The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 349: Both sides suffer

Chapter 349: Both sides suffer losses

It was a surprise to find two spiritual lands, and two ferocious monsters were discovered. Of course, they were even more delighted to see Hunting Heart, so they kept talking for a while, and had murderous intentions towards Zhang Wei, and ended up running away naked. It's not necessarily that he can't beat the cat and pig, but he really wants to save face. In addition, he has never practiced the advanced art of fighting with bare buttocks, so he will naturally run away first and wait for an opportunity to retaliate next time.

He ran away without a trace. After the kitten shrank and became entangled with the piglet, Zhang Ping planned to find a quiet place to retreat, mainly to find a way to wake up Bingjing from his deep sleep. But the countless people in front of him couldn't allow him to leave, and he was embarrassed for a while. It looked like he would have to hold on for a while. He just hoped that such a terrifying master would not come here in the future.

Maybe God heard what he was saying, or maybe he felt that too many things had happened to him recently, and he should be given some peace and quiet. No one really bothered him in the next half month. Zhang was worried about waiting for the spiritual energy in the two places to disperse, and the people settled in, so he left with peace of mind. Before I left, I was still wondering, where was that Shura who was extremely beautiful and said that he would be a human being if he didn't kill me?

Shura was injured in a fight with someone, seriously injured.

Six people from the Jiatang Hall of the Jin family stayed at the foot of the medicine mountain for a long time, waiting for Zhang to come. Everyone discussed, if this guy never shows up, we can't keep wasting him like this, right? So they split into two groups, and each group of three tracked down the news about Zhang Ping. Gold, four, five, and six are in a group, and gold eight is in a group with two lightly injured Jiatang monks. Jin Si and three others followed the route Zhang Ai came from, leaving the Lu State, passing through the Song State, and finally arriving at the Yue State.

The four demon sects are the enemies of Tianlei Mountain and have participated in the annihilation operation. Therefore, the first target of Jin Si and the others is the four major demon sects, hoping to find something. Unexpectedly, the timing of the arrival was unlucky. Both the Demon Sect and the Ling Yu Sect were harmed. All the disciples hid and practiced in hiding, while the Six Right Sects were frightened by the two spiritual beasts and retreated to the north. The three of them could not be found even with all their spiritual consciousness. When a few monks arrived, they took action separately.

So a coincidence happened again. Jin Si was flying around and found an aura in the distance that was not weaker than him. Of course he had to come and check it out. That aura was Shura running away naked. Shura was naked in front of others for the first time. He was so embarrassed and angry that he was so flustered that he didn't even notice Jin Si's appearance.

Shura flew north and Jin Si flew south. They happened to fly opposite each other. The two were so fast that they merged into one place in the blink of an eye. A pile of white flesh suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Jin Si was not used to it. He secretly thought that the cultivators from the Yue Kingdom were really weird. A closer look revealed that this person's skin was white and greasy. He had a face that was pretty and delicate, and he was as beautiful as a flower. Not to mention a man. , even a woman is not so good-looking, but her body looks like a man, so she casually asked: "Are you a boy or a girl?"

Shura's strength was not inferior to that of Jin Si. He was temporarily distracted and did not notice Jin Si's aura. However, the two of them were so close that they knew that the other party was a high-level monk without even noticing. Shura originally wanted to fly to a secluded place and steal some clothes, but who would have thought that it would be so small. In just a short time, he met a master who was similar to him in cultivation. With his cultivation level, as long as he flies faster, even if he flies by you naked, you won't notice anything strange. But Jin Si is a master, and his cultivation level is not weaker than his master. Not only can you tell that he is not wearing anything, You can also see the clothes carefully and clearly.

