The Monk

Text Chapter 1,670 Single Invitation

~.\u003c Shuhai Pavilion \u003e-~ Chapter 1670 Single Invitation

Because Xiao Qi arrived, Zhang Wenwan thought of entertaining him with Tianjingsi. It happened that the big man was talking nonsense, so he just said something casually, with the vague intention of not giving it to the big man.

Hearing Zhang Weijing say that he was smart, the big man thought seriously for a long time, shook his head and said: "I'm not smart, but I think there is something wrong with you. Please confess it quickly. What are you hiding from me?"

Zhang Ai smiled and said, "We'll know later." He turned to Xiao Qi and asked, "When will we go up the mountain?" Xiao Qi said with a smile, "If I don't know you, I'll be down the mountain now." Zhang Ai laughed and said He said: "Then let's live here." He found Qingyin and whispered to him. Then he dragged Xiao Qi over and asked in a low voice: "Can you take the cooking guy with you?" Xiao Qi replied: "Yes. "Zhang Ping said: "I have Tianjing silk, I will make it soon, can it be done?"

"Do you have Tianjing Silk?" Xiao Qi asked with a surprised expression on his face, "When did you go to the small town? Why didn't you see me?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "I didn't have time to go. I found it last time."

At this moment, Qingyin came back sneakily and secretly handed something to Zhang Awei. Zhang Awei gave it directly to Xiao Qi and whispered: "Go into the house, don't let the big man see it."

Xiao Qi smiled when he heard this, nodded and said hello, turned around and said hello to the big man: "I'm going to take a rest and chat later." After saying that, he walked into the room.

Seeing the expressions and movements of the three of them, the big man felt that he was hiding something from him. After thinking about it, he walked up to Qingyin and said, "Whatever Zhang is afraid of what that kid is going to do, you tell me, or I'll beat you up."

Hearing this, Qingyin suddenly turned into a bitter face and said to the big man: "Boss, don't you bring me like this? What have I done that you want to beat me?" The big man said: "Don't say it's useless. Say it quickly, Zhang is afraid of what that bastard wants to do? "

Seeing the big man bullying Qingyin, Zhang Ain said coldly: "I got two Tianjing silk and asked him to help save them for a few days. What's wrong? Want to beat someone up? I won't let you eat."

As soon as he heard that there was Tianjing silk, the big foodie immediately ignored Qingyin, walked up to Zhang Ai, and said with a smile: "No, our relationship is just two Tianjing silk, as for what happened Is he so stupid? Did he go into the house to cook? He dared to hide it from me? "

"Go ahead and beat him up, and see who will cook for you?" Zhang Ain said coldly. The big man hurriedly answered: "I'm talking nonsense. You take it seriously. How can you beat Xiao Qi? We have such a good relationship." This guy would sell his soul for food.

At this time, Zhang Dahan asked: "Why are there so many people in Xingyuan? Who are they?" He was asking about the eighteen super masters hiding in the world. Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Ignore them, come, let's drink." As he spoke, he took out a few jars of fairy wine and said to the big man: "Call the old madman back."

The big man didn't want to go, but when he thought of the Tianjing silk being cooked in the house, his figure flashed like lightning and came back after a moment. Not long after, the old madman also came back holding a big iron block. After waiting for a while, Xiao Qi came out holding two large plates, which contained crystal silk cut into silk pieces.

In this way, everyone gathered together and had a good time. The old lunatic took a few mouthfuls of Tianjingsi and was full of praise. He took out an extra jar of wine and said, "This delicacy should be paired with a peerless wine." As he spoke, he opened the jar and poured the wine to everyone.

They were eating and drinking here. Qi Lin and the other divine beasts easily noticed that they were already hiding in the forest. When they saw their figures flashing, all seven divine beasts came to the yard. Qi Lin smiled and said: "Good wine and good food, I don't know what we are waiting for." Is it delicious?"

With Qi Lin's strength and status, if he is willing to say such a sentence, how can he not be lucky? Zhang Ain stood up and said, "If you don't dislike these dishes, just keep eating them."

Of course, the seven mythical beasts don't dislike it. Although each one is very proud, they are mythical beasts after all. No matter how powerful they are, they can't make wine and cook. They lack resistance to ordinary treasures such as good wine and good food. So after hearing Zhang Wei's words, he sat up happily and prepared to eat and drink.

As a result, the two plates of Tianjing Silk seemed too little. Zhang Weijing took out some spiritual vegetables to help the emergency, and also got some more fairy wine. No matter what, he had to entertain everyone.

But there are still eighteen masters on Star Source. Although those gods are good-looking and unwilling to compromise for some food, there are always foodies among them. Seeing the seven great beasts coming over to join in the fun, two masters were unwilling to hold on any longer.

The two of them thought that after spending several years in this hellish place with Zhang Wei, they should eat something from him, not to mention that the wine and food were really good, so they immediately walked into the courtyard without saying a word, and just stood still. .

Zhang was afraid that when he saw it, he stopped hiding it and called Qingyin and asked him to dig out ten more Tianjing silk threads and asked Xiao Qi to continue cooking. He took out some more spiritual vegetables and fairy wine, and then invited the experts who were still meditating on the star source to have a lively meal and drink together.

Most of those masters didn't care about eating and drinking, but Tianjingsi was so delicious, and everyone was going, no one wanted to fall behind, so after a while, the small courtyard in the orchard was crowded with people, and everyone gathered together for a rare occasion , drink and eat together.

