The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 332 The same moment

Chapter 332 The same moment

The kitten loves the water and plays with the piglet in the water. Zhang was afraid to lie down on the grass by the river, not wanting to disturb a grass snake, so he bent over and stared fiercely. Zhang was afraid that he would not be as familiar with it, so he raised his hand and waved, and a soft breeze blew the grass snake dozens of meters away. The grass snake rolled a few times, twisted its body and ran away.

After thinking about what I have done recently, it is time to go to the Yao family to take revenge, and then come back to clean up the four major demon sects. As for the Jin family, I have a headache just thinking about it. Why are there so many masters in their family? At this time, three people flew from the sky to the west, one in front and two in back, heading straight for the pigs and kittens playing in Hanoi. Zhang Awei sighed to himself: It’s really hard to stay quiet for a while.

The three of them fell twenty meters away from Zhang Awei. They looked at the little cat and piglet cautiously but passionately. Then they looked at Zhang Awei and found that they could not find out the level of cultivation. They became more cautious at the moment. The leader cupped his fists and said, "Dare I ask my friend, are the two monsters in the river your spiritual pets?"

Zhang Zhen didn't say anything, he didn't want to talk to these three people at all. However, the piglet and kitten lost their temper. They were first called monsters and then pets. This made the two guys very unhappy and glared at the person who spoke. But Zhang was afraid that there would be no response. He suddenly remembered that he was a noble spiritual beast and could not live like these useless people. He bent down and drifted with the current.

The leader of the three men was wearing a white robe, and the other two were in black. Seeing that Zhang Wen regarded the three of them as nothing, he was secretly angry, but did not show it on his face. The man in white clasped his fists and asked again: "Ding Jian of the Yulingmen I’ve met a Taoist friend, but I don’t know what sect he belongs to, and what is his name?”

Yulingmen? Why are you here if you're not fighting in Ninghe? Zhang Ai looked at the three of them lazily and spoke lazily: "My sect was destroyed. Do you want to help me avenge you by asking this?"

The man in white was shocked when he heard this. He had just spent a lot of effort to destroy Yin Luo Mansion the day before yesterday. Could this man be from Yin Luo Mansion? He gestured to the two men in black and asked in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist, are you from Yinluo Mansion?"

What and what? Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized that the Yinluo Mansion had been destroyed by the Yuling Sect! No wonder the four major demon sects are so anxious that all the foundation disciples rush to Ninghe. He turned over and sat up, and said lightly: "You wiped out the Yinluo Mansion? It seems that Yuling Sect has some abilities." After saying this, I felt a little uncomfortable. Is the Yue Kingdom's cultivation sect so fragile? Ten people from the Jin family can tear Tianlei Mountain into pieces, and the Yuling Sect of the Song Dynasty can also destroy the Demon Sect. Are those cultivators who dare to love the Yue Kingdom sitting in a well and watching Tian Yelang's arrogance?

He was not feeling well, and neither were the three people across from him. The guy lying down not only looked down on the three of them, but even looked down on Yu Lingmen, with a hint of contempt in his words. But the three of them didn't dare to get angry. As disciples of the Soul Controlling Sect, they had special skills in sensing the strength of monsters. They knew that the kitten and piggy were amazingly powerful, and they also saw that the two monsters had not made a contract with Zhang Afraid, but they could get along with him peacefully. ; All kinds of weird things made the three of them have to be more careful.

Hearing that the other party was not an enemy, Ding Jian, the man in white, was relieved and pointed at the kitten and piggy and asked: "I wonder what the relationship is between you and these two monsters?"

The main practice of Yulingmen is to control monsters. Of course, they have to take advantage of kittens and piglets. Zhang glanced at them in a bad mood, lay down and said, "Go back to Ninghe and fight. They have nothing to do with you."

Ding Jian secretly said: "Of course it doesn't matter. If it does, why would I go all the way to come here?" The strength of the two monsters is unfathomable. They are definitely no worse than the dragon spirits in Ninghe. How can they be let go? Ding Jian used his brain to figure out how to get them.

