The Monk

Text Chapter 1689: Give up practicing

~.\u003c \u003e-~ Chapter 1689: Give up practicing

Zhang Ain thought for a while and continued to attach his soul to it, that is, attaching himself to the light, trying to find out what was going on. As he attached himself, due to the pure divine power in his soul, the light from the same origin became brighter and brighter, and finally, just like before, it exploded with a bang.

Zhang was afraid of being possessed by him, and the light exploded, but it did not bounce him away. Instead, there was a suction force sucking him in. This made him feel a little strange. He concentrated on it and carefully scanned what was going on. After a while, the scattered light slowly dissipated. The light was still there, but a little dimmer.

The light should have been lifeless, but as it exploded and dimmed, Zhang Wen clearly felt the vitality of life. After thinking about it, maybe it is just vitality, the vitality of light, not the vitality of life.

After appreciating the time for a while, Yuan Shen left the light and said to Qi Lin: "Let's leave it like this." Qi Lin was stunned and didn't understand what it meant. Just when he was about to ask, Zhang was afraid that he had disappeared from his sight, so he went back Star source.

When this change occurred, a bunch of experts didn't understand what was going on, and they were all a little anxious. Someone asked: "What's wrong? Where did he go?" Qi Lin was wondering what Zhang Ping's last words meant, and listened. When asked, he smiled bitterly and said, "Come down the mountain and see what that guy is doing?"

The masters had no objection, so they all ran down the mountain. Arriving at Xingyuan a day later, Zhang Ping was sitting on the ground in a daze.

Qi Lin walked up and asked: "What's going on?" Zhang Ping replied quietly: "Nothing happened." "What's going on when nothing happened?" Qi Lin asked. Obviously, this guy doesn't have a very good temper.

Zhang Ain thought for a moment and said, "I don't want to see the God of Creation. I don't know why you want to see him. Anyway, I don't want to see him."

After hearing this, a group of experts became a little angry. What do you mean? We have been with you for more than ten years, and there is hope that we can see him, but you say no? At that time, someone said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's not up to you to make the decision on this matter."

After hearing this, Zhang Weijing was silent for a moment, and then said word by word: "In my life, I rarely have to make the decision on anything. This matter, I want to make the decision." His voice was very soft, with an unquestionable tone, and he didn't care at all. There are twenty-five super masters around him.

Zhang Awei's persistence was beyond everyone's expectation. From the moment they met Zhang Awei, this guy was like dough, with no temper at all. He was kneaded casually and never resisted. What's happening now?

A group of experts thought about it and felt a little embarrassed. Should they beat this kid? His spiritual consciousness couldn't find this person at all, and he couldn't beat him even if he wanted to. Although it was twenty-five against one, attacking him forcefully might succeed. But the question is, what if I accidentally kill him?

Well, even if he can't be killed, all the masters have a feeling that even if Zhang Awei is sitting in front of him, they can't deal with him.

Today, Zhang is afraid that he is in the body of the soul. As long as the soul is immortal, even if his body is blasted into nothingness, he will condense his body again. No one is confident that he can defeat such an opponent. So the experts only feel embarrassed.

After thinking again and again, Qi Lin said: "On the mountain, you can increase your cultivation, why don't you continue to practice?" Zhang Ain replied: "I don't want to practice." "Why?" Qi Lin asked. Zhang Ao chuckled and said, "There's no need to hide it from you, because there's no telling what will happen after practice, and I don't want to take risks."

Unknowable world? As a cultivator, you are ascending to higher places step by step, from a mortal to a cultivator, and the cultivator ascends again, and ascends again, advancing step by step. The ultimate goal of cultivation is there, so how can you not know the future?

Qi Lin asked again: "Why is it unknowable?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "It is unknowable just as it is unknowable. How can there be a reason?"

When he was on the sacred mountain, when he sensed the change in light, when he felt some kind of vitality, everything was fine, but suddenly he felt more fear in his heart. He didn't know why, but he just felt a little scared, as if he was scared when he was a child. The thunder in Tianlei Mountain is so frightening that it hangs faintly above my head. I don't know when it will strike down.

It cannot be said that Zhang Awei is very good at seeking good luck and avoiding disaster, but he will have some intuitive feelings about certain possible dangers, which makes him realize that something is wrong. Zhang Awei believes in this sense so much that he no longer continues to practice.

His answer put the masters in a dilemma. Someone thought about it again and again, and suddenly said coldly: "You always go back to the lower world, and we don't care about you, but you don't think about them?"

This is a threat, a very straightforward threat. It is a warning to Zhang Ai. If you don’t want anything to happen to your loved ones in the lower realm, or if you don’t want to be easily destroyed by us when you go to the lower realm, it’s better to continue practicing.

