The Monk

Volume One Chapter 382: Diverting Trouble to the East

Chapter 382: Diverting trouble to the east

Ten top-level monks either dodged or counterattacked and fought with Piglet, Kitten and Zhang Ai. More than a hundred little snakes were flying around. Ten high-level Nascent Soul monks hid dozens of miles away and secretly watched with their spiritual consciousness. Izumoko stood on full alert everywhere.

A group of masters also knew that persimmons should be picked on the weak, and they avoided the attacks of piglets and kittens, and used their killing moves against Zhang Afraid. Zhang Afraid became the busiest person in the sky. Fortunately, he had ice crystal protection to save his life several times.

No one likes to be a target. Zhang was afraid of being beaten all the time, so he suddenly shouted and flew back, stopping near the water. A group of masters looked at each other, dispersed in a swoosh, and got out of the way of the ice and fire attacks of the pigs and kittens, and even ran out of the attack range of the Fushen Snake. Knowing that your water spells are powerful, if we don’t hit you, we won’t be able to kill you anyway, so we will just follow you and disgust you to death.

Zhang was completely helpless. As long as the river stopped flowing and the ice crystals had no water to rely on, the girls behind him would be living targets waiting to be beaten. How could they withstand the attack of the high-level monks? He had no choice but to kill the other monk again. The target he chose was the old man with a white beard. This guy was very hateful and he must be killed first.

The God-Destroying Snake had been floating in the air. Zhang was afraid that he could not bear their risk, so he ordered it to stay in the air. The situation was critical at this time, and there was really no other way. He had to use all his strength to kill one person and let them attack at the same time. The piglet and kitten respectively Protect the left and right sides.

The old man with a white beard saw a group of demonic beasts approaching menacingly, and knowing that they were no enemies, he spread out his body and flew left and right in the air, easily getting past Zhang who was afraid of attack, but he didn't fly far away, just playing at a close distance. There is a big difference in strength between the two, and Zhang is afraid that he will not be able to catch up with him at all, so he can only let others play with him.

The Baiduofu Divine Snake had been following Zhang Afraid coldly, neither happy nor angry nor impatient. However, when they realized that Zhang Afraid was being teased, their eyes turned red. One of the little snakes suddenly stopped and raised its head. Roaring, its roar made no sound, but more than a hundred snakes stopped at the same time.

One hundred and twenty-eight glistening white divine snakes arched their bodies in the air at the same time, with their heads aimed at the old man with a white beard. The first snake shot out silently, as if faster than lightning. His movements were not seen, and I didn't see his figure, I just felt a cold light, the air was shaking, and murderous intent was coming towards my face. Then there were two, four, eight, all of which were launched towards the white-bearded old man.

The old man with the white beard was dead, and Zhang was helpless to deal with him. Even the pigs and kittens could not hit him. However, the flying speed of the little snake was too fast. The old man escaped the attacks of the snakes in front and was surrounded by the snakes behind him. The white scale armor, which was even harder than a lin beast, crashed into the same place one after another. The armor was damaged, the shield was broken, the body's true energy exploded, and the whole person was pierced into a honeycomb by a group of snakes. When the group of snakes flew by, they saw a bloody body falling from the air. After a while, there was a snapping sound, and it fell into a ball of blood and mud.

Everyone was shocked on the spot. The high-level Nascent Soul monks who were hiding several miles away ran away without any hesitation. The faces of the nine top-level Nascent Soul monks nearby turned pale, especially the bald man who was familiar with the origins of the God-Lottering Snake. They had expressions of disbelief on their faces and murmured to themselves: "How is it possible? How is it possible?" He disappeared from the spot in a flash.

There are eight people left in the air. Although they saw the bald man running away, they also know that snakes are terrifying, but they are greedy. Whether it is snake elixir or ten thousand-year-old herb, they are unparalleled treasures. You must get them! Look at each other and discuss cooperation in killing snakes.

Zhang Ai immediately flew to the little snakes to check their physical condition. After making sure that they were not injured, he felt relieved and shouted to the eight masters who were reluctant to leave: "If you don't leave, the old man with the white beard will be your role model."

