The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 358 Don’t want to kill anyone

Chapter 358: Don’t want to kill anyone

The face of the young man in purple became ugly, and the hidden killer move couldn't penetrate a few pieces of ice? The silver sword waved again, and a few dots of silver light drew a few silver lines from the air and hit the ice sculpture of waves. However, the scene of the ice sculpture exploding and collapsing as imagined by the young man in purple did not appear. Instead, a few dots of silver light slid down along the ice. In the river.

After repeated failures, the young man in purple lost his calm posture, stared straight into the eyes, clasped the hilt of the sword with his hands, and shouted: "Ah!" The three-foot-long silver sword actually emitted the power of a giant axe, and struck at Zhang is afraid.

Zhang was afraid that he would know that he had murderous intentions, but he still didn't want to kill the young man in purple. After communicating with Bing Jing, Bing Jing jumped playfully, and an icicle suddenly stood up in the river, hitting the young man in purple. The icicle grew silently, but the young man's advanced cultivation actually failed to detect it. It was pushed high into the sky by the icicle, and the power of his ax was blocked by the ice wall. The ice wall creaked for a while, and the power was offset.

After all, the young man in purple clothes was a master. When he was hit by the icicle, he reacted and quickly moved out of the way. He waved the silver sword with both hands, and a white light shot towards Zhang Ai like lightning, but he flew to the side.

Zhang Ai looked up in the air and knew that the sword of the young man in purple was just for self-protection. He raised his hand to call back the ice crystal and held it. At this time, white light struck and hit the wave ice sculpture and dissipated.

The young man in purple stopped in mid-air on the left side, staring at Zhang Awei with a sullen face, and for a while he said in a sullen voice: "What kind of cultivation are you?" He didn't believe that after hundreds of years of hard training, he would actually treat a low-level monk. At a loss what to do.

Zhang was afraid that it was rare for him to think about others. If he said I don't want to kill you at this time, he would simply force the young man in purple to fight him to the death, but he didn't know anything else to say, so he just sighed and kept silent.

The young man in purple clothes was frozen in the air, his expression changed several times, his teeth were clenched, he didn't know what he was thinking, and he also said nothing.

The remaining sixteen masters also looked ugly. This guy was simply invincible on the water. The old man with a white beard refused to give up and fired two flying knives at the spray ice sculpture. There were only two clanging sounds as the flying knives bounced off the ice and plopped into the water.

Zhang Ai is a little surprised. White Beard and Zi Yi have the same cultivation level. Zi Yi swings his sword into ice that cannot be cut with an ax with all his strength, but White Beard can break it with two flying knives? Just when the question arose, the ice crystals jumped lightly in the palm of his hand, and an ice wall flashed around the flying boat. Then he saw the ice wall trembling silently, and then a circle of water outside the ice wall appeared like ripples like rain, Zhang I was afraid that only then would I realize that the attack with two flying knives was fake, and the shooting with many invisible hidden weapons was the real killing move. I secretly thought that the old guy was really bad, but I also understood that this was the difference in strength. I couldn’t even see the attack of the master, so what was the point? defense? If it weren't for the ice crystal in hand, I would have died ten thousand times over.

The old man with the white beard shook his head. He had never seen such solid ice before. All kinds of attacks and killing moves were blocked by the ice wall. For the first time, he realized that it was really difficult to kill someone.

The two men's attacks were ineffective, and there was no one blocking their way forward. Zhang was afraid that these guys were greedy and stubborn, and was too lazy to talk nonsense with them. He took away the spray ice sculptures and ice walls in front, and urged the airship to drift downstream, slowly heading towards the sea.

However, there is always someone who refuses to give up. A group of people suddenly disappeared in mid-air, as if there was no one in that place in the first place. After a moment, a ball of flame burst out in front of the flying boat, and several fire snakes twisted and twisted over. A finger in the pile of fire snakes pointed towards Zhang Ain.

