The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 390 Arrogance

Chapter 390 Arrogant

Since he was generous, he continued to be generous. He reopened the gate of the mountain alone. The six gates sent so many people to give face. When these people said goodbye, he also gave nine of the four advanced pills from the beginning of the Jiedan stage to the beginning of the Nascent Soul stage. Give it to six sects as a thank you gift. The members of the six major sects who had benefited from it were so jealous that they almost didn't want to leave. The things they had seen these past few days were nothing but good things. How could they not be tempted?

After the excitement, Zhang was a little depressed. Tianlei Mountain reopened the gate and caused a lot of excitement. The disappearance quickly spread throughout the Yue Kingdom. The strange thing is that none of the disciples returned to the mountain and returned to the sect. After thinking about it, it is estimated that the remaining disciples of Tianlei Mountain are either hiding in the remote mountains and old forests, or fleeing to other countries, or even going to the sea or crossing the desert. In short, the news has not been turned around, which shows how much the four major demon sects used to attack Tianlei Mountain. ruthless.

His depression did not dissipate until more than a month later. More than 300 surviving disciples of Tianlei Mountain, Lililala, finally returned. There is a large formation on the main peak, and Zhang Wen can feel it when everyone comes in and out. When he noticed that many of his former classmates were cautious, he felt resentful towards the Jin family medicine family. Most of these fellow sects are low-level disciples, some are downcast, haggard, or have gone through many vicissitudes of life. What they have in common is that they are cautious, snoop around outside the mountain gate, and do not dare to enter easily when faced with the master who once raised them.

After the mountain gate ceremony, the girls, Fu Kong and others returned to the wooden house by the pool, accompanied by the piglet and kitten. Only Zhang Afraid himself was left in Tianlei Mountain. Zhang Tianfang, Song Yunyi and others wanted to stay, but he refused. In any case, this is the main peak of Tianlei Mountain and outer disciples are not allowed to enter.

After being so alone for several days, I felt great pressure all day long. How to restore Tianlei Mountain to its old appearance, whether it would continue to be dilapidated, and when my fellow disciples would return to the mountain. Many questions appeared in my mind endlessly. When he found the first disciple who had returned to the mountain, he saw that the disciple was cautious and suspicious. He endured it again and again, but in the end he couldn't hold it back and rushed down the mountain. He said loudly: "Hong Wu respectfully welcomes senior brother back to the mountain."

He once thought that he had no nostalgia for Tianlei Mountain and didn't have much affection for his fellow disciples of Tianlei Mountain. However, when he faced this low-level monk who he didn't know at all, he felt excited. He didn't care about his seniority or the depth of his cultivation. He would rather call him senior brother. , as long as you are willing to come back.

More than a month later, there were 333 returning disciples from Tianlei Mountain, two intermediate alchemy-forming monks, thirty primary-level alchemy-forming monks, and the rest were all foundation-building disciples. This was the full power of Tianlei Mountain.

Recalling the grand scene of nearly 20,000 disciples in the past, the 333 people at this time were not even satisfied with the main peak. Zhang was afraid that it would be troublesome and arranged accommodation for his fellow disciples who returned one by one. The countless Zhang Jade Slips snatched in the past have been put to use, and they were all given out for them to choose, copy, and study at will. They were also given medicines and magic weapons. The future of Tianlei Mountain will depend on them!

As the old saying goes, men don't shed tears, and cultivators don't even have tears. However, after these disciples who returned to the sect knew for sure that the mountain gate was reopened, most of them knelt down and cried under the mountain gate, and even Zhang Wei felt a little uncomfortable.

He reopened the mountain gate, attracting not only the remaining disciples, but also many greedy and delusional cultivators. For them, the name of the disciple of Tianleishan is synonymous with treasure. Those who are well-informed know that he is so powerful that even the Qing family and the Jin family do not dare to go against his edge, so they give up their greed. Even if such people come, they are just I just want to watch the excitement with the idea of ​​picking up a bargain, and I won't do anything easily. Those who were not well-informed and had relatively good cultivation were naturally bold enough to attack the mountain. However, after several attempts, they found that they could not even enter the mountain gate, and then they realized that this was a difficult bone to crack.

