zhang Wenwei took out some small toys and gave them to Fu'er, thirteen fat dolls, and a lot of puppet carts and the like. After the dolls ran away with their toys, he entered the Nitian Cave and released the monsters on his body, letting them absorb spiritual energy to help them grow, and then walked towards the Five Spirit Pond. It's not that he wants to refine something, but he has to come here because this is the place where his transformation occurred.

Sitting cross-legged and meditating, triggering the Divine Tears, five thin lines flew out from the chest and shot toward the Five Spirit Pond. At the same time, five thicker spirits flew out from the Five Spirit Pond to meet the thin line. The two had the same attributes and connected together instantly. I'm afraid that I can just sit and feel the changes in the spirits within Shenyi Tears.

I don't know how long I sat there before Lin Sen came to look for him. After he sobered up, he prepared new food and wine to get drunk again. Zhang was afraid of breaking the connection between the five spirit spirits, so he stood up and walked out of the Five Spirit Pond. The spirit spirits in the Divine Tears were much richer.

There are a large number of monsters in the Nitian Cave. They are the strong and protective men given to the children by Zhang Ain. They live in Nitian Cave day by day, and each of them grows rapidly, and their strength increases beyond imagination. They were different from the domestic animals that Lin Sen bought back. They were originally monsters. After entering the Nitian Cave, they were naturally at home. After looking at them one by one, they were at least ninth level and above, and they were super-level monsters.

"It's so nice here." Zhang Ain sighed. Lin Sen answered with a smile: "Okay, I won't go out." Zhang Ain's expression dimmed: "In the past, Tianlei Mountain wanted to go back, but now Tianlei Mountain has to be built. People can't do whatever they want."

Lin Sen laughed: "Nonsense, you can do whatever you want. I ran out long ago."

This time I went out and experienced a lot. Luo Luo talked about it for three days before giving an overview. Lin Sen asked seriously: "So, you haven't taken revenge yet?"

"I barely killed a few people, but none of the real owners died." Zhang Ain was talking about the people in Mangu's Jin Family's Jia Hall.

"According to what you said, they are so terrifying that it is indeed difficult to kill them. It is better to stay here and meditate, and then go out after cultivating to the top level of Nascent Soul." Lin Sen suggested.

Zhang Awei shook his head: "No way, there are more than 800 people waiting for me outside. Besides, I have reached the top level of cultivation, what if someone reaches the stage of becoming a god? The person who built the Five Spirits Blessed Land was a master of the transformation stage. Bar?"

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