The Monk

Text Chapter 1,720 It must be you

"Are you mute?" Looking at this guy's expression, he had the urge to lose his temper again.

"I'm afraid of interrupting you. In fact, I'm very curious about what you are looking for this time." The two talked nonsense for a long time and finally got to the point.

Jing Jing chuckled and said: "I just said that you will definitely become the next God of Creation. This is what the God of Creation said. He has chosen you. Unless you die, otherwise... No, in this world of gods Here, even if you die, as long as you are not completely dead, you can be revived. Therefore, you can only take over my position and become your successor. However, you are kind-hearted and let me tell you that after you become There will be a time limit before the next creation god. During this period, you can do whatever you want and have fun. When the time is up, the adults will come to spend it in person. "

"I'm so depressed. Are you like this? I don't want to do it, and you force me to do it?" Zhang Ain shouted loudly.

Mirror gently shook his head and said, "Don't shout, this matter is about to become a fact. What you have to do is accept it with peace of mind and choose a time limit so that I can go back and report to the adults."

"Time limit? Okay, aren't you asking me for a time limit? I want to have a good time for ten million years. If you come to me in ten million years, I will definitely help you guard the God Realm." Zhang was afraid that he started to act rogue again.

The longer I talked to this guy, the more depressed I became. Jing Jing said angrily: "Ten million years? Why don't you say forever?" Zhang Ain immediately answered: "Can you say forever? Then I'll change it to forever." "Change your head." , Don’t say I’m not interesting enough, give you three years to have fun. I’ll find you in three years.” Jingjing didn’t want to talk nonsense with him anymore, so he directly set a time limit.

Zhang Ai quickly shook his head and said: "No, no, three years is too short. You also know that I have a lot of concerns in the lower world. I have four wives alone. How can three years be enough?" "Then four years." Poor Tangtang Super Master Mirror-sama was forced to play the bargaining game.

Zhang Wei still shook his head: "Four years is not enough. I still have many friends." "Then five years." Jing Jing really didn't want to talk nonsense to this lazy guy. However, Zhang Ain continued to shake his head and said: "There are descendants of disciples from the mountain, and many orphans who have been picked up. If I don't arrange their future lives well, how can I leave with peace of mind?"

Seeing this guy chattering endlessly, Jingjing said angrily: "How long do you want it for?" Zhang Ain thought for a while and said: "I really want it to last for a long, long time..." This time. When it was his turn to speak, he was interrupted by the mirror. The guy said coldly: "I don't have the patience. Tell me the time quickly, otherwise it will be three years."

Is this someone being blackmailed? V was afraid of hesitating, he gritted his teeth and said, "One hundred years." Seeing how painful Zhang Awei's expression was, the mirror did not press down the time, and just said: "I'll ask the adults when I get back." Then wanted to leave.

Zhang Awei hurriedly shouted: "Wait, there is something else." Jing Jing asked: "Why do you have so many things to do?" Zhang Awei said: "Of course a master has a lot of things to do. Is it possible that he is like you who does nothing all day long? , Nothing serious?" This statement once again angered Jing Jing, and said angrily: "Hurry up and say something."

Zhang Awei sighed and said: "I want to ask. When I become the next God of Creation, will I look like you? In the eyes of others, I will be like a mirror? Whoever sees me will be who I am."

Jing Jing shook his head and said: "No, I would be like this n because of the problem of cultivation method, coupled with the pure divine power, it is now Nirvana." Zhang Ai sighed softly, said it was okay, and then asked: "Wait a minute After I become the next one, can I bring anyone up from the starry sky below? "Jing Jing replied, "Yes." Zhang Ai continued to ask, "Can I turn ordinary practitioners into powerful gods? As powerful as the Dragon King?" Mirror continued, "Yes."

Zhang Wen was overjoyed when he heard this, which meant that he could bring Zhang Tianfang out of the Buddhist realm, and also allow Song Yunyi and others to quickly possess the powerful strength of gods. However, he was just happy for a moment, and his face turned gloomy again. At that time, he had already left the God Realm, so what would be the use of bringing them back to the God Realm? Isn’t it the same separation between heaven and man as it is now?

Jing Jing asked: "Are there any questions?" Zhang Ai nodded and said, "Of course there is. You said last time that as long as I become you, I will know that the God Realm is just a toy. What does this sentence mean?" Jing Jing asked. : "Toys are for playing with. When you take over from me, you will find that the God Realm is just a toy, and you are completely free to do whatever you want."

"That's it?" Zhang Aoi asked casually. Jing Jing nodded and said: "That's it." Zhang Ain asked again: "Then, can I bring people out of the God Realm, or a planet?"

Jing Jing smiled and said: "You are really ambitious." Zhang Aoi asked: "Is it possible?" Jing Jing replied: "Planet can't, the universe has its own rules, and it is absolutely not allowed to suddenly create an extra planet; humans can, but Another question is, you can make people from the God Realm very powerful and bring them out, but there is one thing, they don’t have pure divine power, so what are you going to do by bringing them out and watch them grow old and die?”

