The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 325 Human Touch

Chapter 325 Human touch

The woman said anxiously: "Wait a minute, I buried my sister." Zhang was a little embarrassed. He was becoming more and more impersonal. How could he forget everything? Returning to the shore, she found a high ground and took the initiative to dig a pit and erect a monument to help with the burial. After everything was settled, the woman cried and worshiped her sister and thanked Zhang Ain. Zhang Ain waved his hands with a cold face and said, "It's nothing." He was thinking in his mind, what on earth did I cultivate? How can we forget all about human ethics and morality?

The two are back on the road. The river overflowed and roared against the dam. In the rolling torrent, Zhang Wen carried the woman and walked through the water. He walked as fast as walking on flat ground and covered forty miles in half an hour. The woman was shocked by his ability and stared at him with ardent eyes, wanting to beg him to accept her as his disciple, but the expressionless expression on Zhang's face made her dare not say anything.

After dozens of miles, the two weather conditions were separated. The first place was still sunny, but here there were thick clouds, and there was no telling when it would rain. The woman said: "On the right bank, they left me and my sister on the right bank."

Zhang was afraid of leaving the water and went ashore. There was no one on the shore. He built a low altar on the ground with candles burning on it. There were some firecracker debris scattered on the ground next to it. It was probably the traces left by worshiping the river god. Zhang Ai looked funny, so he worshiped God like this? There wasn't even a caregiver. He went over and kicked away the incense burner and candlestick, and asked the woman, "Where are we going?"

The woman blushed a little and whispered: "Put me down, I can walk by myself."

Zhang Awei held her up with one hand and said coldly: "Just tell me where to go, don't worry about the rest."

The woman had no choice but to say: "Five miles down is the village where my family lives, and fifteen miles up is the county town. The official and the Taoist live in the city, and the village's Li Zheng also lives in the city."

Zhang Awei thought for a moment and asked, "Do you want to see me kill someone?" The woman didn't know how to answer. Zhang Ain continued: "Why don't you go home, and I'll go to the city to kill people and help you avenge you."

The woman said bitterly: "I won't go home, I have no home!"

Zhang was afraid that she would be resolute, and he would not be able to persuade her. The parents pushed their daughter to death, which was a greater sin than the parents who had forgotten and had no memory of her, so they asked: "Where are you going?"

"I want to learn martial arts from you and kill all the corrupt officials in the world." The woman had great ambitions, and Zhang was afraid of being embarrassed. He couldn't bring another woman with him. He shook his head and said, "I will avenge you first." He carried the woman and ran towards the county seat.

After a while, the two people appeared outside the county town. Zhang Fei put the woman down and realized that she was really dazzling in her bright red wedding dress. He said, "Wait for me here." He quickly ran into the city and bought a set of clothes and came back.

The woman stood anxiously on the side of the road. When she saw Zhang Awei, she was overjoyed: "I thought you weren't coming back." Zhang Awei didn't bother to explain to her, and handed over the clothes in his hand: "Change into it."

The woman took the clothes and ran far away, found a remote place to change her clothes and came out. The red wedding dress was in her hand and she didn't want to throw it away. She said to Zhang Awei: "I have never worn such good clothes."

The clothes were made of silk. Zhang Zhi didn't care about this and walked forward: "Go into the city and look for those Taoist priests and some official."

The woman followed behind and whispered: "I don't know the road." Zhang Ain was stunned for a moment, but then he was relieved. A country girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, even when she entered the county town, she only wandered around the market, how could she know where the Taoist priest lived. No more words were spoken, and the two of them walked into the county town one after another.

It may take a lot of effort to find other people, but it is really easy to find a few cultivators who have just practiced Qi. If you let go of your spiritual consciousness, you will find their location in a moment. Walking around with the woman, I saw a tall and spacious house. The courtyard was equipped with dance pavilions, halls and stages. There were six big men in black lined up at the door to guard the door.

Zhang was afraid that he would enjoy the curse words secretly. Heading towards the yard. The woman followed nervously and asked, "Are you just going to break in like this?"

When six big men saw someone coming straight towards them, they stepped out of the way and shouted: "Are you blind? Do you know where this is? Get out of here."

Zhang was afraid that he wanted to take action at that moment. After thinking about it, he decided to give them more choices. He stopped and asked, "If I insist on going in, will you kill me?"

The six big men looked at each other. Is this man a fool? One of them got used to it and cursed: "Killing you is nothing, it is no different from killing an ant. I tell you, if you offend the Taoist, you will not be able to live or die."

How could this guy know that just one word would send him to his death, bringing five other people along with him? Zhang Aoi said calmly: "It seems you deserve to die." As he spoke, he crossed his hands and an invisible wall of energy hit the six people, forcing them to retreat. The courtyard door was knocked open, and six people stepped back to enter. Zhang Wen and the woman followed and closed the door. With a wave of his hands, six people fell down at the same time. Zhang Awei led the woman towards the inner courtyard.

The woman didn't believe what was happening in front of her. She looked at the six people one after another. She was a little scared and a little excited, and asked anxiously: "Dead? Are you dead now?"

Zhang Wen walked to the back hall according to the guidance of his spiritual consciousness. He kept hearing it from afar, and knew that he had done something wrong. He asked the woman: "Do you want to go in?"

The woman was an ordinary person and couldn't hear distant sounds. She thought to herself, "I've seen you kill people, so it's not scary. What else is there to be afraid of?" She nodded and said, "Go in."

Zhang didn't say much because he was afraid, and went straight to the back hall. When he got closer, the woman could already hear the sound inside. Her face was a little feverish, but she still walked in strong.

The woman was a layperson, and the sound of her footsteps alarmed several Taoist priests in the hall. Some people were dissatisfied and shouted loudly: "I told you not to disturb me, so what's the matter? Are you seeking death?"

Another voice laughed and said: "Your practice has been fed to pigs. Can't you tell she is a cardamom woman?" He said outside: "Come in quickly and serve the Taoist master well. The Taoist master will take you to heaven to protect you forever."

Zhang Wen laughed when he heard this. There were a total of seventeen people in the room. Thirteen women were ordinary people without any foundation in cultivation. The remaining four men were junior disciples who had just stepped on the edge of Qi refining. It's almost nothing, how dare four people say that they can protect people's immortality? It's really ridiculous.

He gently opened the door and entered silently. The spring scenery in the house was boundless, and seventeen naked bodies were entangled together. They were panting and moaning, and they were so busy with each other that no one noticed his arrival.

When Zhang Ai saw the beautiful scenery for the first time, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it. The young woman's beautiful breasts are slim and graceful, her white and delicate skin is full of temptation, her breasts and butt are swaying up and down, and her eyes can't get enough of it. He hurriedly recited the Calming Technique to steady his mind, coughed slightly and said, "Get up."

Only then did the people in the house notice Zhang Ping, and a Taoist priest shouted: "Who are you? Where did you come from, a boy who doesn't know how to die?" A Taoist priest shouted: "Come here." The four Taoist priests looked careless. On the other hand, a dozen women knew the shame and each pulled their clothes and quilts to cover their bodies.

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