The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 366 Repression

Chapter 366: Depression

Cultivation, what exactly is cultivation? Parents died because of cultivators, teachers were destroyed because of cultivators, countless people were displaced because of cultivators, and even worse, they lost their lives. Thinking back to the years in Tianlei Mountain, among the nearly 20,000 fellow disciples, only Uncle Vacuum was truly good to me, and Master Zhenru, who had always been kind to me, was not so much treating him well as atonement, as to eliminate his bad intentions. The devil has to do it. As for other people, there was contempt, ridicule, and indifference, but no care at all.

The monster disasters in the Song Dynasty and the floods in the Ninghe River in the Yue Kingdom were all disasters brought about by these great cultivators who were admired by tens of thousands of people for their own selfish desires. They caused suffering to the common people and wiped out thousands of lives. They kept tossing over and over again, but they never finished, and now they are digging in the earth in search of treasure, burying more than two hundred lives.

The mountain is so high that you can't see the top when you look up. There is nothing but loess and gravel. Maybe, in a few days, the ground will be filled with green grass and flowers will bloom on it? Zhang was afraid that he was wondering what he was thinking, and turned to look back with a self-deprecating chuckle. Fang Jian came over at some point and stood twenty meters away, looking up at the mountains with him.

"It's quite high, isn't it?" Zhang Ain whispered, as if talking to himself or mumbling.

Fang Jian didn't answer. He slowly walked up to him and stood side by side with him. He exhaled for a long time and said, "It's quite tall." After living in the Qing sect for nearly twenty years, no matter how bastard those people were, they were still classmates. Without them, Fang Jian Long dead.

Zhang Ping glanced at him out of curiosity, why does this guy look so weird? Just as he was about to ask a question, Fang Jian said softly: "I let him go."

Zhang Awei nodded: "Well, we are from the same sect after all." Then he asked: "There are a lot of people in the Qing sect, right? They are better than Tianleishan, right? What do you think these masters are cultivating?"

Fang Jian was asked. He started cultivating since he was young and lived for cultivation all his life. He never thought about how far he could cultivate and why he cultivated. After thinking for a moment, he hesitated and said, "I don't know."

Zhang Tian put him in the yard and shouted: "So and so, bring a bottle of wine to calm the shock, and look at the piles of broken earth like a fool."

A pile of broken ground? Because of the lack of this pile of broken soil, more than 200 people died instantly. He took out a bottle of wine and threw it over. Zhang was afraid that he couldn't understand how this guy could live so heartlessly and still live well.

The three men were divided into two places. Zhang Awei and Fang Jian stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up. Zhang Tianfang sat in the courtyard drinking. After staying like this for more than an hour, he came back without time and said directly to Zhang Awei: "Is there any food? Get more. come out."

Zhang Weifang directly took out a storage bag and handed it to Bu Kong and said, "Thank you." The three words shocked Bu Kong and the three of them. Although Zhang Tianfang was far away, his ears were good and he shouted loudly: "Why are you thanking him? I I didn’t even hear a word of thanks for burying your body.”

Bu Kong's eyes were as bright as day, and he nodded to Zhang Bao, took the storage bag, and walked away.

Fang Jian was really smart. He understood that Zhang Ai was Xie Bukong who took care of the villagers for him. He also knew why Zhang Ai stared at Tushan again and again, because Zhang Ai thought that more than 200 villagers died because of him. Without those Wood spirit spirit, if we don’t attract greedy cultivators, if cultivators don’t dig holes to find treasures, why would the villagers die in vain?

Fang Jianku stood for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and whispered: "There is something."

Zhang Ai turned around and looked at him: "What's wrong?" Fang Jian was very strange today, his expression was serious but hesitant, he didn't know what was wrong?

Fang Jian gritted his teeth and said softly: "If your guess is correct, the three people who stored water in Ning Lake to cause harm to the villagers are from the Qing Dynasty."

Zhang Ai was suddenly shocked: "Qingmen?"

Fang Jian recounted what the disciple just said and his guess. Zhang Awei frowned and said: "You are just guessing, maybe it's not true." But he knew in his heart that this was probably the truth, and added: "If it's the two of them, then just kill them."

The girls packed their things and came back one after another. They used to live in one room each, but now they live in shared rooms. Fu Kong also came back in the evening, and Fang Jian asked him, "Have you settled in?" Fu Kong nodded, but then he spoke to Zhang Awei: "What a murderous aura." Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianfang exclaimed, "Who? Where did the murderous aura come from? ? What bastard is looking for death? Come out here."

Fang Jian looked at him helplessly: "The only difference between you and a pig is that you stand while a pig crawls." The little pig was enjoying the happiness among the girls. Hearing this, he was very dissatisfied and grunted in protest, meaning I am Spiritual beast, don't compare that idiot to me. The kitten also meowed twice to help cheer up, expressing its agreement with this point of view. It has been having fierce fights with the girls these days.

Spiritual beasts are extremely sensitive to people's hearts. Thirty-four girls were kidnapped when they were young. After being rescued, Zhang Wen took care of them carefully. They have never experienced wind and rain since then, and they have maintained their innocent and innocent character till now. Kittens can feel their innocence and kindness and are willing to be with them. Compared with them, Song Yunying and Xi'er are not empty. Each one of them has a delicate heart with seven orifices. He thinks about too many things all day long and has a slightly complicated human nature.

Only then did Zhang Tianfang react. He asked Zhang Ai with wide eyes: "Your murderous intention? Who do you want to kill?"

Zhang Ping said calmly: "I want to go to Qingmen to ask something."

"Leaving again? Only been back for a few days? I have to follow you this time." Zhang Tianfang shouted.

"If we don't leave now, we will find a place in the next few days to resettle the people in the two flooded areas to prevent them from suffering another unreasonable disaster." Zhang Ping's tone was firm.

Fang Jian said: "Go now, I'll accompany you." Zhang Ping said: "That's fine." When Zhang Tianfang heard that it was work, he turned around and ran away: "Go to whoever you like, I'm sleepy."

Song Yunyi suddenly interrupted: "You are not allowed to leave without saying goodbye." Zhang Ai smiled faintly, knowing that she was worried that she would use this excuse to run to clear the door, and said softly: "No."

He and Fang Jian walked along the Ning River and passed many good places, but they had already formed villages. Where there is water, there are people. How could there be wasteland near Ninghe River? When passing by two flooded areas, Zhang Fei felt doubly heavy. There were thousands of miles of fertile fields and vast hectares of fertile land, but because of his own random actions, the villagers had to abandon them and had to leave their homes.

Once again, good intentions lead to bad deeds!

Neither of them spoke, looking depressed. Fang Jian said, "Say something." Zhang Awei thought for a moment and asked, "I'm going to clear the door to cause trouble. What will you do?" Fang Jian smiled bitterly and said, "What can I do? ? What about the rebel disciples?"

The atmosphere was already depressing, but the questions Zhang was afraid to ask made it even more depressing.

We were speechless all the way, walking around east and west, and finally found a mountain col. Except for this area, the land for several miles was very flat. There was a small river nearby, which was probably enough to live in. Fang Jian said: "That's it." Zhang Ain nodded and said: "When the mountain col is leveled, there will be crop land."

The two came back, and together with Fu Kong, they went to look for the villagers and went from house to house to tell them. Unexpectedly, the people were surprisingly stubborn and refused to leave their hometown. Some people wanted to leave, but when they saw that most people were determined, they changed their minds and stayed.

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