The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 392 The intention to leave

Chapter 392: The intention to leave

Ten thousand-year-old herbs, those are ten-thousand-year-old herbs, were planted less than fifty meters away from the archway. Everyone's eyes almost turned red. The idea they came up with was that once the magic circle was broken, grab one and run away. , whoever grabs it gets it.

A group of people were setting up cannons on the mountainside, and no matter how careful they were, they would still make a noise. Zhang was afraid of scratching his head while watching in the formation, afraid of what might happen. His spiritual consciousness swept over and he saw that most of the guys at the foot of the mountain were alchemy monks, and their highest level of cultivation was the elementary level of Nascent Soul. They sighed and walked out of the magic circle, saying loudly: "In two breaths, anyone who stays on the mountain will die." He raised his hand and raised his index finger. He raised his middle finger and said: "One." He counted with his middle finger and at the same time sent his spiritual consciousness into the big walnut on his chest. More than a hundred volts of divine snakes appeared out of thin air, and stopped motionless in the air with their bodies bent softly. They looked at the mountainside with cold eyes. at.

A large group of three-meter-long snakes suddenly appeared. The monks on the mountainside shouted alertly: "There's something strange." They swished and fled down the mountain. Some monks also shouted: "He's out of the battle, go up and kill him."

After a breath of time passed, Zhang Awei said loudly: "Two." He bent his index finger, clenched his raised right hand into a fist, and said lightly: "Go." There were more than a hundred snakes lying beside him like white lightning, and the afterimage had not disappeared. The main body has flown to the mountainside and is killing people wantonly.

Massacre, one-sided massacre, the God-Suppressing Snake is known as God-Slaying, how can the Pill-forming monk be an opponent? Before he could finish a word, hundreds of people were already dead on the mountainside. The God-Suppressing Snake used its body as an arrow and shot through several people. The victims were unable to react in time, leaving only a bloody hole the size of a fist and then died happily. The rest were so shocked when they saw it that they didn't need anyone to direct them, and no one said anything. They turned around and ran away as if they were all united.

The Fushen Snake chased the cultivator once and killed it, then flew back to Zhang Ai's side and lay down on the ground to rest. Zhang Fei didn't put them away anymore, so he released three big stupid dogs, a red wolf, a Tibetan rat and a ground rat. Under the protection of the Five Elements and Bagua array, he was not afraid of anyone making misguided ideas. Then go to the mountainside to retrieve fourteen spiritual cannons, and place the muzzles on both sides of the mountain gate.

Looking at the laziness of a bunch of monsters under the mountain gate, I remembered that Lin Sen, Fu'er and others were trapped underground all day long. If they hadn't invited them to live in Tianlei Mountain, where the magic circle could shade them, no one would have discovered them, even if Zhang was afraid that he could escape even if he was discovered.

The monks suffered heavy injuries, and hundreds of them died in the blink of an eye. The rest were either frightened or angry. Many people discussed casting more spiritual cannons and firing thousands of cannons to blow up Tianlei Mountain. The proposal was responded to by some people, but was scorned by more people. The materials for making cannons may be available, but it takes millions of spiritual stones to fire a cannon. Do you have so many spiritual stones? Besides, we are here to grab the medicine. If you bombed away the elixir, what should we grab?

As the old saying goes, people die for money and birds die for food. The accuracy of the old saying has been verified again in Tianlei Mountain. Knowing that the remnants of Tianlei Mountain are terrifying, some people come here to die. It has been less than two months since Tianlei Mountain reopened its gate, but it has already repelled numerous crazy attacks by countless monks, killing nearly two thousand monks, leaving no one injured, and only one person guarding the mountain, Zhang Dawei. Not only cultivators with cultivation levels below Nascent Soul were not treated favorably, but super masters also failed and ran away in front of him.

The news slowly spread, and Tianlei Mountain once again became the focus of the world. The name of Tianlei Mountain resounded throughout the Eastern Continent, and the people who made Tianlei Mountain famous were the thousands of cultivators who died. The relics of Tianlei Mountain are even said to be the reincarnation of the God of Killing and the Devil, ruthless and ruthless, and his men never leave anyone alive.

