The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 379 Reasons for Murder

Chapter 379 Reason for Murder

The servant hurried over to report the lie: "Capture the royal assassin."

"Someone went to the palace to assassinate? Why didn't I know when it happened?" the Imperial Master asked again with a cold face.

The servant didn't know how to answer for a moment, and the imperial master didn't want to listen to his nonsense. With his cultivation level, how could he not know what the dude had done? He just didn't expect that a cultivator would be involved. He immediately ordered: "All soldiers obey the order, get out of the inn, and line up." ! Violators will be killed!" He didn't want to show off his power. There are cultivators in the inn. No matter how many soldiers there are, they will only die.

The soldiers entered and came out in a chaotic manner. The Imperial Master waved his hand and set up a soundproof barrier and said loudly: "Song Tianying, the Wuliang sect of the Imperial Master of the Song Dynasty, came to pay a visit to the Taoist friends. I hope that the Taoist friends will not hesitate to grant you an audience."

Zhang Wen didn't want to pay attention to this national master, so he threw the soldiers out of the house and asked Cheng Xier what happened. Cheng Xier was also a little confused, saying that the soldiers would arrest people when they entered the house, but she didn't know anything else. Zhang Tianfang added: "There is a guy outside who says he is catching assassins."

Catch an assassin? Could it be that the assassin is a woman? But could a room full of girls be assassins? After thinking for a while, he said, "Pack your things and get ready to leave." He didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for nothing.

Zhang Tianfang refused to do anything when he heard this: "What are you doing? You are bullied to your head and you don't say anything? You just tolerate it like this?"

Zhang Ping said, "Pack your things first. If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later." The girls returned to their rooms obediently.

Cheng Xier once wondered if the girls were causing trouble because they were out on the street, but based on her understanding of the world, she could not imagine that someone would make such a big fuss and go on a rampage in broad daylight just to snatch a few beauties.

Zhang Tianfang was still angry: "God damn it, who dares to bully me?" Fang Jian interjected: "No one bullies you." Zhang Tianfang glared: "Bullying a girl means bullying me."

Zhang was afraid that Zhang Tianfang would go crazy if he ignored him. He felt something was fishy and wondered what was going on.

A group of people were doing their own thing, and no one took issue with the national master Song Tianying, which made him feel embarrassed. He said in a deep voice: "I dare to ask where the master came to my Songcheng as a guest, and didn't send a message in advance so that the Infinite Sect could entertain everyone. Two. "This is a bit rude. There are so many sects in the world, and no one dares to say that they have to sign in if they come to my territory. But he has no choice. After checking with his spiritual sense, there are more than two hundred people in the inn, and no one is alive. His breath fluctuated, but just now it was clear that spiritual power had appeared, so he had no choice but to use words to provoke him out; but he did not dare to be too rude, fearing that he would offend the master in vain, so he involved the entire Wuliang Sect to suppress others.

Zhang was afraid but ignored him, wondering how a group of people could leave safely without shocking the world. At this moment, a very big dandy from the palace arrived, and the servant hurriedly stepped forward to whisper a report, but was whipped by the dandy: "You can't handle such a small matter and make such a big fuss?"

He dismounted and walked up to the Imperial Preceptor and said with a smile: "To be honest with the Imperial Preceptor, I have fallen in love with those women, and I hope that the Imperial Preceptor will make it easy for me." From his normal interactions, he knew that the Imperial Preceptor didn't care about the life and death of the people at all, and that he was corrupt, perverting the law, killing people, and hustling goods. Yes, as long as the Imperial Preceptor is not offended, the Imperial Preceptor will be ignored.

Song Tianying frowned and looked at the dude, then looked at the inn with doubts in his mind. Could it be that the master of spellcasting has left?

The dandy is still asking: "Master, do you see it?"

Song Tianying snorted coldly, took a few steps back, and let you toss and see what results you can get.

The dandy was overjoyed and ordered his men: "Arrest him!" The soldiers rushed into the inn again.

Everyone in the room listened carefully to these words and understood the cause of the matter. Zhang Wen sighed softly. If a person wants to die, nothing can stop him. The girls packed up their things and returned to Cheng Xier's room, all with expressions of indignation, because this bastard and playboy had to be scolded by Cheng Xier for not keeping everything in order. Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "I'll kill him."

Zhang Wen grabbed the piglet and kitten from the hands of the girls and said, "I'll go, you guys wait for me outside the north gate." After saying this, he faced the soldiers who were rushing in. I didn't see him move, he just walked around gently, and the soldiers were thrown out of the inn one by one, but they came out much faster than when they entered.

The last soldier fell out of the door. Zhang Ain slowly walked out of the door and spoke softly to the dude: "Be a good person in the next life."

The Dandy didn't understand what this meant, and was about to ask a question when suddenly his vision went dark, his consciousness completely disappeared, and he died. At the same time, Song Tianying shouted: "Fellow Taoist, please show mercy."

Zhang Pingmu looked at him expressionlessly: "Why show any mercy? You are the master of the country, the master of a country, so you allow him to treat the people of the country like this?"

Song Tianying's face turned red, and he immediately argued: "Who are you? You kill royal family members on the street, do you think I have no one in the Song Dynasty?"

Zhang Tianfang walked out of the inn and said arrogantly: "What a birdman, you lost your good name in vain." He turned around and headed north.

Zhang was afraid to take a look, he was really a pig. I was attracting him from the front, but you wouldn't sneak out from behind? Fortunately, there was only one Zhang Tianfang, and the others deceived the soldiers and cavalry through the back door and slipped out of the north door.

Song Tianying shouted at Zhang Tianfang's back: "Who are you? How dare you be rude to your own master?"

The national master Qianqing was not only cold-blooded but also stupid. Zhang Ping said coldly: "Get out of here quickly, don't force me to kill you." He waved his hand casually as he spoke, eliminating the barrier Song Tianying had set up.

This sentence choked Song Tianying. Although he didn't know what the other party's methods were, he knew that he couldn't find out the other party's depth. He was hesitating when he saw the piglet and kitten in Zhang Weifang's arms. A name suddenly flashed in his mind, and his voice trembled. Asked: "You, are you a relic of Tianlei Mountain?"

The target was finally exposed. I wonder if those in the Qing Sect would have other ideas if they knew that he appeared in Songcheng? Zhang Wen was following Zhang Tianfang to the north, and suddenly felt that it was a bit unnecessary.

Outside the north gate, Song Yunyi had a gloomy face and said nothing, while the girls lined up behind him in silence. Zhang was afraid of seeing him and knew what the problem was, so he whispered to Song Yunyi: "Do you want to take care of a few of them?"

Song Yunyi thought for a moment and slowly shook his head. When his father was in power, he worked diligently to protect the people all his life, fearing that he would lose the people's will, disturb the people's governance, and worry about his health. But now, a hundred years later, in the imperial capital, he is just a dandy, and he can lead troops to block the streets to arrest him because of his beauty, which shows the corruption of the government. To what extent.

Zhang Ping said: "Go and kill the emperor and find a kind-hearted person to take the throne."

Song Yunyi still wanted to shake his head, but Fang Jian interrupted: "You shake your head because the people are suffering." Song Yunyi nodded lightly.

Zhang Tianfang shouted: "The Imperial Preceptor is not a good person, let's just kill him together." After thinking for a while, he said: "I will kill the Imperial Preceptor, and you will kill the Emperor. My name is Tianfang, and he dares to call Tianying? Not yet." If you do good, you must die." This is the main reason why he wants to kill people. It seems that naming is a big question.

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