The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 334 Who can handle whom?

Chapter 334: Who can handle who?

It doesn’t seem like it, it just is. The leader looked more and more like Zhang Wei. He smiled and clasped his fists and asked, "Fellow Taoist, is he a relic of Tianlei Mountain?"

When Zhang Wen heard this, he yelled, I am so famous, even the disciples of the Yuling Sect know me. Youdao stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man, cupped his fist and said in return: "My name is Zhang Wen, a disciple of Tianlei Mountain."

Everyone in the Yuling Sect looked at each other. Legend has it that this guy has endless treasures on his body, but he is cruel and cruel. Do we want to give it a try?

The leader chuckled lightly: "It turns out that you are a disciple of the famous Tianlei Mountain. I am disrespectful. We are disciples of Yulingmen of the Song Dynasty. Please don't be offended if you offend me."

Zhang Weijing also smiled: "This is nothing to offend, you fellow Taoists are too polite." He was thinking wildly in his mind, showing courtesy for nothing, committing adultery or stealing, these guys must not have good intentions.

The leader of Yuling Sect couldn't bear to fight with Zhang Weifang. He raised his hands and said politely: "Brother, I want to lead people to find a few juniors in the sect. We will meet again in the future." As he spoke, he walked back and left, and his subordinates walked away. Dozens of people, both human and beast, followed one by one. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they never said it to their faces.

Zhang Awei said goodbye with a smile and said in his heart: "What a thief. You have been talking nonsense for a long time and didn't even bother to tell me your name." But having said that, the disciples of the Yuling Sect were also bachelors. They knew that Zhang Awei had precious herbs at his feet, so he couldn't bear it. Live without asking.

The people left, and the pigs and kittens didn't fall for the trick. Zhang Weizhi had no choice but to dig in the ground for ginseng. He couldn't figure it out, why was he tormenting himself?

The little pig and kitten were happy to bully him. It is estimated that all the happiness of the two guys in this life was related to bullying Zhang Ain. Le Diandian flew around Zhang Ain, humming and laughing at him as he flew.

It was just a few whiskers. If he didn't want to cause trouble to others, Zhang would be too lazy to move. He dug out the whiskers a few times and threw them directly to the little pig. He wanted to drive a wedge between the two guys, but he didn't let the kitten eat them. Unexpectedly, the two guys were very united. Xiaozhu took the initiative to share his whiskers with Kitten, which made him extremely depressed.

Before the depression was over, they discovered that the twelve Ling Yu Sect disciples had not gone far and stopped ten miles away from them, hesitating and not knowing what they were doing. Zhang Ain thought to himself, shouldn't he be planning on me?

He guessed correctly. Not everyone of the twelve disciples of the Yuling Sect was so clear-headed. There were always a few guys who were stupid and had different opinions. After flying ten miles, he argued with the leader, saying that he wanted to go back and kill the disciples of Tianlei Mountain. Not only could he get the spiritual grass, but if he was lucky, he could also recover two powerful monsters.

A group of people were making a noise, and Zhang was afraid that he dug out a few whiskers and fed them to the pigs and kittens, and the rich spiritual energy disappeared. Someone said angrily: "It's gone, it's gone, the spiritual grass is just gone. I estimate it is at least ten thousand years old."

The leader was quite sober. He had the highest cultivation level among the group and was at the intermediate level of Nascent Soul. He sneered coldly: "There are lots of good things, but you have to be lucky enough to get them."

The man said angrily: "He's just a junior Nascent Soul cultivator. I'm also a junior monk, and there are monsters to help me. I don't believe I can't handle him."

The Yuling Sect is the sect that pays the least attention to the depth of cultivation in the world. They respect the strength of monsters. Monsters are powerful and can help you kill everyone in the world. Even if you only have foundation building cultivation, you will still occupy a high position in the sect. The person who made the rude remarks was supported by two powerful monsters, so he argued with the leader.