Shura was angry and anxious again. He covered his vitals with both hands and turned around to escape. At this time, Jin Si asked him if he was a boy or a girl. This sentence angered Shura. Because of his special appearance, he was actually a boy and looked like a girl. The gender issue was the last thing he wanted to do. Not only did Jin Si ask about the topic of discussion, but he also asked after seeing his whole body. Shura was so angry that Shura's face turned red. He didn't care about the shame and simply put down his face and killed the man. Without saying a word, he used a killing blow to hit Jin Si. .

Jin Si didn't expect Shura to be very powerful, nor did he expect that just a casual question could provoke a life-and-death fight, so he had no choice but to do his best to meet the enemy. You must know that Shura was fighting naked, and the more he fought, the more anxious and embarrassed he became. In addition, the talent was humiliated in a dangerous place, so he did not hesitate to use two-injury spells and sacrifice his essence and blood to kill the enemy. The final outcome is that the two brothers were seriously injured together, looked at each other angrily, and then ran away for their lives to recuperate.

Shura has been in seclusion for more than a hundred years, and it is easy for him to lose most of his life once he comes out. Not only is the magic weapon in black clothes burned, but his own skin and flesh are exposed, and even his cultivation level is reduced a lot. It can be said that he has suffered a big loss. Jin Si was even worse. As the main bearer of the two-injury spell, he was injured much more seriously than Shura. He felt weak after flying very far. He hurriedly sent out the transmission notes to summon Jin Wu and Jin Liu, and he held on until the two brothers arrived and fell into coma. Awake.

Jin Wujin Liu was shocked. Jia Tang was the leader of the Jin family, Jin Da Jin Er ignored secular affairs, Jin San was seriously injured and had not recovered, and Jin Si was the actual person in power of the Jin family. He was actually killed in the small country of Yue. People are beaten like this. The two of them had no intention of looking for Zhang Ping anymore, so they summoned Jin Ba and three others, and took Jin Si back to the north.

Zhang Ping didn't know this and only wondered why Shura and the thousands of righteous monks were gone. When the spiritual energy of the two places disperses, take the pigs and kittens south along the Ninghe River and find a secluded place to wait for the ice crystals to wake up.

This time he completely disappeared.

When word of what happened in Yue slowly spread, many people felt incredible, and the Yao family even felt like they were being teased.

In the medicine pavilion, Yao Meier pressed her forehead with her slender fingers, frowned and thought, and asked for a long time: "Are you saying that that bastard kid killed our mountain beast and then ran back to the country of Yue to do good deeds?"

A young monk knelt on one leg in the hall and replied respectfully: "That's right. The people of Ninghe, Yue State, call him the Buddha of Ten Thousand Family, a good man who helps the world."

Yao Mei'er was very angry, but she couldn't let it happen in front of the family members. She suppressed her anger and gritted her teeth and said: "I have tormented the Yao family enough, moved the family into the inner cave to avoid disaster, attracted monks from all over the world to gather at the Yao family, and he actually did something good." , where is he now?"

The young monk replied: "Some people said they saw him taking the mythical beast down the river, and there has been no trace of him since."

"Mythical beast? What mythical beast?" Yao Mei'er asked.

"It's just two monsters, a pig and a cat. The people of Ninghe respect the thief and call his monsters divine beasts."

The more Yao Meier listened, the more she hated her. Why was that boy so hateful? She thought for a moment and asked, "Where is the Jin family?"

"The six members of the Jin family split into two groups at the foot of Yaoshan Mountain. One of them chased them to Yue State, and then the two groups disappeared at the same time. The specific circumstances are unclear."

"Is it possible that the Jin family killed that kid?" Yao Meier really couldn't think of any other reason why the Jin family and Zhang Wen disappeared together. She paused and asked: "What happened to the two spiritual places? What happened to the spiritual energy?" Will it disappear?"

The young monk said in fear: "My subordinates are incompetent and cannot find out the reason."

Yao Mei'er waved her hands and said, "Don't blame everything on yourself. We received the news late, and you went to investigate too late. It's not easy to find out these things. I just wonder how the two spiritual places appeared for nothing. How could it disappear silently?"

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