The Monk

Volume One Chapter 362 Reunion

Chapter 362 Reunion

Zhang Ai looked up at a group of scoundrels in the sky with his hands on his hips. Fortunately, he was a master who was about to become a god. With all his strength on guard, Bing Jing couldn't do anything to them. I am a little worried, how can I get rid of them and go back to Yue country? Counting Izumo, there are a total of thirteen scoundrels. It is better to lure them to Shiwanda Mountain and let the Mountain God and the Eighteenth Master take care of them, or to trick them into the Valley of the Gods, where there are tiger monsters, rat monsters, and a big fish monster. , we can always start a fight, right? The Forest of Bones is not bad either... He tried his best to pretend to be serious here, and his eyes swept over everyone one by one. There were thirteen scoundrels, four less than the original, four less?

Zhang Ai's eyes lit up. The black-faced man with the earth dragon monster was not around, so no one should be able to stop him. Turning the bow around and injecting spiritual power, the long and narrow flying boat flew across the sea like an arrow and shot towards the coast. Zhang Ain shouted loudly: "Follow me, don't lose me."

Without his reminder, the masters would not let him go easily. A group of people flashed like smoke on the sea surface, following the flying boat easily, and Izumo was among them.

When he arrived, he was drifting, but when he returned, he was flying. The journey of many days was shortened in an instant. An hour later, Zhang was already standing on the coast. He collected the flying boat, hugged the pigs and kittens, and smiled at the people following him: "I'm going to go underground for a walk. If you like it, come with me." After saying this, he made a magic spell and disappeared from the ground.

He just disappeared, and immediately two people appeared out of thin air where he had been standing. Each chanted the magic formula in a low voice. One person threw four jade talismans into the ground and shouted: "Midas turns stones into gold." The other person shouted: "Paint the ground as a prison." Pointing to the ground under his feet. . Then he saw that the land in that area turned into a big gold nugget, with some vague runes floating around the gold nugget.

The four jade talismans formed a square shape and trapped the piece of land. After a while, Zhang Zhang, who was afraid of being disgraced and covered in flames, emerged from the gold nugget. He turned his head to look at the ground, then looked at the four jade talismans in the distance, and asked: "Dragon From Kamiya?”

One of these two people is an old man in gray clothes, and the other is a Taoist priest in black robes. The old man in gray clothes changed his face when he heard this: "Do you know me?"

Zhang Awei shook his head: "I know this spell." Then he said: "Isn't it good for the Western Continent? What are you doing here?"

Of course he knew this spell. When he went to the Holy Kingdom in the west of the desert and killed the masters of the Holy City, he was forced out of the earth by the gray-clothed men of the Dragon God Valley with the same spell, forcing him to enter the ghost cave to fight for his life. Only then did he have the relationship with Zhang Tianfang. acquaintance. When he remembered the man in gray, he also remembered Yong San, who had very thin eyebrows. He called the man in gray Uncle Qi, but he didn't know what to call the old guy in gray in front of him.

"Have you been to Dragon God Valley? Or to the Holy Capital?" the old man in gray asked.

Zhang Ai shook his head and said nothing. The magic of turning stone into gold is easy to break. As long as the jade talisman is broken up, the gold nugget will turn back into soil immediately. The problem is that it must be broken from the outside. There is nothing you can do if you are trapped in the gold nugget, so he surfaced. ground. I haven't had time to try the other spell of drawing the ground as a prison, so I don't know how powerful it is. Judging from the relaxed look on the black-robed old man's face, I guess he is not weak.

He shot four talismans with a snap of his fingers and blew up the jade talismans respectively. The man jumped into the sea and followed the waves and poured into the water a hundred meters away. Although more than a dozen masters wanted to kill him, they also knew that Zhang Ai in the water was very scary, so they only watched him from a distance.

At this time, the waves were surging, and Zhang was afraid that the rolling waves would cover his traces, so he dived to the bottom and stood still. More than a dozen masters on the water used their energy to lock onto him. Seeing him hiding under the deep water, they guessed what he was planning.

