The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 172 Forest of Bones

Chapter 172: Forest of Bones

Black knife? Jing Zhen Jing Qiu knew that the magic weapon used by the master who killed three of his own warlocks a few days ago was a black knife. Could it be this kid in front of him? Jing Zhen rubbed his hands together and twisted out a soft rope. The rope seemed to be alive and jumped up and wrapped around Zhang Tianfang. Jing Qiu held out a dagger with his backhand and stabbed it into the air. Countless daggers shrouded Zhang Tianfang with light and shadow.

Both of them were targeting Zhang Tianfang. Fang Jian said anxiously: "He hasn't formed the elixir yet, it's too dangerous." He lowered his head and groped around. Zhang Weijing asked in confusion: "What are you looking for?"

Except for the dirt on the ground, it was still dirt. Fang Jian stamped his feet and said, "Let's fight." He rushed forward, chanted the magic formula, and rolled out a fireball with his hands to hit Jingchou. Before Fireball could take action, he was pulled back by Zhang Awei: "What's the rush? Take your time and watch."

Fang Jian's fireball was extinguished as soon as it started to burn. He shouted anxiously: "Zhang Tianfang is in danger." Zhang Wei said calmly: "Look, is it dangerous?" Fang Jian hurriedly changed his attention. At this time, the scene changed. The real rope was cut into pieces, and Jing Chou's thousands of knives were all blocked by a black knife. The two of them were obviously hit, their faces turned pale and they turned around and ran away. Zhang Tianfang, on the other hand, seemed very relaxed. He folded his arms and watched them escape leisurely without pursuing them. He said loudly: "Go back and discuss with your boss about a truce."

Jing Zhen and Jing Qiu were not without the strength to fight, but they couldn't get any benefits if they joined forces, not to mention there were two seventh-grade monsters nearby and two monks who didn't know their strength were watching eagerly, and immediately made the decision to run away. Not long after they escaped, the general of the barbarian army noticed something unusual, raised his flag, and the barbarian army returned to the camp.

Zhang Tianfang asked Zhang Awei: "Can we count this as a successful truce?" Zhang Awei said helplessly: "Forget it, forget it, why doesn't it count?" Fang Jian said with envy: "You are so awesome." Zhang Awei suddenly laughed: "Fang just now I want to go up and help you fight with my hands empty, and create such a big fireball." He gestured with his hands.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianfang looked at Fang Jian and said, "That's interesting. You're much better than that rogue guy. I'll protect you from now on." He then turned around and scolded Zhang Ping: "You won't help even if we fight one against another? That's not interesting!"

Zhang Awei still smiled: "Can I show your heroic spirit if I intervene?" Zhang Tianfang thought about it: "Yes." He asked Zhang Awei: "What should I do now?"

"You ask people to go back to discuss it, but you have to wait for news and go back to sleep."

Could life be any more boring? Watching two lunatics fooling around every day, Fang Jian couldn't help but think of this sentence. After the last fight, they spent more than ten days in a daze on the mountain. The two madmen bickered and drank with each other. Fang Jian couldn't stand it and shouted that this was not the life I wanted to live. Zhang was afraid that he was too lazy to talk nonsense, so he directly threw out a storage bag of magic weapons and said: "Pick whatever you want, take as much as you want."

Fang Jian had no magic weapon, so when he betrayed his master, he returned his only magic sword to the Qing family, which made him anxious and ineffective during the fight. Zhang Ping originally planned to help him refine a magic weapon, but because he was making noise, he simply used a magic weapon to gag him.

Looking at the mountains of magic weapons in front of him, Fang Jian's eyes widened. He spent three days and three nights selecting, and finally selected a fairly good magic sword, and then found Zhang Wen to return the storage bag. Zhang was afraid that he was only holding a magic sword and asked, "Is one piece enough?" Fang Jian nodded and said, "That's enough. It's much better than my previous sword." He took the sword and went to practice far away.