The fame spreads further and further, and with it comes endless troubles. The super masters seemed to be buzzing with bloody mosquitoes. One day, two days and three days, one, two, three, spring passed and autumn came, months passed, and countless tent houses were erected under Tianlei Mountain.

The super masters went up the mountain to test it as soon as they arrived. After several contacts, they knew that the protective array was powerful and went down the mountain to avoid its sharp edges. There are many cultivators around, and no one dares to say that there is no one more powerful among them. If you are fighting for your life and death, the benefits will be obtained by others? No one is so stupid as to be someone else's cannon fodder.

There are also masters who want to drive away low-level cultivators, but they can't find the medicine. Are they the first to cause public outrage? What's more, he is not the only master. Many people are watching him, driving away the less powerful ones, and there are also powerful cultivators who are fighting against him. Since they don't want to risk the world's disapproval and cause unnecessary trouble, they just let everyone do it. Go freely. But the low-level cultivators are happy to watch the excitement, and they also try to imagine that if they are lucky enough to encounter a magic grass or elixir, no one is willing to leave. Slowly, more and more people gathered, easily exceeding the 10,000 mark.

Zhang is the busiest person and always stands guard in front of the mountain gate. The formation was vast, and if a monk broke the formation from somewhere else, he would have to rush to take care of it. Fortunately, the eight formation diagrams were very powerful, and it was only through the powerful formations that they were able to withstand the waves of probing attacks.

There are more and more enemies, and after tens of thousands of cultivators, tens of thousands more cultivators gather, basically all of them are monks from other countries. The six major righteous sects of the Yue Kingdom once again failed to make a fool of themselves, and the Southern Demon Sect was the king of the fools and disappeared for a long time.

All the cultivators went up the mountain to explore everywhere in order to find a pool of water, and bumped into the girl's residence. Zhang Tianfang acted according to his temper. When he saw someone coming to harass him, he got angry and drew his sword and fought several times. After Zhang Wen knew about it, he placed them in the woods on the left side of the mountain gate to avoid accidents. Zhang Tianfang was even happier. There were more enemies in this place than in Tanshui, and he fought with people every day while wielding the ghost sword.

People were coming and going under Tianlei Mountain, and the tent houses were lined up like a small town. It even formed a small market where everyone could exchange materials and medicines, making it a bit bustling and lively.

There was a lot of excitement at the foot of the mountain, and Zhang was very angry because he was afraid of being upset. He had gone too far. He didn't expect that so many people would come, and he didn't expect that it would take so long. He didn't know how it would end, and he didn't know what the final result would be. The only thing that made him feel a little more comfortable was that not only enemies but also fellow disciples came. In the past few months, many Tianleishan disciples have returned to the sect. Counting the previous time, a total of 773 disciples have returned to the sect so far to serve.

But there are many powerful enemies at the foot of Tianlei Mountain. Didn’t these more than 700 people come back to die? In order to seek peace of mind, advanced elixirs were widely used. All disciples went into a quiet room to meditate and practice. Zhang Aoi provided various auxiliary elixirs.

I really just want peace of mind. No matter how powerful these disciples are, no matter how many elixirs he has, it is impossible for them to become masters immediately. They are just a group of foundation-building disciples. What big effect can they have even if they reach the elixir-forming stage? There are dozens of top-level masters of Guang Yuanying under the mountain.

Zhang Ai knew in his heart that the formation was not broken at this time, not because the formation was powerful, but because the masters under the mountain did not use their full strength. Looking back at the high palace, it was just built, but it was abandoned again after only a few days of living there. The critical situation made him consider leaving.

Carefully weigh the balance of power between the two sides, bear the pain and make a decision, abandon the mountain! The only thing he relies on is the Five Elements Bagua Formation. If the formation is broken, more than 700 disciples and the girls will definitely not escape death.

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