The Monk

Volume One Chapter 329 Indecision

Chapter 329: Indecisive

Zhang was afraid of catching the storage bag and didn't want it, but to reassure Ouyang Dingtian, he took it and said, "Thank you."

Ouyang Dingtian, who was flying towards Yinhuang Mountain, didn't look back and gently sent back two words: "Thank you." He disappeared into the dense green of the dense forest.

He promised to Xie Zhang that the magic sect masters would choose a remote place for a limited time, and the location would be secret and no one would know, so as to avoid enemies or people with ill-intentions from stealing things and destroying the body. Before dying, these masters will work hard to find various life-extending herbs and pills to save their lives. If they can't find any, they will fly to the designated place on the day of their death to wait for death. At the same time, they will also pass on their treasures and magical weapons to their disciples and future generations. But Ouyang Dingtian's only son died, and he had no disciples, and no one passed on the things, so it was cheap for Zhang Ai, and it was worth buying money for traveling. I hope Zhang Ao would not toss his own bones for the sake of this pile of things.

Opening the storage bag and looking through it, the flute and the little flower magic weapon were all there, as well as many medicinal materials and various finished and semi-finished elixirs. As he looked at them, he sighed, no matter how many things he got, no matter how powerful he was, no matter how high his cultivation level was. So what, death is inevitable after all. Ever since the beginning of people's cultivation, I have never heard of anyone living forever. It is extraordinary to live for three to five hundred years. After a thousand years, one has entered the realm of divine transformation. No one has ever heard of anyone living longer.

Pack up your storage bag and head south in loneliness. He did not doubt that what Ouyang Dingtian said was a lie. Regardless of whether he had this bag or not, he would not go back to check whether it was true or false. He also knew that Ouyang Dingtian would not trust him and would set up many traps and ambush in the place where he was sitting, but these were not important, he would not go back anyway, and those traps were not just for himself.

What he was thinking was, is it kind to let a dying person go? Ouyang Dingtian had no intention of killing people in his life, and he seemed to be very talkative when he was about to die. How could he speak well when a person was about to die? If these are all good things, why did you do bad things before?

The piglets and kittens would not accompany him to think. Bullying and bullying were their source of happiness. One was running on his shoulders and the other was dancing above his head. Zhang Ain took out the carriage, released four big dogs to pull it, threw the piglets and kittens on the roof of the carriage to enjoy the air, and sat on the soft couch inside the carriage to enjoy. Of course the two little guys didn't want to do it. They squeezed into the car to rest, and pushed Zhang Awei out to catch the car.

The carriage looks small from the outside, but it has a storage array inside and is very spacious. It was originally prepared for Zhang Tianfang and the girls to ride and play together, but now they are far away in the snowy mountains of the North, and they don't know how they are doing recently or whether they have encountered any trouble. .

Speaking of troubles, Zhang Wen laughed at himself. Who else in the world has more troubles than himself?

Leaning against the car door, I took out a bottle of wine and went to look for the sun and the moon while I was drunk. I seemed a little carefree, a little ridiculed, and a lot lonely. He felt strange, why did he feel a little sad when he knew that Ouyang Dingtian was about to die? That was the enemy, the former Tianlei Mountain, the former biggest enemy.

After thinking about it for a long time, I began to admire my predecessors. No matter what kind of Buddhism, Taoism or demonic practice, you must first stop emotions and have no desires. Naturally, you won't be as distracted by random thoughts as you are now. In the end, you still haven't practiced enough.

It was already dark now, and the carriage was moving slowly along the road in the darkness, but as Zhang Ain said, he did have a lot of troubles. Three people flew past in the sky, circled above and then flew back to land in front of Zhang Ain's car. He asked, "Have you seen a middle-aged man in white?"

The three of them were mid-level pill-forming monks, and they were not as advanced as the four dogs who were pulling him. Zhang Weixing lazily shook his head and said nothing. One of them said angrily: "Is he mute? Have you seen him?" The people on the side saw the wine in his hand and the drunken look on his face, and whispered: "What can a drunkard see? Kill him and find him quickly. Don't let others Take the lead."

The third person was more cautious and used his spiritual consciousness to investigate. The drunk man in the car was an ordinary person, but the four big dogs were bigger than the colts. Just as he was about to say it out, he suddenly noticed a spiritual power fluctuation in the car. He followed the wave to check it out, his eyes fixed on the jade bottle in Zhang Ai's hand. There was a drop of wine stuck to the mouth of the bottle when he drank.

The third person grabbed the two people beside him and said in a deep voice: "Spiritual wine." The two people in front were just careless. They didn't expect that the person driving the carriage on the night road would also be a cultivator. After being reminded, they immediately took a few steps back and drew out the magic sword. Be careful and alert. After confirming that the drop of wine on the mouth of the white jade bottle was spiritual wine, the three of them looked at each other and took a few steps back.

The jade bottle has a storage formation to prevent the leakage of spiritual energy, and this bottle of wine is a sweet wine diluted with a large amount of juice, honey, and sugar liquid. It does not contain a lot of spiritual energy, so it was not discovered at first. After the three of them found out, they tried to detect Zhang Wei, but they couldn't detect any spiritual power like ordinary people, so they knew they would encounter a formidable enemy. The world is so big, and there are so many strange things, but I have never seen an ordinary person drinking spiritual wine. Therefore, the first thing the three of them thought about was not getting the spiritual wine, but how to save their lives.

Zhang Aif glanced at them and asked lightly: "Are you looking for Ouyang Dingtian?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were even more sure that the person in front of them was a master. Although Ouyang Dingtian's reputation was resounding, it was not something that an ordinary person could know. The three of them hurriedly clasped their fists and said, "The three juniors are ignorant and reckless. They disturbed the seniors, and why? Please forgive me, senior."

Zhang was afraid to feel pity for Ouyang Dingtian. He was the only one in the country for a while, but someone tried to take advantage of him before he died. At the same time, he found it ridiculous. With his cultivation strength, how could outsiders know the specific time and place of the sitting limit? I'm sure the masters from the same sect have guessed and tracked it, and released the news, asking the greedy people in the world to help find it.

In this way, we can understand why Ouyang Dingtian took the initiative to stop talking to Zhang Ai as soon as he saw him, and we can also understand why he gave all his treasures to Zhang Ai instead of leaving them to his fellow disciples.

Zhang Wen didn't want to deal with these nonsense, so he lazily asked: "Which of you has been to Tianlei Mountain?"

The three of them didn't understand what it meant. They thought of the disciples of Tianlei Mountain who had been causing trouble recently. They looked at each other and one of them replied cautiously: "Senior, the three of us have never been to Tianlei Mountain."

Zhang was afraid and said quietly: "Then let's go."

The three of them hurriedly bowed respectfully and retreated, running a long way before they dared to fly into the air.

Seeing them leave respectfully, Zhang Pingfei felt a little better. Now he was thinking about whether he should let them go. The result of thinking for a long time was that he was too indecisive!

This result was immediately verified to be correct. Not long after, two high-level alchemy-forming monks and a top-level alchemy-forming monk flew from the direction the three left. The three of them spotted Zhang Ai from a distance, so they turned around and ran away. With their cultivation, they couldn't find out Zhang Ai's strength, but they could confirm that the four big dogs pulling the cart were high-level monsters. The people pulling the cart are all high-level monsters, and the strength of the owner can be imagined. It is better not to provoke them or not.

Zhang is afraid of leaning against the car door and sulking, and won't feel stable even after drinking. He will run away as soon as he comes. Who do you think I am?

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