The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 336 Others’ Battle

Chapter 336: Other People’s Battles

Zhang was afraid that he was a little depressed. What does it have to do with you fighting? Why are you coming at me? Grabbing the kitten and piglet, he dodged and escaped from the black air-shrouded space, threw out more than twenty seven-star charms, and bullied me? no way! Let me make some noise for you to hear first.

After the loud noise in the sky, the disciples of the Yuling Sect and the Demon Sect stopped fighting. The eight masters who were chasing Zhang Ai retreated far away. A large group of people stopped in the air and stood guard. In the river below, some unlucky ones who had been blown up were either seriously injured or dead and were floating in the water. Apart from these people, no black energy or monsters were seen.

Zhang Ai stood all the way away and shouted: "Fight, why don't you fight? Keep fighting." He is a typical heckler who is not afraid of causing trouble.

The disciples leading the team from the Yuling Sect looked at the people of the Demon Sect in the distance, raised their hands and fired a ringing arrow into the sky, calling for help. As if they had a telepathic connection, the disciples leading the team from the Demon Sect looked at the members of the Yuling Sect, raised their hands and fired arrows into the air to request for support. The strength shown by Zhang Ai and the battle with rival sects are beyond their control, so they must report it to their superiors.

For a moment, everyone stood in a daze above the river. Only two blaring arrows pointed the direction in the sky, guiding the arrival of large forces from both sides.

Zhang was afraid that he would just stand and watch. He hoped that the two gangs would fight together and that he would benefit.

If Zhang was afraid that he would be considered one of the forces, then the place where the three forces were fighting was not far from the camps of the two sects. Before the sounding arrow fell, several people had already arrived and lined up according to their camps. Slowly, more and more people gathered, and Zhang Wei seemed more and more lonely. He frowned and looked at the left and right in front of him. If these guys didn't fight, could they want to join forces to deal with him?

In less than a quarter of an hour, the forces from both sides were assembled. A large number of people stood on the river with law enforcement weapons. The Demon Sect was composed of three major sects. The numbers of people were overwhelming. There were more demonic beasts than people in the Lingyu Sect, and they were shouting and screaming wildly. Zhang was afraid of watching with cold eyes. Anyone who dared to find him without opening his eyes would be frozen to death with ice crystals.

He still didn't understand the thinking of these cultivators. For them, the power of hatred was far greater than the temptation of greed. The sect masters and deputy sect masters from both sides came to the front of the formation. Without saying anything, they shouted: "Kill!" and took the lead in charging towards the other side's camp. An unprecedented battle unfolded over the Ninghe River in the country of Yue.

Zhang was afraid that he was in a daze and no one cared about him? This is the first time he has been ignored during a fight. Am I invisible? Can't they see? He did not expect that it was because of his sudden arrival that the two sects had to fight to the death ahead of schedule, abandoning their protective formations and engaging in a head-to-head confrontation.

This time the killing was more brutal than before. The two factions were fighting together. They could not use large-scale killing spells. They could only fight fiercely according to their own skills. The rain of blood kept dripping red on the river, and the corpses of monsters and beasts and human corpses filled the river one after another. Entering the deep river, there were killings everywhere in the air. Only Zhang Ai, who was standing far away, was in a daze, as if there were some things he couldn't figure out.

For some reason, Zhang, who originally hoped that he would benefit from the fight between the snipe and the clam, was afraid that things would turn out as he wished, but he felt a sense of loss in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out the reason. Could it be that he felt pity for the lives lost in the battle? Zhang Awei smiled self-deprecatingly, turned around and left with the pig and kitten.

Zhang was afraid of leaving, and the leaders of the two sects breathed a sigh of relief. They were most worried that this unstable factor would cause chaos at the critical moment of the war. Now that the unstable factor is gone, both sides no longer hold back, and send their final forces to the stage to push the battle to a new level. Towards**. It's ridiculous to say that the reason why the two sects stayed away from the camp for the duel was because they hoped that Zhang would cause chaos. The news that the Yuling Sect got was that the four sects of the Demon Sect had a sect-killing feud with Tianlei Mountain, and the news that the Demon Sect got was that the Yuling Sect Men took the initiative to provoke Zhang Afraid. What the two sects thought was that everyone had conflicts anyway. After the fight, they sent low-level death-defying disciples to lure Zhang Ao to the opponent's masters to provoke a fight. As long as Zhang Ao could cause chaos, it would be best to kill a few more of the opponent's masters. , the battle situation will greatly benefit one's own side.

Although there is a bit of gambling involved in doing this, it is better than staying in front of each other across the river all day long. The hatred will not be resolved by itself after waiting. As the leader of a faction, there are always things that have to be done.

Zhang Ai turned around and left, his whole body relaxed, and the inexplicable feeling of loss and strange pressure disappeared. The meridians around his body surged and contracted, and his spiritual power surged unprecedentedly, as if he could break through and advance at any time. Zhang Ping knew, however, that it was definitely not a breakthrough that was imminent, but rather a response from his spiritual energy after he relaxed his mind.

In other words, if this can be advanced and upgraded, then the monks are too worthless.

When people live, there are always things that they have to do. The sect leaders of the two sects knew that a duel outside the formation would cause heavy damage, but they had no choice but to order a battle to gain the reputation of their sects and to avenge their shame. Zhang was afraid that he had seen enough killings and was tired of the killings. His desire for revenge was greatly reduced, but he still had to take revenge for his belief and for the thousands of his fellow disciples who died. In fact, he also knows that there is no end to life and death. Everyone has this experience. When you enter the world of cultivation, you will either kill others or others will kill others. It is just death, no big deal. But he still wants to take revenge. After two days of leisurely rest in the mountains, forests and rivers, we returned to Ninghe.

I won't cause any trouble during your decisive battle; now that the battle is over, it's your turn to do something.

The Ninghe River changed from the chaos and turmoil of the war two days ago. The Ninghe River flows quietly and is clear. The battle two days ago left no trace. All the blood, bones and corpses were carried away by the river and flowed to the sea. There was no one by the river, and the camp had been removed. Only some abandoned debris was left in a chaotic pile, suggesting that someone had lived here in the past few days.

Zhang Awei looked at this trace of ruin and shook his head and sighed: "Why bother? Countless people died and were injured in the fight, but it's not like we got nothing."

The eyes of the kitten and piggy glanced at the same spot in the river, and Qi snorted slightly before turning away. The river water there suddenly stirred up whirlpools and waves with a soft hum, and then the waves calmed down and the whirlpool disappeared, as if nothing had happened. But the little pig and kitten had a look of disdain on their faces, pretending to shake their heads slightly, looking down on the guy in the river.

Zhang was afraid of being amused, and the two beasts became more and more like humans. However, those two gangs are a bit miserable. They have suffered numerous casualties for a long time, but the Jiao Jing is still there. I really don’t know what the sect leaders are thinking now.

After the fight, everyone should go back to their homes. Zhang is afraid of going to Hehuanmen to take revenge. But before even setting out on the road, I felt depressed about my unnecessary actions. If you don't fight when someone is in front of you, you won't think of chasing them until they are gone. The biggest problem is that you still don't know the way.

Wandering along the way, he felt depressed and cursed the Hehuanmen, hoping that they would be exterminated by the Yulingmen like the Yinluo Mansion, and he could take revenge without having to do anything. But the idea is good, but the reality is cruel. After this war, there was not a single cultivator in the entire southern Vietnam. They were all hiding in their lairs, practicing or recuperating. He walked for three days without seeing a passing cultivator.

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