Zhang was afraid of killing the second type of people. If you dare to attack the mountain, I will let you die. With the help of the Five Elements Bagua Formation and the power of the heaven and the earth, he easily killed several people. Only then did he scare the people who came from the mountain. of cultivators.

He simply went even further and erected a stone tablet outside the mountain gate with four characters: Those who are brave can enter! And just fifty meters away, in the mountain gate archway, ten thousand-year-old herbs are planted on the grass on both sides of the stone path. They are all top medicinal materials such as ginseng and Ganoderma. Do you want it? Come in and get it!

But he was wearing a God-Fu robe and sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed under the archway, with a God-Fu sword across his knees. All the monks outside the mountain gate were fake.

So crazy! Of course, among the many cultivators who finally calmed down outside the mountain gate, some were dissatisfied and impulsive, and went to compete with Zhang Wei. The result was the same as their predecessors, they all died under the Fu Shen Sword. There were even greedy ones who took advantage of the chaos to seize the medicine. Suddenly, the grass Green creepers grow out and can easily entangle and strangle them. After doing this several times and losing many lives, the cultivators were really willing to be honest.

After Fukong knew the situation, he specifically came to persuade him. Being too arrogant would provoke powerful enemies. Zhang was afraid that he would remain unmoved. If he wanted to kill him, he would kill him with all his heart. Let these people remember that Tianlei Mountain is not to be trifled with. Zhang Tianfang held up the ghost knife and yelled: "Take me with you to kill. Don't forget that I am the leader."

Zhang was afraid of establishing his power at the mountain gate, and his evil reputation once again spread to all directions. The greedy cultivators at the foot of the mountain seemed to have realized at this time that this guy was not easy to mess with, and they all retreated down the mountain to rest.

Since he came into the world, he has attracted countless people to hunt him down with countless treasures, and he has also killed countless people in exchange for his evil reputation. The relic of Tianlei Mountain is a terrifying existence to many people. But no matter how scary it is, there are always people who want to test it, especially when more and more of these people gather and become bolder, they think that the evil person is no longer evil, and they can try again.

Zhang was afraid of suffering from it, and the endless troubles caused by the endless flies finally forced him to take crazy actions at the foot of Tianlei Mountain. He used the power of the eight formation diagrams to attack and the power of ice crystals to protect himself. He wanted to completely defeat the enemy. Pain for these flies.

One month, dozens of attacks, and hundreds of deaths. The flies finally retreated, but still refused to leave. Zhang Aif looked up to the sky and sighed: "The thought of greed is really terrible!"

Zhang Ai's crazy behavior spread far and wide, eventually attracting top Nascent Soul masters.

On this day, Zhang Ai was meditating on the stone path of the mountain gate as usual. Three people came in front of the mountain gate, staring passionately at the ten thousand-year-old herbs inside the mountain gate. Although it is blocked by a magic circle and the breath of the spiritual grass cannot be detected, judging from its shape and appearance, it is clearly a top-grade herb.

Zhang was afraid that the breaths of these three people seemed familiar. He opened his eyes and saw, wow, the followers are here again. After the seventeen top-level masters who originally chased him dispersed, they each looked for elixirs to extend their lives. Among them, Izumoko and others happened to bump into Zhang Afraid and helped him fight and got five herbs in return, but these three people were not there at the time. They are people whose deadline is approaching. When they learn that Tianlei Mountain has ten thousand-year-old herbs, they will naturally not let them go.

Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Here you come?" It was as casual as a neighbor saying hello.

The three of them looked sullen and did not answer. Their spiritual senses scanned the formation. After a while, two people spoke at the same time: "The formation is good." "I want that medicine."

Zhang Afraid that his smile would not change, he still sat still, pointed to the stone tablet outside the mountain gate and said: "Those who are brave can enter."

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