Tianjing silk can be said to be the most delicious food in the world. Even if it is not, it is always one of the best delicacies. Xiao Qi's craftsmanship is really good. Once the prepared Tianjing silk is eaten, all the experts are amazed. There were a total of twelve Tianjing silks, which only lasted for a while before being eaten up by everyone.

The masters were still unfinished, and were embarrassed to make further demands due to their reputation. The big man didn't care about that, and shouted to Zhang Ain: "Hide something secret from me? Do you have any more? Take it out quickly and enjoy it."

Zhang Jing said: "There are a total of twelve heavenly crystal threads, haven't you eaten enough? These are items from the divine realm, not mortal objects from the lower realm. They cannot be transformed! If you want to eat them, dig them out yourself." The big man said angrily: "There are twelve Why didn't you bring it out to me earlier?" He was shouting, but the group of experts didn't want to hear it, and someone said softly: "Shut up."

Hearing this, the big man became even more angry. With his proud character, how could he be willing to listen to other people's words? He said angrily: "Just shut up." His shouting attracted the attention of everyone, including the person who just spoke. , that man was a white-faced scholar, looked at the big man and chuckled: "Originally, you were above us, no one dared to mess with you, but for countless years, you have never done anything else except playing, so waste it You have wasted your qualifications and a good body. Now that you are below us, how dare you speak loudly to us? "

This was going to cause a conflict. Zhang Ai stood up quickly and said, "Drink, drink, drink, drink." Among the people in the courtyard, except Qingyin, Xiao Qi and Zhang Dahan, whose cultivation bases were slightly lower, any of the others We are all seniors and experts. It is best to stay peaceful if we can, and never fight.

The big man didn't care about that. When his temper got angry, he would do whatever he wanted and would start a fight. Qi Lin quickly stood up and said: "I don't tolerate others in my eyes. I think everyone is the same. I just ate other people's food. We can't cause trouble at this time. I think everyone should calm down, including you."

The last few words were spoken to the big man. The big man was originally very angry, but it was rare for him to listen to these words. He looked fiercely at the white-faced scholar who had just spoken, then took a few steps back and sat down with his body half propped up, without making any fuss. I’m about to eat Tianjingsi.

After the dispute was settled, Zhang Weijing sighed and smiled gratefully at Qi Lin. Qi Lin also smiled, and everyone continued to eat and drink. Just to deal with the big man, Zhang Ain leaned over and whispered: "There is also a piece of Tianjing silk to bribe you."

The big man snorted coldly and said, "I don't care about it." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Seriously, I don't care about it? Okay, forget it." As he spoke, he walked towards Xiao Qi. The big man hurriedly stopped in front of him and said in a deep voice: "I think this matter can be discussed further." Zhang Ain looked serious and nodded: "I also think we should discuss it carefully."

The old madman watched the two of them acting, laughing secretly in his heart. He took out another bottle of good wine from his storage bag, brought it to the big man and said, "I have two bottles left in my inventory. How about I give you one?" The big man said with a straight face: "To be courteous for nothing is to be either a traitor or a thief, but I like it."

With good wine and Tianjing silk as comfort, this storm is in the past. After everyone sat for another half an hour, the banquet was dispersed and everyone went back to their own places. The courtyard became deserted again.

Xiao Qi helped clean up the wine glasses, bowls and other items. The big man came over and said, "Tomorrow, secretly help me make Tianjing silk." Xiao Qi smiled and said hello, and then asked Zhang Ai: "Are you going up the mountain?" Zhang Ai Say no. Xiao Qi smiled and said, "That's right. You can get whatever you want. Naturally, you don't have to endure the hardship." Zhang Ain chuckled lightly and did not answer.

At this time, the beast arrived. This guy was originally extremely proud, but now he was in a weak body and was embarrassed to appear in front of everyone. It wasn't until the banquet dispersed that Dingshou slowly appeared because he was very unhappy and wanted to ask Zhang for an explanation.

When it comes to inviting people to a meal, the best thing to do is to invite a group of people, not just one person. In the small courtyard just now, not to mention the gathering of experts, even four Qilin beasts joined in the fun. The only one missing was the fixed beast, so he was unbalanced. .

He was always bullied because of his soul body, and now he was forgotten by Zhang Afraid. The powerful fixed beast who never cared about other people's thoughts finally felt a lot of discomfort.

Seeing the beast walking out silently, Zhang Ain smiled softly, walked over and whispered: "You are different from them, so I want to be alone."

Qingyin was also quite clever. When she saw Dingshou suddenly appear, saw his facial expression, and heard Zhang Wei's words, she understood what was going on. At that time, she ducked and went to get the Tianjing Silk. She came back a short time later and dragged Xiao Qi in. Go to the house. After a while, the delicious taste of Tianjingsi came from the room. Xiao Qi came out with a tray in his hands, put the plate in front of Dingshou and said: "It would be better if this dish is cooked and eaten now. If it is prepared in advance, it will be served later." If you eat it later, the taste will be much different.”

This is the truth, and it is equivalent to explaining to Zhang Afraid.

At this moment, Zhang Ping has been talking to Dingshou. Not to mention that the Dragon King asked him to take care of the beast, but that he was not willing to leave such a little white cat in the cold.

~.\u003c Shuhai Pavilion \u003e-~

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