The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 346 The fight started

Chapter 346 The fight started

Zhang was stunned when he asked, "This guy's attitude is different from yesterday. He is much more arrogant than yesterday. Did he win the fight?" Then he opened his mouth and asked the question in his mind: "Did you win?"

Sima Ang did not answer the question directly, but said solemnly: "Are you really planning to become an enemy of the six major sects of the Righteous Path?"

Zhang Weijing looked at the other party's cold face seriously, and did not say anything for a long time. His playful actions completely angered Sima Ang, and said angrily: "Boy, have you thought about it?" He roared, and flew out from behind at the same time. More than twenty people lined up next to Sima Ang, facing each other coldly, and they only had to take out their magic weapons to fight.

Zhang Ain sneered, his contemptuous eyes swept over the people in front of him, and he whispered as if talking to himself: "Which of you has been to the siege of Tianlei Mountain decades ago? Who of you has been to the siege of Tianlei Mountain a few days ago? The six major sects , Haha, the six major sects are nothing." He took a deep breath and said loudly: "I don't care how you fight with the demon sect thieves, just don't bother me, get out!"

The word "Go" was shouted out loudly, shocking everyone present. No one could have imagined that he would be so disrespectful to the Righteous Alliance. The person who spoke to him was the master of a sect, and there were thousands of monks behind him, but he didn't even take it seriously. .

Thousands of people were stunned at first, then reacted angrily and threw the magic weapon and magic weapon at Zhang Ping. Many people were brave and temporarily forgot about his terrifying power in the rumors; not to mention that people had a lucky mentality and thought that the rumors were not credible. Even if he was powerful, he had to You'll find out after trying it hard. Therefore, most people moved forward bravely, while only a few high-level monks maintained their identity and stood aside to watch.

Zhang was afraid of standing directly above the river. He thought that with water and ice crystals, no matter how many people came, he would be no match. He thought about sending the message to Bing Jing, and then his face suddenly turned pale. He forgot that Bing Jing was seriously injured and was lying in his body to recuperate.

Suddenly I was angry and furious. What was the difference between the thousands of people in front of me and the bastard who injured Bing Jing? They all care for their own interests regardless of the life and death of others.

Just when he was distracted, countless magic weapons hit him in front of him, and he was worried about hitting his body. Suddenly, there were jingles and explosions one after another, and all magic weapons and magic attacks were blocked by a thin layer of ice. Zhang was overjoyed. Is Bingjing ready? He was busy looking inside to check, but found that there was no movement in the ice crystal. After thinking about it, he turned his head and looked to the right. The kitten was smiling proudly at him.

With more than a thousand people attacking him at the same time, he remembered what happened to the ice crystal and felt a little uncomfortable. He shouted to Xiaozhu without hesitation: "Burn." A dry fire sprang up angrily and burned the enemy in front of him.

Countless attacks were blocked by a thin layer of ice. Although the Yuanying monk did not take any action, the hardness of the thin ice was really shocking. Thousands of monks were stunned and looked at Zhang Ai in surprise. At this time, the little pig was so angry that a group of people flew away in confusion. Some of them bumped into each other in an emergency, and some of the unlucky ones were burned to death.

Seeing this situation, the sect leaders and high-level monks of each sect had no choice but to take action. There were no casualties in the Southern Expedition of more than 3,000 people. A group of people killed one by one to fear that there would be countless casualties. Dozens of high-level monks were separated and suppressed their anger to attack. Zhang is afraid.

There was a reason why there were no casualties in the Southern Expedition. They worked together to break into the four major demon sects. However, the demon sect monks saw the opportunity early. After suffering heavy losses in the fight with the Yuling Sect, they were worried that enemies would come. All the disciples retreated back to their secret lair. build. However, no one was left in the nominal station, and it was empty. The righteous disciples returned without success and only killed a few demon disciples who accidentally ran into them.

The righteous monks rushed in vain, but fortunately there were still two large pieces of spiritual land on both sides of the Ning River, and finally gained something; but they did not expect that the legendary Leng Tou Qing actually dared to fight against a thousand.

Zhang Ai's figure trembled and disappeared from the spot, appearing a hundred meters away, looking at the dozens of masters who attacked him. There were twenty-three people in total. Because of the large number of people, they did not use large-scale killing spells, and each used the sharpness of the magic weapon to kill. The enemy saw Zhang afraid of escaping, and all the masters surrounded him again.

Zhang Ai snorted and did not bother with it. Anyway, there were plenty of talismans. He grabbed a handful and threw them out, then grabbed another handful and threw them out, and then threw another handful, forcing thousands of monks to flee in all directions. Dozens of masters who surrounded Zhang Awei were also disturbed by the explosion, and they all had no choice but to retreat. When the explosion stopped and the smoke cleared, they suddenly saw a bright silver sword piercing their eyes. Twenty-three people, each with a sword thrust in front of their eyes, as if there were twenty-three swords.

Most of the fights between monks were to test spells, and few fought with weapons like warriors. Zhang Wen just liked this. A sword of Fu Shen danced out with stars, shining like a starry sky. All twenty-three people were surrounded by this starlight. It felt like The trace of murderous aura on the sword makes people shudder. Seeing that the situation was not good, everyone retreated, but how could you get away from the lingering starlight? Twenty-three people dodged in various directions, but they were still within the attack range of the sword.

However, due to his strength, distance, and number of people, Zhang Fear couldn't really kill twenty-three high-level monks at the same time. He just used the power of his sword to cover them within the attack range. He could kill one person, but there was nothing he could do about the others.

These people also understood this truth and retreated a certain distance to fight back with their magical weapons. The magic weapon can attack in the air, and twenty-three high-level monks can kill Zhang Ai without anyone getting close.

He provoked thousands of monks with anger, only to find it difficult to fight. Without the help of ice crystals, the strength is greatly reduced. However, the cultivation level of these twenty-three people was similar to his own, or even higher than his own, and they were suddenly overwhelmed by many magic weapons. Fortunately, the Fushen robe was strong enough and the Five Elements Magic Shield was able to hold up with the support of spiritual power, so he was not killed.

He was running around here, blocking from left to right, and was in a very embarrassed state. He couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. He couldn't even defeat twenty-three people, so how could he keep both places safe? How to stop thousands of monks?

He felt uncomfortable, but the person on the other side was shocked. In the past, I only heard that the disciples of Tianlei Mountain were powerful. Today, I saw that they were indeed famous. A pair of twenty-three masters of the same cultivation level could actually last for half a day without being defeated.

Zhang Pa had already changed his coarse cloth clothes into Fu Shen robes. Relying on the sturdy robes and the fast flying speed of the wings, he was able to fight with a group of people until now. Seeing these people gradually getting familiar with each other and cooperating gradually in an orderly manner, he knew that he would not have a good result in a while, so he threw a bunch of talismans.

The Seven Star Talisman was thrown out like waste, making countless cultivators jealous. It was a waste, too wasteful!

Zhang Pa didn't care about these. He was thinking about how to kill these people during the short time when the talismans exploded. The piglet spits fire and the kitten sprays water. It is not a big threat to the Yuanying cultivator. Is he going to release the Fu Shen snake? But he was worried that they would be injured and was very reluctant.

The spell exploded, temporarily stopping the killing of the twenty-three people around him. However, more people gathered in the distance. Zhang Pa's eyes widened. Are they going to run away again? He shouted, "Burn." The piglet burned a wall of fire in the air to stop many people. The kitten also separated the enemies with water arrows and ice arrows. Zhang Pa picked the weakest lone monk who was closest to him and killed him.

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