The Monk

Volume One Chapter 360 Boring Conversation

Chapter 360: Boring Conversation

I'm so depressed that this old guy can still play like this. Let the ice crystals directly freeze the sea surface in front of the scholar's boat into ice blocks. A big piece of ice will block the way forward. Fly, let me watch you fly, Zhang is afraid that you will continue to cause mischief.

The scholar in Tsing Yi refused to get angry after being teased several times. He jumped on the ice with the boat and galloped on the ice like an ice boat, easily surpassing Zhang Ailaoyuan. No matter how depressed he was, the old guy would play and melt the ice cubes. Hearing a splash, the boat entered the water with a loud noise and splashed with waves. Zhang Weijing chuckled, but still felt unbalanced, so he simply froze the sea and froze the boat together, then swayed the airship past him, pretending to be surprised and said: "Ah, it's frozen." As if everything had nothing to do with him. .

The scholar in Tsing Yi nodded cooperatively: "Yes, and it's strange, there is only ice in the area near me."

Zhang is afraid of being happy, let’s see how you play this time? With a smile on his face, Zhan Yangyang cupped his hands and said, "You break the ice, I'll take the first step." He thought to himself, "Break it, break it, this ice is so strong that you can't even chop it into pieces. It depends on how you break it."

The scholar smiled and said: "It doesn't matter." Ignoring the surrounding ice, he waved his sleeves lightly and moved forward with the boat and the huge ice block.

Zhang was afraid of being stunned, grabbed the little pig and kitten and growled: "Don't just watch the fun, use your skills to tease that old guy." Of course, the little pig and kitten proudly ignored him, so Da Yi Tuo Binghe Zhang Ping's flying boat drifted toward the depths of the sea together. After a few hours of this, the scholar's complacent expression made Zhang afraid feel bored, so he simply waved his hand to melt the ice and thought of another idea to drive away the old guy.

The sea is endless, and Zhang is afraid that he doesn't know where he will drift to, but he still doesn't want to kill the scholar in Tsing Yi at this moment. It's a bit unreasonable to say that he is three realms lower than the scholar, and his strength is even worse. Just because of a piece of ice crystal and the boundless sea, Zhang is afraid that he has the strength to kill the scholar at any time. It's no wonder that cultivators are obsessed with the world's treasures. Rushing towards it.

He was drifting in the sea, and Song Yunyi, who was staying in Yue Kingdom, was quarreling with Bu Kong. Fu Kong said firmly with an expressionless face: "No."

Song Yunyi asked: "Why not? Last time Zhang was passing by here, you didn't tell us. Now, there has been no news from him for more than two months, and you still don't let us go find him?"

Fu Kong said softly: "There are seventeen top Nascent Soul masters following and chasing him. What will happen even if they find him?"

"At least we can die together." Song Yunyi was not ordinary stubborn.

The last time Zhang was afraid of discovering Song Yunyi and others, Fukong also discovered him and the seventeen masters who were chasing him. When Zhang Ain turned around and flew away, he told everyone the news and persuaded everyone to wait calmly. Zhang Ain must know that we were here.

The first few days were fine, but as the days passed, Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier became restless. Later, Zhang Tianfang also joined in and said he wanted to rescue Zhang Ping. To this day, except for Fang Jian's support, everyone else has to go out to look for Zhang.

Fang Jian advised: "Let's go find him. What if he comes back at this time?" He wanted to persuade everyone again, but Fu Kong stopped him and said coldly: "The top monks of Yuanying are one step away from transforming into gods. They I don’t know how powerful he is, but I know you are definitely no match. If you want to go find Zhang Zhao, go ahead if you can beat me.”

Bu Kong is a Buddhist, his cultivation is unfathomable, no one has ever seen him show his full strength since he met him. Song Yunyi knew that he couldn't defeat him, so he said anxiously: "Zhang is afraid that he is at the first level of Nascent Soul, so he can't defeat those people either. We might as well go and help him." When they parted, Zhang was afraid that he was at the level of the Dan Formation stage, so Bu Kong When I discovered his whereabouts, I knew he would be promoted to another level and I would tell everyone the news.

Bu Kong said: "He has Xiaozhu to help him and ice crystals in his hands. It's okay to treat him as if it's no big deal. If we go, it will only cause more trouble."

Of course Song Yunyi understood this truth, but caring would lead to chaos, so he hesitated. However, Zhang Tianfang was afraid of being busy by nature, and of course he agreed to go out for a walk, so he added fuel to the flames. It's just that what they said didn't count. Although a group of people tried hard to instigate and instigate, Nai Fukong resolutely refused. The final result was that no one was allowed to go out, regardless of whether they could sit down or not. Song Yunyi couldn't help but mutter: "Why did he offend so many masters?" Fu Kong was also thinking about this question. What did Zhang Afraid do to provoke so many powerful enemies?

Seeing that everyone was worried about that idiot, Zhang Tianfang said carelessly: "Don't worry, if that guy is killed, I will avenge him." One sentence provoked the girls to beat him up, Zhang Tianfang reluctantly ran away, thinking that he could not treat them Too good, be nice to them, but you will be bullied.

If Zhang Tian is bullied here, Zhang in the sea will not be in any better condition. At this time, he had thought of countless ideas to assassinate the scholar, but none of them were useful, so he came to the conclusion that top-level Nascent Soul masters would be difficult to deal with.

The old guy is so irritating that he refuses to leave no matter what. What's even more irritating is that no matter how you treat him, he always smiles and looks calm, elegant, confident and proud. His appearance is also quite annoying. He is obviously old and unseemly, but he looks young. Zhang is afraid that he will get angry and ask him: "How old are you?" He increasingly disrespects the masters and typically uses steamed buns instead of dry food.

The scholar seemed to have never known what losing his temper was, and said with a smile: "Seven or eight hundred years old? It's useless to remember this, as long as you know when you will die."

"Then when will you die?" Zhang was afraid that he would have nothing to say.

"It's still a few decades. Last time I calculated that I still had more than thirty years of good life. Now it should be less than thirty years. But if you don't practice, it seems to be quite a long time." The scholar said seriously.

"You still have several decades to live, why are you chasing me?" He had nothing to say to make himself angry.

"Be prepared for a rainy day, you are really difficult to deal with, otherwise you would have left long ago after I succeeded." The scholar said it as casually as if he were buying groceries, and it had nothing to do with robbery.

Zhang was afraid that he wanted to kill someone, and the more he talked to him, the angrier he became. The old guy must have been irritated just by studying for so long. The murderous intention arose and the murderous intention was just launched. The scholar in Tsing Yi immediately sensed it and floated far away like a gust of wind.

Zhang Awei pretended to be confused: "Why go so far?" The scholar also pretended to be confused: "There is a big, beautiful fish here."

Zhang Ain continued to pretend to be confused: "Really? Then I'll go over and have a look." The scholar also continued to pretend to be confused: "The big fish ran away."

Zhang Weijing pretended to be confused: "You have to look carefully. Maybe there is a treasure in the fish's belly. I will help you find it." The scholar also pretended to be confused: "From my observation, there should be no treasure in the big fish's belly, but maybe You're right, the big fish ran in that direction, very fast." He pinpointed the location dozens of miles away with just a finger.

This made Zhang Ai very angry. The piglet and kitten bullied me without telling me, and the old guy was playing tricks on me, which made me miserable. His temper was rising, murderous intent emerged, and he no longer thought about whether the scholar had struck first. A large piece of ice silently appeared on the sea surface and froze the boat the scholar was riding in. However, the scholar saw the opportunity early and flew to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. Escape fatal attacks.

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