After saying these words, most of the masters' expressions changed. They had had this idea, but the two sides were not enemies. If it really came to this point, it would be a life-and-death situation. How could they make Zhang Ain willing to help them find the God of Creation? In other words, even if Zhang is afraid of accepting threats and continues to practice, and his practice is successful, and he can meet the God of Creation, what if he speaks ill of them to the God of Creation? There is no need to kill them, as long as they refuse to see them, the countless years of hard work of the masters will be in vain, and they will be of no use. Therefore, they were unwilling to threaten Zhang Wei like this. Therefore, after hearing what the master said, many people's expressions changed.

Zhang Ai's expression remained normal, as if he didn't understand the threat. He just looked down at the square below him. After looking at it for a while, with a thought, all the bricks and stones in the square disappeared, revealing the dark starry sky. Countless starry sky are piled together. From above, it is still one starry sky, with many small white dots shining, which are many big stars.

After watching for a while, Zhang Ao pointed to a place in front of him on the right and said, "That's the starry sky where I came out. Do you dare to go down?"

On the Holy Mountain, when he made the decision, he knew that these people would not give up. The people of Tianlei Mountain who he was most worried about were not any secrets in their eyes. As long as they wanted, they could find the sky of Tianlei Mountain and deal with them at will. Everyone on the mountain.

If it had been before, he would have put the lives of the people on the mountain as his top priority and continued to practice despite being aggrieved. But this time was different. He had a hunch that if he continued to practice, the danger that might come would be much more serious than the threat from these masters. In his premonition, if he made this choice, nothing would happen to Tianlei Mountain. After weighing the pros and cons, he made this choice, so when he was threatened, his expression remained unchanged.

At this time, when the masters heard Zhang Ping's words, their expressions became more exciting. Is this kid not threatened? Especially the master who was challenged by him had a gloomy look on his face. He looked at Zhang Ai coldly and said nothing.

Zhang was afraid that he would not push too hard, so he did not say any more unpleasant words, but whispered: "The Dragon King said that if I can see the God of Creation, let me ask a question for him. I am thinking about how to explain to him. If I had known earlier, I would have just told him in advance when Tongtian was coming."

Hearing that the Dragon King was also concerned about whether they could see the God of Creation, the experts thought for a moment more, and someone asked: "Can't we discuss it anymore?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "It's not a business, what are we discussing?" The man followed. He said: "Practitioners only have a strong heart, but eventually they will die. Why should you give up?"

"It's not that I want to give up, but that I never wanted to fight for it. It was you who allowed me to cultivate as an immortal. It was you who destroyed my body. It was you who threw me on the sacred tree. I am where I am now, and it is entirely due to you." Zhang Ping said this quietly, his tone was flat, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

The masters couldn't figure out Zhang Ping's intentions, so they all remained silent, tortured by how they could convince him to continue practicing. Qi Lin suddenly asked: "I know you care about them, don't you want to become a great being like the God of Creation, who can take them wherever they want and give them the most perfect protection?"

This they are talking about the people of Tianlei Mountain. Zhang Ain replied: "I have thought about it before, but I just feel a little unsure." This means that this method will not work. Qi Lin insisted: "If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work?" Zhang Ping said: "If I don't feel it can work, then it won't work."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Qi Lin hesitated and asked: "Have you realized the innate ability?" There is only one possibility for a person to be able to definitely assert that something has not happened, which is to understand the innate ability that was perceived in advance.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No, but I know it won't work."

What's the point? Qi Lin looked at him questioningly, thought for a while and then said: "Are you saying that you can't cultivate to the level of the God of Creation and can't become another him?"

Zhang was afraid that he would not reply immediately, so he shook his head slightly, changed the subject and said: "Everyone has been with me for a long time. In ten years, I will treat you to dinner." Ten years later, Tianjingsi will be able to grow more than a thousand plants and use them to entertain people. , and there will be no heartache.

One pole will last ten years? Everyone looked at the dark starry sky under their feet. Do they really want to arrest Zhang from the lower world for fear of his relatives threatening him? Obviously this is not a good idea. They went to the lower world to kill people and vent their anger, but they got nothing and it did not help. What if Zhang Ai was angered? That means you can never see the Creator God.

Everyone looked at each other and saw that the matter was not out of control, and there was no need to meet with Zhang Weifang. The masters were very smart and tacitly understood and retreated to the mountains outside Xingyuan to sit down. Just like when you first arrived, you can meditate and breathe, or lie down and rest.

The masters refused to leave. Zhang Wen expected it, just as he expected that even if he knew that his relatives in the lower world were his destiny, he would dare to gamble with the masters. He didn't know why, but he just had a premonition that the masters would not go to the lower world or leave the star source, so he dared to let it go.

In this way, plus Zhang Ai, a total of twenty-six top experts were sitting around the star source, waiting for something, but they all knew that the wait was very slim. During this waiting, the big man and Dingshou came over one after another, stayed with Zhang Ain for a while, had something to eat and drink, and then went back to the orchard.

Zhang was afraid but couldn't leave, and guarded Xingyuan wholeheartedly to avoid accidents.

~.\u003c \u003e-~

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