The Monk

Text Chapter 1,668 Forced to Practice

After hearing his explanation, Qingyin nodded and said: "That's right, let alone going to Xingyuan, even if you stay in the orchard, you can still feel their huge pressure. Those who are pressed feel uncomfortable, and those who are pressed want to escape. You Do you feel anything?" Zhang was asked. -\u003c Shuhai Pavilion \u003e-)

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I don't have the feeling you said, but I always know that they are masters; I don't know where they usually hide, and I never see anyone. How many have you seen?" The next sentence asked the big man.

The big man replied: "Why are you meeting them? Are you just pretending to be a turtle and hiding away every day? No matter how long you live, no matter how high your cultivation level is, it will be useless?"

I knew I couldn't ask you questions, so Zhang Wen smiled helplessly. At this time, Qingyin interjected and asked: "Why don't you feel the pressure? People who are pressed are very aggrieved and uncomfortable. Do you feel it?" The next sentence was asked to the big man.

The big man's answers were never reliable. He curled his lips and replied: "Pressure? Just them? Humph!" Zhang Ain thought for a moment in his heart, maybe it was the light that could withstand the pressure of the masters. You will not notice it yourself.

Because of the sudden appearance of many masters, the Qilin beast had already returned to live in the yard. The two big beasts were full of vigilance, and the two small beasts were leisurely and bored. Looking at them with different expressions, Zhang Ain asked the big man: "What are those people?" When will it go?"

The big man replied: "How did I know? You brought them here, and you are responsible for sending them away."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "How to send them away? Seeing that their cultivation level is similar to that of the three giants, why should I send them away?"

Qingyin interjected and asked: "What do they want to do?" Zhang Ain replied: "I don't know, it has something to do with what Jie Yin gave me anyway. It's really depressing."

Regardless of whether Zhang Wen is depressed or not, the eighteen people and seven mythical beasts in Xingyuan Square have set up camp here and refuse to leave. They don't know what they are waiting for.

Masters like them would never sit around doing nothing, they must have something in mind. Zhang Ping originally wanted to ask something, but whenever he saw those people, he just didn't want to say anything. I can only continue to be depressed alone.

This situation lasted for two months, and two months later, Zhang Ain appeared on the Star Source out of boredom again. A goat-like mythical beast came over and asked in a cold voice: "When will you practice?"

Practice? Zhang Ai seemed a little confused. He thought seriously for a while and then slowly replied: "Why do you want to practice?"

What a great question. Why practice? If the big man were here, he would definitely cheer loudly. **-\u003c Shuhai Pavilion \u003e-* It's a pity that he is not here, and the goat beast is not a big man. Hearing these words, his face suddenly darkened. He whispered: "If you don't practice, how can you see the God of Creation?"

Knowing that it was because of this incident, Zhang Ain lowered his head and thought about it, and replied seriously: "I don't want to practice." As he spoke, he looked towards the old madman's tent not far away.

It has been more than two months since the masters came to Xingyuan. The old madman has stayed in the house for such a long time without leaving the house. Zhang Wen knew that he was unwilling to appear in front of a bunch of masters and planned to persuade the old madman. The madman lives in the orchard.

But I didn't expect that he just said, "I don't want to practice." Six of the experts around the square came to the front. One of them asked in a deep voice: "How can you not practice?"

In the past two months, Zhang was afraid of doing nothing all day long, but he was also keen on doing nothing. He lived a very comfortable life without doing anything. A group of experts had already become impatient when they heard these words. Finally they couldn't bear it anymore.

The name of that bright light is the Universal Light. Only by understanding the light can you see the Creator God. This requires the person who understands to practice very hard, in short. It is necessary to practice in order to see the Creator God. But judging from the current situation, this kid is unwilling to meet the God of Creation from the bottom of his heart. He spends the whole day in evasion and boredom, and is determined not to practice.

The masters were unwilling to waste their time. In order to achieve their goals, they decided to intervene and let this kid continue to practice as they imagined.

Hearing someone question him, Zhang Weijing lazily replied: "Isn't it okay to practice if you are not happy?" He took a step back as he spoke, with a vague feeling in his heart.

It turned out that the premonition came true, and he took a step back. Suddenly he felt a strong force on his body, as if his body was not his own. In front of a large audience, he sat down cross-legged and made a seal with his hands, as if he was practicing.

Zhang was afraid that he would not practice, and seeing himself being manipulated like a puppet, he smiled bitterly and said: "There are those who buy and sell by force, how can you force people to practice?"

"We have it now." Someone said coldly, and then added: "Practice quickly, otherwise you will keep sitting like this. However, if you like to be like a puppet and cannot move, that's up to you." As he spoke, The master retreated to the outside of the square and sat down. The other masters did the same thing and retreated. Only Zhang Ai, who was forced to meditate, was left in the huge square.

I'm so depressed, why do you still act like this? After struggling a few times, I couldn't move at all. In front of these powerful masters, even 10,000 pieces of God's Heart armor cannot protect themselves. Then he sighed and said, "Let me go, I'm just cultivating."