The leader was not surprised and did not get angry. He could even tolerate Zhang Ying, whom he had never met before, talking nonsense. Not to mention his fellow junior disciple, who was trying to find fault. He smiled coldly and said: "Junior brother, since you are willing, just give it a try. Brother Fool has limited legs and feet. I won’t join in the fun anymore, and I’ll just wait for the good news about my junior brother.”

The rest of the people also had various thoughts, so they decided to separate four people to stand on the junior brother's side, so the group of five people returned the same way to find Zhang to avoid trouble.

Zhang was very bored standing on the ground. He couldn't fight the two beasts. He scolded them, but they didn't care. Fortunately, the Yuling Sect disciples brought him some fun. He looked into the distance and muttered: "Come back quickly, come back quickly." ”

The disciples of Yuling Sect received his distant call and quickly flew back to the five of them. Zhang Wen greeted him with a happy smile and asked enthusiastically: "Why are you back? What's the matter?"

The five of them didn't make a good idea. They were shocked when they saw Zhang Aifeng's smiling face. What is this guy going to do?

Of course, the five people couldn't be said to have come back to kill people. Shen surrounded Zhang Ai, suddenly heard a low shout, and all drove the monsters to attack.

Regardless of any conflicts between Zhang Ai and the two beasts, he would still help when they were fighting. Zhang Ai also took this opportunity to torment them and shouted at them: "The monsters belong to you."

The two little guys were quite bored, but Jiner bullied Zhang to avoid being bored alone, so he fluttered up to face a group of beast masters. The little pig showed off his power, raised his head to the sky and roared with such majestic momentum that he swallowed mountains and rivers like a tiger. His majesty exuded infinite beast power, scaring all the beasts from coming forward. It's just that its whistling sound is really unpleasant, a bit like the sound of killing a pig.

The kitten was not happy, so the idiot pig yelled at me again, raising his head and roaring, the sound was shockingly loud. It was originally a white tiger, and its roar broke through the white clouds in the sky, causing the river to ripple and the mountains and forests to sway. Several timid monsters were frightened so much that they urinated and pooped, rolled and fell to the ground, and some were frightened to death.

The five people saw Hu Wei and knew that they had hit the iron plate this time, so they quickly retreated together. Zhang Ain said to the little pig and kitten: "So powerful and majestic. Those five people are yours too."

The little pigs and kittens were afraid of Zhang's praise, and they only thought of the good things, and chased after the five people without thinking of anything else.

The two terrifying roars of the cat and pig alarmed the remaining seven people ten miles away. The leader knew that something was wrong and flew back quickly, shouting as he flew: "Fellow Daoist Zhang, please show mercy."

Zhang Pa played rogue: "It has nothing to do with me, only these two gods want to do it."

This sentence praised the two guys to the level of gods. The two guys were very happy. They easily eliminated the five escaping idiots with a mouthful of fire and a mouthful of water, and killed their monsters at the same time. Then they flew to Zhang Pa with their tails wagging, waiting for him to continue to praise and say good things.

Zhang Pa saw this and hurriedly coaxed the kitten and the pig: "Great, great, good, good, good, great." He repeated the eight words over and over again to perfunctorily, but they were still the same. The two little guys felt despised, snorted angrily and jumped into the river to swim, and ignored this white-eyed man.

The remaining seven people of Yulingmen saw that five of their fellow disciples died in the blink of an eye. They were terrified. They knew they were no match for them, and they were also afraid that the two beasts would get excited and kill them. They turned around and ran without saying a word. While running, they complained about their fellow disciples. Which bastard said that these two monsters could be subdued?

Zhang was afraid of being humiliated by Maozhu, so he passed his suffering on to Yulingmen. He raised his hand to make a trumpet shape and shouted loudly: "You won't stay a little longer? Are you leaving now?" The seven people from Yulingmen were so angry that they cursed him as a bastard in their hearts.

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