Attack with fire? The little pig snorted disdainfully. Isn't playing with fire in front of it an insult to a noble spiritual beast? He opened his mouth and blocked the fire snake with a wall of fire, but it failed to block the finger. The jade-like index finger came out of the fire, and almost everything was incombustible. The spiritual fire can't burn it? The little pig was about to get angry when he suddenly heard a clicking sound. He pointed his index finger on a suddenly appeared ice wall and made a hole in the ice wall. However, he could only make a hole and was unable to attack Zhang Awei.

Zhang Ain stared at that finger and felt a sense of déjà vu. He hesitated and asked: "Buddhist power? Are you a Buddhist?"

There was originally only one index finger outside the ice wall. As Zhang Wei asked, a middle-aged man in gray clothes slowly appeared. His face was white and beardless. He was also staring at his own finger. After a while, he said: "Prajna Finger." "But he didn't mention his origin.

Zhang Ain smiled, shook his head slightly and said, "It's useless to follow me." Before he finished speaking, the ice wall slowly protruded under the control of the ice crystals, and an ice thorn protruded and slowly stabbed the man in gray. The man in gray clothes slashed back with his hand, but was bounced away by the ice thorn; he drew his knife and slashed, but was bounced away by the ice thorn; he used Prajna Finger again to break the ice thorn from top to bottom, but the result was that the ice thorn suddenly broke and suddenly condensed together. , clamping your fingers in the ice.

The man in gray's face suddenly changed, and he tried all his strength to pull back his index finger. But when it was in vain, he discovered that ice appeared under his feet and an ice wall appeared behind him, slowly closing in to freeze him in it. The man in gray clothes was extremely anxious. He would risk his life if he didn't give up his finger, and almost all of his cultivation was on this finger. How should he choose?

Maybe it was because he had killed too many people this year, maybe he felt pity for the seventeen masters that it was not easy to practice, or maybe he couldn't bear to kill the dying people, and Zhang was afraid of enduring their rudeness again, and the murderous intention aroused when being chased. It seemed as if everything was flowing away with the river. At this time, there was no killing intention at all. He snapped his fingers, and all the ice in front of him melted into water and fell. He repeated lightly: "It's useless to follow me."

The man in gray retracted his fingers and had several thoughts in his mind. This boy was undefended. There was no ice wall to stop him. He could be killed with just one finger. He was hesitant to take action.

Zhang Ai watched quietly. He didn't know when the deadline for these people was. In short, they probably wouldn't live long. They were going to die anyway, so there was no need for him to kill more people. Ice crystals jumped gently in the palm of the hand, and a circle of silver light floated up and down, making the experts confused about the situation and secretly guessing what kind of spell it was?

The man in gray stared at the silver light for a long time, and finally exhaled and turned around. Faced with the impending deadline, he actually gave up. Zhang Ai was also surprised. He had been wearing the Five Elements Armor since he was tracked. At this time, the shiny outer layer of the armor was coated with a thin layer of ice. It was so thin that it was difficult to detect, so he dared to remove the outer ice wall and directly face the enemy. .

There were seventeen people, one of whom had an injured wrist. Two of them hit Zhang Ain with one palm each without causing any harm. Three of them successively missed and all of them missed. There were eleven people left but there was nothing they could do against Zhang Ain. It was just an ice wall, leaving seventeen super masters helpless. If they knew that his water spells were so powerful, they would have surrounded and killed him in the mountains and plains. It would be better to fight with two spiritual beasts than to not be able to fight even if he tried hard at this moment.

Zhang Weifei still ignored them coolly. When someone gave way, he rowed the boat and drifted away into the distance. A group of masters in the air looked at each other, anxious but unwilling to act rashly. From the beginning to now, the three masters each used their own assassins, but their opponents couldn't even fight back. Those who have cultivated to their level will never think that the person in front of them can only defend but not attack. They can feel that he has no killing intention. The low-level cultivators kept their hands on him time and time again, and I don't know how many people would be embarrassed if I told him.

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