He said a faint sentence helplessly. As soon as he finished speaking, he felt his body relax, and Zhang was afraid of resuming action. This is the style of a master. You don’t need any guarantee at all. As long as you say something, they will take it seriously. Of course, if your words and deeds are inconsistent, they won’t mind taking it seriously for you.

Zhang Ai got up and walked around in the square, found a place to sit down, then took out a lot of elixirs and stuffed them all into his mouth like eating beans, and then he saw the divine power flashing out and overflowing from his body. Zhang was afraid that he was not in a hurry, he made a magic formula at will, trapped the scattered divine power, absorbed it into his body, and then began to practice seriously.

His way of training was too weird. After seeing it, the masters had different expressions on their faces. Some found it interesting, some thought it was random, and some did nothing. They were very disdainful of Zhang Wei's performance.

In cultivation, you are cultivating yourself, and elixirs only play a supporting role. No matter how good the elixir is, it is just an elixir, and its effect is far less than the benefit you can get from your own cultivation. This is something that every cultivator knows, but this guy in front of him just did the opposite, ruining both the elixir and his own body.

However, it was not my own body anyway, so I could let that guy do whatever he wanted. A group of experts were scattered around Xingyuan, watching the fun with emotionless expressions. It seems that he has the intention of protecting the law and protecting Zhang Ao's cultivation.

After a whole day, Zhang was afraid that he would stop practicing and get up. The masters suddenly felt a little depressed, so they stopped practicing? How can you only practice for one day? Some masters were impatient and asked, "Don't practice anymore?" Zhang Ain replied lazily, "That's it for today, we will continue tomorrow." As he spoke, he walked towards the orchard.

Zhang was afraid that he would leave leisurely and leave behind more than 20 experts who stared at him with big eyes and small eyes. They couldn't believe that this was true. Qi Lin was better off. After all, he had known Zhang Ai for a long time and had some understanding of his lazy character. The other masters were speechless and angry. They couldn't understand how there could be such lazy cultivators. Someone said coldly: "How did this guy get into the God Realm?"

Every cultivator in the divine realm is a person of great wisdom, courage and concentration. Ordinary mortals cannot come here. From a certain point of view, being able to come to the God Realm means that this person is very serious, very smart and witty, very bold and brave, but he is afraid of behavior. For more than two months, this guy can only see Boldness, nothing else can be seen, especially seriousness and seriousness, let alone appearance, you can't even see a shadow.

Therefore, this man's words touched the hearts of all the masters. They all looked towards the orchard, wondering how to make that lazy guy become more diligent.

They thought for a long time, but the solution was nothing more than force. An expert shook his head and said, "You can't do this. If that guy keeps dawdling, what's the use of forcing him? It's very likely to be counterproductive. Let's just keep doing it as it is now."

Everyone is an expert and understands this truth and knows that what he said is right, so they express their support silently.

In this way, Zhang Ai was just like working. He came to Xingyuan to practice during the day and went back to the orchard to rest at night. After persisting for a while, he happily said to the big man: "This work and rest habit is good. I feel that I am very energetic. Why don't you learn from me?" "

"Am I sick?" The big man said these three words in a cold voice, ran away, and continued his life of resting all the time.

Their conversation was heard by many experts in Xingyuan Square, and they all sighed helplessly, thinking that they had been wise all their lives, how could they meet such a lazy boy? And the most irritating thing is that this kid actually obeyed the destiny and couldn't fight or kill anyone, so he had to suffer and let him torment him. It was a bit pitiful to say the least.

After getting along with each other these days, Zhang Wen knows what the masters want, but he doesn't care what they are thinking at all, and he is not afraid of threats. Anyway, as long as he doesn't die, as long as he practices every day, no matter how big the trouble is, these masters will take care of it one by one, and will never allow anything to delay his practice.

Zhang Ping understood that what they cared about was when they could understand the light, that is to say, they cared about when they could see the God of Creation. But why do they want to see the Creator God?

When practicing amidst doubts, time flies by quickly, and after a few days, new questions arise. Zhang was afraid that he would be out of bounds for too long, so he decided to go down and take a look around. Without saying hello to the experts, his figure flashed into the starry sky below.

First, I went to the Buddha Realm to meet Zhang Tianfang and Monkey. After hearing enough of the two brothers yelling and seeing their strong skills, I went back to Tianlei Mountain to drink and chat with Song Yunyi and others.

Comparing the days when he was forced to practice on Xingyuan, Zhang Weijing felt that Tianlei Mountain was so good that it was infinitely good. He really didn't want to go back and stayed like this for seven days. Seven days later, Master Xingyuan was finally tortured to the point of losing his patience. A cold voice rang in Zhang Ai's ears: "Either you come back, or I go down."

Go down? What can they do if they come down? Those words were cold, full of murderous intent, and clearly had bad intentions. Zhang was afraid that he had no choice but to say goodbye to everyone and return to the God Realm. To be continued. .

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