The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 354 Chase

Chapter 354 Chase

After Bu Kong found out the news about Zhang Ping's disappearance, Song Yunyi couldn't sit still and wanted to go find Zhang Ping, but she was worried that something would happen to the girls when she was away. She didn't know what to do all day long, and she looked haggard day by day.

Fang Jian was careful and saw everything. After discussing with Bu Kong, he informed the girls to go out and look for Zhang Wen. Although Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er didn't want the girls to wander outside and take risks, they were more worried and afraid, so they went together.

Fortunately, the world's masters focused their attention on Zhang Ai, so few people harassed them. Occasionally, there were some blind people who were killed by Zhang Tianfang's ghost sword due to lack of strength.

Zhang was afraid that he would disappear near Ninghe, so Zhang Tianfang and others came to Ninghe to search. The people here called Zhang Ao the Buddha of Ten Thousand Households and built many ancestral halls to worship him. When Zhang Tianfang saw him, he joked to Song Yunyi: "A good man in your family never forgets to save others when he takes revenge."

The group of people searched carefully along the Ning River, but thousands of spies from all forces in the world failed to find Zhang Afraid. How could they find him? After staying in Ninghe for ten months and finding nothing, Zhang Tianfang asked everyone: "Where are we going now?"

Song Yunyi bit her teeth lightly and said firmly: "Wait for him here!" Everyone then found a dilapidated village to stay by the river. Zhang was afraid of running around looking for him, so he didn't go back to Ninghe to take a look, so he didn't have a chance to meet.

Four months later, outside news spread to the Yue Kingdom's cultivation world, saying that the disciple of Tianlei Mountain had come out of the mountain again. The Jin family medicine family was the first to bear the brunt. The world's masters heard the news and wanted to take possession of his treasures.

Fu Kong went out to find out the news and came back to tell everyone. After hearing this, Song Yunyi said anxiously: "Go to Jin's house first. If you can't find it, go to Yao's house." Zhang Tianfang and Cheng Xi'er agreed. Fang Jian was a very smart man. He understood what was going on after a moment's thought. He stopped everyone and said, "Zhang is afraid that he is looking for us. We'd better not move around at will."

"How did you know you were looking for us?" Zhang Tianfang asked with wide eyes.

Fang Jian glanced at him, gave up the idea of ​​explaining, and said to Song Yunyi: "He should have returned to the snow mountain, and when he saw that we were not around, he broke into the Jin family Yaojia for the second time." Fu Kong agreed: "Since there is news about him, It means everything is fine for now, and waiting is the best way for now." He reassured everyone: "With Xiaozhu here, nothing will happen."

So everyone stayed in the Yue Kingdom to wait, but Zhang Fei was still flying around, with his consciousness at its maximum, and he flapped his wings for several days without rest. Thanks to the spiritual power of the Divine Tears, he also took countless pills, except for the mental state. Almost, nothing else.

For six months, a pair of wings flew non-stop throughout Lu, Song, Qi, Zhan countries and the boundless barbarian lands in the north, but Zhang Tianfang and others were never found. When I first started searching, I was worried that something might happen to them. As the search lasted for a long time, the worry gradually decreased and turned into an obsession to find them no matter life or death.

The journey was also difficult and dangerous. The world is so big, there are countless masters with higher cultivation than him and flying faster than him. They are always suddenly attacked while flying. Fortunately, piglets and kittens are not ordinary things. They can always detect the enemy's traces in advance and give them hints. Zhang is afraid that Just change direction in advance. Occasionally, a powerful master would follow and pursue him, so Xiaozhu and Kitty would just create a few walls of fire and ice to delay the opponent's time, making it easier for them to escape.

He had no intention of fighting and killing, he just wanted to find Zhang Tianfang, Song Yunyi and others as soon as possible, so when he found the enemy, he turned around and ran away. However, the more people he did like this, the more people chased him. Zhang was afraid that he could only ignore them and rely on the spirit beasts, With the advantages of wings and endless spiritual power, he competes with the pursuer for speed and endurance. In the past few months, the number of people chasing him began to gradually decrease. He had the elixir to replenish his infinite spiritual power, but others did not. They were always chasing after him and being thrown away without a trace. Even if he could catch up, he would be so angry that he could only watch him run away with several ice walls blocking his way.

In the past six months, Zhang Ai's spiritual consciousness has been horribly improved. He has been searching with all his strength for nearly two hundred days, easily breaking through the current limitations and rising to another realm. Unfortunately, his cultivation level has not increased.

At this time, he stopped on the top branches of a big tree outside Man Valley. The branches and leaves were swaying gently in the wind, and he swayed with the branches and leaves. Not to mention the Yue Kingdom, we have searched everywhere we can. This is the second time the Jin family has come, but they still haven't been found. Could it be that they are imprisoned? Or something unexpected happened?

After more than six months of sleepless nights, my spirit was always in a state of tension, which would have driven a normal person crazy. Zhang was afraid, but he was in good health. He was just in low spirits. He looked far away with an expression of indifference and looked into the distance, thinking: "Is it time to catch up?"

After waiting for a moment, a row of small black dots appeared in the sky. In the blink of an eye, the black dots grew larger and more than a dozen figures appeared. Zhang Ai sighed: "Aren't you tired?" He picked up the kitten and piggy and ran away. This time, the direction of his advance was towards the country of Yue.

For six months, those who were able to chase Zhang Wei were all masters among masters. They knew that cats and pigs were scary, and they also knew that there was no one in their group who was good at each other. They all had their own ideas, and it didn't matter if others took advantage of them. It would be a huge loss if he lost his life in a sneak attack, so he took his time and kept his distance.

When Zhang Fei flew away from Ninghe and came to Yong'an Lake, there were only two places in the world from the east of the desert to the north of the sea that he didn't search for. He didn't believe that he was so unlucky, so he left. Song Yunyi and the others went there. The fact is that he was so unlucky. He flew from north to south and arrived at Ninghe River in just seven days and nights. Only then did he find those familiar scents near Ninghu Lake from the upper reaches to the middle reaches.

The girls used the magic that Zhang Awei taught Song Yunyi to hide their aura. They could hide it from others, but how could they hide it from Zhang Awei?

The wings flapped harder and faster, like a gust of wind passing over the Ning River and turning to the west. He had to shake off the tails behind him before he could meet Song Yunyi and the others.

Flying thousands of miles west, turning south and flying ten thousand miles, flying thousands of miles west again and landing, wrapping up the kitten and piglet and sinking to the ground for dozens of miles to meditate. At this time, a dozen figures suddenly flew across the sky, and stopped after a few miles. They lost Zhang Pa's breath, and the living person who had been locked by their spiritual consciousness for several months just disappeared.

A group of people looked around suspiciously, and after exploring in vain, they chose different directions to fly to search. Some people were smart and returned to search along the original route, and some people landed on the ground and meditated cross-legged. If you disappear from here, I will wait for you here. Even a god-transformed person cannot escape through the air, not to mention that Zhang Pa is only a Yuanying beginner.

One day, two days, and several days passed. The monks who were exploring in all directions flew back, and the monks who returned to the original route to pursue the case flew back. The monks who stayed here did not move at all. These people were all smart people, and they were smart people with extraordinary strength and profound cultivation. They absolutely did not believe that Zhang Pa could escape from the sight of a group of people like them. He must have hidden himself with the help of a magic. A group of people sat scattered in all directions, each several miles apart, and easily controlled the land within a radius of a hundred miles around them.

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