Yes, in the world controlled by Zhang Weijing, everything can be given, but pure divine power cannot be given. He said angrily: "Didn't you say that after I become the God of Creation, I can do whatever I want?"

"Yes, it is possible, but it does not mean that it can diminish the lives of those created humans." Mirror replied.

"Created? Aren't the people in the universe also created? Who is not born from the mother's womb and then grows up slowly? Why does one appear to be inferior when one is born in the God Realm?" Zhang Ai started to find trouble again.

"You don't need to tell me this, I don't care. I can only tell you that if you want to bring someone out, simply let him practice pure divine power." Jing Jing replied softly.

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Ain thought about it and suddenly asked an unrelated question: "Do you know some particularly powerful dual cultivation spells?" "What do you want to do?" Jing Jing was stunned by the question.

Zhang Ai coughed and said: "I just said that I have four wives. If I are allowed to fly away from the God Realm, I will take them with me. Otherwise, I will never come out. But I don't know if they can cultivate pure divine power, so I just want to Let’s try practicing dual cultivation. You are the God of Creation. Isn’t this difficult?”

Jing Jing was shocked by Zhang Awei's whims, looked at him and shook his head helplessly: "I really, really doubt, how did you get into the God Realm?" Zhang Awei casually replied: "I still want to know, Qian Qian Do you have to capture my young man?”

"It's just a matter of looking at the young man." Jing Jingqi Dao V'ai replied loudly: "I don't want you to look good." Jing Jing became more and more angry: "Are you sick?" Zhang Ai replied: "You have medicine. "Jing Jing said angrily: "If you continue to talk nonsense to me, I will kill you even if I try to defend you for millions of years!" Zhang Ain stretched his neck and said: "Kill him, hurry up, don't be soft. "

I don’t know what this guy’s other abilities are like, but his ability to play rogue is already at its peak. He stared at the mirror angrily for a long time, and said coldly: “Wait, wait until I come back to tell you the good news.” After finishing speaking, , the figure burst out of the sky.

Hearing Jing Jing's cold threatening words, Zhang Wei thought to himself, it's bad. He just thought about showing off his strength and forgot about the time limit for becoming the next God of Creation. What if Jing Jing came back and said, there is only a three-year period. what to do? As for the dual magic thing, there is also no answer, and now we are in big trouble.

So, he frowned on the sacred tree for a while, and finally figured out that since everything was decided by the God of Creation, whatever he thought was useless, so he ducked back to the small courtyard.

At this time, the small courtyard was overcrowded. All the masters and mythical beasts who stayed in Xingyuan were crowded in the courtyard. The Dragon King and the old madman were also there. Only the big man and the Qilin Beast were unwilling to pay attention to these people and ran into the house to hide early.

Now seeing Zhang Awei coming back, all the masters turned their eyes to him] Cengxian asked: "Can we talk now?" He had been waiting for Zhang Awei, and he was already anxious.

Zhang was afraid of knowing what they wanted, so he directly replied: "I know what you want to ask. I have already told the people above that you want to see him. As for whether he will see you or not, it is not up to me. You can just wait and see. ." As he said this, he was wondering how long the God of Creation would give him. How did he get away with it? Why are you so confused that you are about to become the inheritor of the God of Creation? What a human tragedy.

Hearing Zhang Wei say such a sentence, although everyone's face was expressionless, there was always some excitement flashing in their eyes.

Seeing the happiness of these guys, Zhang Wen decided to pour cold water on them, and then said: "Actually, you have many problems. If you want to go out to the God Realm, it doesn't depend on how the Creator God will help you, but on you yourself."

"What do you mean?" Zhuangniu asked.

Zhang Ai turned around and looked in the direction of the sacred mountain. He raised his hand and pointed to the invisible peak that reached into the clouds. He whispered: "There is a sacred tree there. There is a leaf on the tree. What flows in the leaves is pure divine power. You guys want to If you want to leave the God Realm, you only need to practice under the God Tree. Once you understand the pure divine power, you can go outside the God Realm. However, the seven masters of you have made the God Tree their home, and so far they have only gained some cultivation in vain. But there is no understanding of the pure divine power. Even if the Creator God wants to help you, it is impossible to purify the divine power in your body and turn it into pure divine power. "

Hearing these words, the expressions of the masters in the courtyard suddenly changed. The reason why the faces of the great divine beasts turned ugly was because Zhang Wen said that Kong stayed under the divine tree without any understanding, which meant that he and others did not have the talent or opportunity to leave the divine world. . The reason why several super masters changed their faces is that countless years have passed, and a bunch of mythical beasts have taken advantage of them. If they had known it, they would have gone to practice under the sacred tree, and maybe they would have achieved something. Therefore, at that time, someone was interested and wanted to go up the mountain immediately.

At this time, Qi Lin asked: "Besides this, is there no other way?" Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and replied: "Do you know what the people above Chuang want to do with me?" (To be continued.)


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