Because of his training in martial arts, Ding Jian is particularly good at sensing high-level monsters. He discovered the Ninghe Jiao Jing. When he brought people to Ninghe, he found that the owner of the Hehuan Sect and the Yinluo Mansion were fighting with the Jiao Jing. The Yuling Sect got involved. During the fight, the leader of the Yuling Sect paid the price of serious injuries to kill the Hehuan Sect leader, but was killed by the Yinluo Mansion disciples. The whole door of Yu Ling Sect was shaken. He avenged the sect master and obtained the Jiao Dan. The masters used all their strength to destroy the Yinluo Mansion, but the Jiao Jing escaped and hid under the Ninghe River and never came out again. That's why the current situation of the Yuling Sect confronting the three major demon sects has arisen.

The temptation of the masterless high-level monsters to the disciples of the Soul Control Sect can be said to be fatal, and it is the best way for them to improve their cultivation. This time he found a kitten and a piglet. Of course Ding Jian wanted to take advantage, so he only brought two people here secretly. Unexpectedly, not only were the two beasts terrifyingly powerful, but there was also a monk whose cultivation level was unknown, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Ding Jian and the other three didn't leave, and Zhang Ai didn't rush them either. He closed his eyes and rested as if they didn't exist. Ding Jian saw that he was so arrogant and had murderous intentions in his heart. When he was hesitating whether to take action, a dozen figures flew from the sky.

Zhang Fei raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, becoming more and more lively.

Ding Jian noticed someone coming behind him, his expression changed, and he immediately ordered: "Let's go." He quickly flew away with the two men in black.

The dozen or so people who were chasing him quickly arrived and found Zhang Awei and the two beasts in the water. Someone whispered a few words, and the dozen or so people split into two groups. One group only had four people, and they fell down to surround Zhang Awei, while the other group of ten people chased him. Ding arrows away. These people are the pursuit teams sent by the three major demon sects, chasing Ding Jian all the way. It's a pity that Ding Jian found out that the monster has a method, but he couldn't find anyone following him.

"Is something wrong?" Zhang Ain opened his eyes and asked proactively. Although he didn't want to take revenge when the Demon Sect was fighting with foreign enemies, if these people dared to offend him, he wouldn't mind killing them a few days earlier.

The four of them all had cold faces, staring at Zhang Afraid like snakes, and one of them asked: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The questioning tone made Zhang afraid very unhappy, and he said coldly: "Get out of here."

The four people were scolded, their eyes narrowed, and they took action at the same moment. I saw ghosts filling the air and numerous ghost shadows, instantly turning the clear world into a gloomy hell. Murderous intentions appeared frequently in the darkness and confusion, and countless ghosts pounced on Zhang Ai. These slave ghosts are their support, and they are also the reason why they dare to take action even though their cultivation level is not as good as Zhang Ai's.

If you want to kill someone, you must be prepared to be killed. A calming bead appears on Zhang's forehead, spinning around to absorb ghost energy. He uses ice crystals to control the river water to freeze his body, and hell becomes a green world again. The four people from the Demon Sect took action at the same time, and were also frozen at the same time. The four big ice men stood on the ground in shock. Zhang Ain blew on the ice man, and the four ice men exploded, and the four people turned into powder at the same moment.

A gentle breeze blew away the powder. Zhang Fei turned his head and fell asleep. He was waiting for the ten people who had just flown away to come back.

An hour later, ten people flew back, six of them injured. It seemed that Ding Jian was quite difficult to deal with. The ten people did not see the four remaining companions, and Zhang was afraid that he was still there, indicating that something had happened. The leader gave an order, and ten people stopped in front of Zhang Ain. The leader searched the surroundings carefully and found no trace of his companions, not even the bodies. He clasped his fists at Zhang Awei and asked, "Have you seen my four companions before?"

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