There was no response from the eight people, and Zhang Weijing gritted his teeth. Just when he was about to give the order, Fang Jian flew up and shouted at him: "Wait a minute." Zhang Weijing didn't know his intention, so he flew over and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?" Fang Jian flew up and shouted at him: "Wait a minute." The ending sounds are bunched up, and the sound is transmitted in a whisper. Zhang Ain thought for a moment and decided to give up something. It was feasible. He turned around and said loudly: "I have a way for you to get what you want without having to fight me to the death."

The eight masters discussed how to divide the work. After hearing what Zhang said, they were afraid and looked back suspiciously. At this moment, a powerful aura flew from a distance, the expressions of the eight people changed drastically, and the law enforcement equipment was on alert.

A powerful aura came in an instant. It was the Lin Beast that went away and then came back. Its nose twitched slightly and there was a strange expression on its face, as if it was looking for something? Seeing that only eight of the many people who had been chasing it in the past were left, it couldn't figure out what happened, but it didn't think about it. It moved its head and looked around for a long time, but finally couldn't find what it wanted.

Zhang was afraid to know that it had come back to look for herbal medicine. Ten Thousand Years Herb has a strong attraction to monsters. With the strength of the Lin Beast, it could detect the breath of Ten Thousand Year Herb. Especially if more than a hundred plants appeared together, it would be abnormal not to come back and look for it. .

Ignoring the lin beast, Zhang Ain continued: "I have two enemies, the mid-level Yuan Ying master of the Qing sect, the remaining two people from the Three Talents Sword Formation of Heaven and Earth People, hiding in the Yin and Yang Bagua formation of the Qing sect, and Jin Jiajin of Mangu Wujin Six, the twenty-four stars of the Yuling Sect, the Yao Meier of the Lu State Yao Meier, and the masters of the Qing Sect are protecting me. I want to kill these two people. As long as the seniors are willing to help, I am willing to repay the murderer with ten thousand years of herbal medicine. When I come to see you, I will give you ten thousand-year-old herbs, and the rest will each give you three herbs as a thank you."

If the alchemy is successful, one thousand-year-old herb can be used to refine more than a hundred to hundreds of elixirs. This guy started with three plants as soon as he made a move. The eight people were greatly moved. Someone asked: "Seriously?"

"I swear on the name of the ancestors of Tianlei Mountain that if I see his body and do not give him the ten thousand-year-old herbal medicine as compensation, his soul will be split and he will suffer eternal suffering." Zhang Ao solemnly swore.

This oath is very heavy. The soul will be destroyed and there will be no reincarnation. A trace of consciousness will be left to experience the pain forever. The eight masters thought for a while and decided that instead of fighting a bunch of strange snakes, it would be better to kill two low-level monks. They have Nascent Soul top-level masters, and we also have them. We are no less numerous than them. We will entangle each other's masters one by one, and then separate them. It should be easy to kill those two mid-level monks.

Izumo flew back from far away and shouted: "Count me in for such a good thing."

The Lin beast knows people's language, and after listening to what Zhang Wen said, its eyes kept flickering. It knew that its former enemy had the Ten Thousand Year Herb, and it also wanted to kill people in exchange for the spiritual herb. However, it missed its youngest son in its heart. In the end, the blood connection was greater than the external temptation. , the low growl left again.

One of the eight masters sent a message talisman to the upper reaches of the river. Soon they went to dam the river and two masters flew back. One was a middle-aged man in gray robes who knew Buddhist skills, and the other was an old man in gray robes from Dragon God Valley. The two flew back, and the middle-aged man in gray clothes said: "The dam has just been built, why did you ask us to come back?" The old man in gray robes from Longshen Valley had a questioning expression at first, but when he saw more than a hundred divine snakes, he was shocked and trembled. The voice asked: "Whose snake is this? Can you give me two snakes, and I can give you anything in exchange for them." His eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at the Fushen Snake without enough, and muttered to himself: "The Fushen Snake, in this world, There are really divine snakes, more than a hundred of them, my God.”

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