Zhang Ping's idea was to wait and see. If someone couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to go into the water to see the scenery, Bing Jing did a little favor for him and kept him frozen underwater. However, this group of masters were very patient and knew that his water spells were powerful. He stopped in the air dozens of meters deep and no one entered the water.

After waiting for two quarters of an hour before anyone entered the water, he used his earth-moving magic to quickly dive into the earth and disappear. After a while, everyone in the air noticed that Zhang was afraid of running away. At this time, chasing him was already a step too slow. For just a moment, Zhang was afraid of sinking into the boundless earth and finally managed to escape.

As he escaped deeper and deeper, his qi gradually faded away. The masters simply flew away and evacuated before his qi was completely gone. They knew that Zhang was afraid that he would never give them the chance to track him.

Zhang was afraid that he wanted to escape, so after running far away, he let the piglet and kitten Bingjing sense the movement of the masters. The three guys searched for a long time but found nothing. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, slowly surfaced from the ground, and determined the direction towards the Yue Kingdom.

In order to escape quickly, he did not dare to fly again. He kept a low profile all the way, wearing earth-gray clothes and carrying a t-shirt on his back. There are piglets and kittens in the bag. The two guys are responsible for detecting the master's breath and alerting them immediately if they find anything.

After traveling in such a hurry, we finally returned to Ninghe after half a month. He wanted to return home like an arrow, but he couldn't fly. He was so angry that he jumped into the water to wake up, and then carefully used his consciousness to search for Song Yunyi and others.

At this time, Song Yunyi was trying to reason with Bu Kong, trying to convince him to allow everyone to go out to look for Zhang Wen. Fu Kong closed his eyes and listened, never responding, no different from wood.

Song Yunyi felt tired after talking so many times in a row. As he was talking, Fukong suddenly opened his eyes and said, "He's back."

"Really?" Song Yunyi stood up in surprise, and then asked: "Is anyone following you?"

Fu Kong smiled. This guy was finally back. He really missed him after not seeing him for a long time. He said softly: "Judging from the breath, he is safe and sound." He left the house and gathered everyone to convey the news. Zhang was afraid that he would be back safely without anyone following him.

Zhang Tianfang, Fang Jian, Cheng Xi'er, and thirty-four girls were very happy to hear the news. When they were about to ask questions, the courtyard door opened wide, and Zhang Wen appeared in front of it.

When Song Yunyi Chengxi'er saw the familiar figure reappearing in front of her eyes, she cried with joy. She couldn't move even while standing there. Some of the girls also cried. Fang Jian joked: "Cultivation requires holding back your breath and concentration. I really don't know how you do it." , and actually still cry.”

Zhang Tianda stepped forward and raised his fist to strike, shouting: "We are back." Before the fist fell, two small heads were exposed from the trousers. One was pink and tender, a piglet, and the other was white and furry. Having seen it, Zhang Tianfang asked in surprise: "What is this?"

One sentence offends the kitten. How dare you say that I am a thing? He snorted coldly and wanted to teach Zhang Tianfang a lesson, but Zhang Weifang held him down and said, "Don't make trouble." Mao Mao gave him a rare face and lowly barked at Xiaozhu, asking who are these people? Xiaozhu didn't reply. When he saw the beautiful Song Cheng girls, he jumped up and threw himself into their arms. He squeezed her from left to right and hummed in pleasure. It was still comfortable here.

Zhang Ain walked up to Song Yunyi and whispered: "I'm back."

Song Yunyi whispered softly with a tearful voice: "It'll be good to come back."

The two looked at each other and were speechless. There were many things that no longer needed to be said, as they already understood each other.

Zhang Wen turned to Cheng Xi'er again and said, "Thank you for your hard work." Cheng Xi'er is smart, down-to-earth, conscientious and attentive. She has many advantages of a woman in the world. She has never said an embarrassing word or done anything embarrassing. She always takes care of everyone as a big sister, but Zhang Fei never knows how to face her.

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