For a long time after this, Zhang was afraid that Zhang Tianfang would waste his time, so Fang gradually studied hard and practiced hard. The barbarian army was still stationed in front of Niangzi Pass and would not retreat unless it attacked. Finally one day, Zhang Tianfang became impatient and said, "We haven't fought or retreated for more than two months. What do those guys mean?" He discussed with Zhang Awei: "Go back. We'll come back when they start fighting."

Zhang was afraid that his patience would be exhausted, so he agreed: "It's not far anyway, let's go back to Songcheng."

The two greeted Fang Jian, who of course followed them firmly. The three of them packed up the tent house and flew southward. Fang Jian shouted again: "There are all Feiyas. You are really rich. You must be descendants of aristocratic families." Zhang was afraid of being rendered speechless by him, but fortunately it was not far from Songcheng, so he didn't. How long does it take to reach the palace. When Fang Jian saw the palace, he said with a clear look: "No wonder he is so rich, he is a descendant of the royal family." Zhang was afraid of being completely convinced and did not dare to say anything, so he led him directly into the princess's palace.

Zhang Wen asked Zhang Tianfang to wait outside with Fang Jian, so he went into the inner room to see Song Yunyi.

After being separated for more than two months, there was no sound or training. Song Yunyi was very anxious, worried that something might happen to Zhang, so he hugged Xiaozhu and whispered: "I wish I had known that I would let you follow him. You are so powerful, he will definitely not be in danger." ." Just as he was muttering, the little pig flicked his tail and snorted at the palace gate. Not long after, Zhang Awei appeared at the door. Song Yunyi was ecstatic and jumped over to her. Zhang Awei hugged her and whispered: "I made you worry."

After not seeing each other for a long time, the two of them talked tenderly for a while. Song Yunyi said casually: "I heard that a warlock flew across the border and entered Li city. The national preceptor took people to check. In the past month or so, there has been no news."

The warlock has entered the Song Dynasty? Is there no more war? But why send troops again? Zhang was afraid that his head was filled with questions.

The people in Chengxi'er knew that Zhang was afraid of coming back, so naturally they were enthusiastic and noisy again. When everyone gathered together, Zhang was afraid to introduce Fang Jian to them. Fang Jian tugged on his sleeve and asked softly: "Are these your concubines? They are too young!"

Zhang Tian kicked him: "Concubine, you are my sister." Fang Jian was surprised at first when he heard this, and then realized something, nodded and said: "The emperor is capable of giving birth."

Zhang was afraid that Zhang Tianfang would simply ignore him and just be honest and lazy. Cheng Xier saw the problem and took the initiative to talk to Fang Jian and explain the relationship between everyone. After hearing this, Fang Jian became excited, grabbed Zhang Wen's hands and shook them violently: "You are a good person!"

Zhang was afraid of throwing away him, so he asked Song Yunyi seriously: "Are all geniuses insane?"

Everyone stayed in Songcheng for more than a month. Nothing happened and there was no war at the border. Imperial Master Song Yinglong finally returned from Licheng and brought back some news, which has been spread all over the world.

Leaving the city in the north of Songcheng, pass Niangziguan and go south to the first city. There is Li Shui Lake in the city. Rumor has it that Li Shui Lake is the gateway to the Bone Forest, attracting monks from all over the world to gather in Li Shui City. The news came from a monk two months ago. He discovered that the warlock had entered Song Dynasty and followed him out of curiosity. They followed until they were discovered by the warlocks at Lishui Lake, and they all attacked. The monk ran out with all his life and died after spreading the news. Then all the monks in the world ran away from the city. It was said that some people actually entered the Forest of Bones, some saw a large number of warlocks, and some returned with treasures and magic.

Song Yinglong was invited by his fellow disciples to explore for treasures together. Unexpectedly, he didn't even find the gate, so he had to go back disappointed.

After Zhang Wen learned the news, he made some calculations and understood the whole incident. Two months ago, I was at the border waiting for the warlock to reply, but the warlock had already entered the Bone Forest. They are willing to help ordinary people attack the city as cultivators, just because they want to occupy Licheng and sneak into the Bone Forest to make a fortune silently. If things were as he imagined, then the barbarian army would definitely retreat.

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