The Monk

Chapter 1629: Under the Sea

Chapter 1,629


Before the meeting, the fishman was a little moved, and the big man hurriedly said: "Whether it works or not, I will try it, and you will not suffer any loss anyway. In addition, I promise you, no matter whether it works or not, we will leave here immediately."

After hearing this, the fishman thought about it and realized that it was like this. Anyway, there was no loss and it was only a delay of time. The leader of the fishman said coldly: "Okay, I will tell you where the beast lives. You two can go there by yourselves. After seven days , No matter whether it succeeds or not, if I see you under the water again, kill me!”

"Kill or not, I don't like living in the water." The big man muttered nonsense and waited for the fishman to show the direction.

After the golden fish man said the above sentence, he turned to look at the fish men and asked for their opinions. Seeing that everyone agreed with him, he said to the big man: "Go down from here, all the way down, at the deepest point. There is a black city in that place, and the beasts live there." After saying this, the water ripples swayed, and more than a hundred fishmen disappeared in an instant.

Zhang Ai was stunned. No wonder the big man didn't want to fight them underwater. With this method alone, no one wanted to be their enemy.

After all the fishmen were gone, the big man said: "Awesome, in the water, especially in deep water, they are almost invincible. No one can destroy the Wuchen Sea, and no one can fight with them on the Wuchen Sea. enemy."

Zhang Ai nodded and said yes, and then sighed: "Isn't the fixed beast more powerful?" The fish-men are already so powerful, but the more powerful fixed beast, alone, leaves many fish-men helpless.

The big man said: "It's normal for him to be powerful. Dingshou, Tongtian, and Dragon King are different from you. They have existed in the God Realm since a long time ago. Like you, they came from the lower world and need to keep practicing. I Although they were born and raised in the God Realm, they are different from them. In the entire God Realm, no one is the same as them. For this reason, when the God Realm evaluates masters, they are never counted among the three of them, and the three of them are not. He never participates in the battles between the gods, or even shows up at all.”

After hearing these words, Zhang Ain sighed: "They are gods. Compared with them, the existence of the God Realm is more like a joke."

The big man didn't like hearing this and said casually: "Where does all this nonsense come from? What's important for you to live a good life is that you don't care what others do? Leave quickly, who knows how deep it is down here." He scolded Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Ain asked, "You've never been down there?" The big man replied, "I'm sick. I just come here when I'm bored. Who's eating too much and going to the deepest seabed to do what?" Zhang Ain said with a smile. : "Yes." The two of them walked down the red road until they reached the deepest seabed.

This walk lasted a day. After a day, the slope slowed down, as if the deepest seabed was right in front of us. The big man stopped and said, "From here on, you have to be more careful." Zhang Ain asked, "Are we there yet?" The big man nodded and said: "Almost."

At this time, the road under their feet turned yellow. In the past day, the two of them walked through several crystal cities. Each one was so beautiful. The closest one to here was the Yellow City. After seeing these crystal cities, Zhang Zhen really wanted to take every one of them away, and secretly made up his mind. After going out this time, he would go around the stars and look for crystal mines. Once he found them, he would build a crystal city for the four girls of Yunyi. , and the girls and dolls all live in it, and everyone is happy together.

Hearing that the big man said it was almost done, Zhang Ai looked into the distance and saw nothing, only the long yellow crystal road extending forward. He immediately asked: "If the fixed beast doesn't leave, will it beat us up?"

The big man casually replied: "How do I know? Let's go, just try to be careful." After saying this, he stepped on the yellow road and moved forward again. Zhang Ain looked down at the black armor on his body and said softly: "It's up to you." He followed the big man forward.

Just as the big man expected, after walking three thousand meters, the yellow crystal road under his feet changed color again, turning into black crystal as black as ink. Looking at the shiny black crystal, which seemed to be oily, Zhang said: "I discovered for the first time that black can be so beautiful."

The big man scolded: "You are sick, a war is imminent, and you still have time to be a poet." After walking for more than a hundred meters, he suddenly stopped and said, "The beast has not left."

ah? It was a big problem that Dingshou hadn't left, and Zhang was afraid that he didn't know whether he should move on.

At this time, the big man said again: "He discovered us."

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing was completely stunned and asked anxiously: "Then what should we do?" The big man replied: "What can we do? Just pray, I hope this old man is too lazy to pay attention to us."

Is this also a solution? Zhang Ain looked at the big man, and he didn't expect that the big man, who had always been tough and tough, had such weak thoughts. At that moment, he asked helplessly: "Should we hide for a while?" After saying this, he asked again: "His cultivation level is higher than yours, how do you know he has discovered us?"

The big man said angrily: "Nonsense, of course he reminded me." As he said that, he turned around and looked left and right, then looked up at the thick sea water above, shook his head and said: "With the Black Crystal City as the center, within a radius of a hundred miles , Not a single fishman, the strength of the fixed beast is really scary, so that these monsters are willing to give up such a large territory. "

Zhang Jing said: "Stop feeling emotional, what should we do? Keep walking? Or go back?"

The big man said: "If you go down, you are asking for trouble. If you go back, you are not willing to accept it. Stand here for a while, don't you like to look at the scenery? Then take a look more, it is actually very beautiful."

Zhang Wen was so happy to hear this, he didn't expect that a big man would become so embarrassed. He named the beast a vicious beast, and it was indeed well-deserved.

At this moment, a big fish suddenly swam from above. It was very big, a hundred meters long, and could swallow Zhang Wei and the big man alive. When the big fish spotted the two of them, it immediately turned around and rushed towards them, trying to eat them up.

When the big man saw it, he got very angry. I don't want to argue with the fishmen because they are many and powerful. I have to listen to the order of the beast because that guy is really strong, but you are a rotten fish. You dare to despise me?

He got angry and swam towards the big fish very quickly. During the forward thrust, the front two legs drew a slight circle, and two small whirlpools appeared on the sea floor, sucking in the big fish.

The two small whirlpools were very small, but the big fish was sucked and couldn't move. Then the big man rushed up and hit him fiercely. With a snap, a big hole appeared in the big fish, and blood shot out like an arrow, stirring on the bottom of the sea. There were ripples one after another.

Under normal circumstances, the red blood in the ripples will spread in the water, slowly become lighter and thinner, turn into light pink and be carried away by the current. After a while, the seawater will return to its original appearance.

But he couldn't do it now. The big man slammed forward and made a bloody hole in the big fish. The blood splashed non-stop. The blood in front was melted by the sea water, and blood flowed out from behind. Soon, this piece of fish was covered with blood. The water turns pink.

The big fish was injured by the big man, but it became fierce. It chased him and refused to leave, and kept biting crazily. But the body was injured, and madness would only make it more injured. After a while, the big fish realized that something was wrong. If he continued to toss, he would die on the spot, so he turned around and tried to escape. Of course the big man didn't want him to run away, so he immediately stretched out his body and chased after him. As long as he hit it a few more times, the big fish would be more seriously injured and unable to escape. In the end, he would definitely die here.

But just when the big man chased the big fish, the sea water suddenly stirred up, as if something was pushing behind him. The big man, Zhang Ai, and the injured big fish, at this moment , we collectively made an underwater kite and flew forward involuntarily.

They were pushed forward by the sea water, and the sea water was pushed forward by huge force. When this happens, Zhang Wen secretly thought, wouldn't he be so unlucky?

What he was thinking was that if the big man wanted to kill the fish and the beast was not happy about it, so he interfered, if he had a bigger temper, it might be possible to kill him and the big man.

This is a deep sea hundreds of thousands of meters below. The water here is always calm. No matter how powerful a person is, in such deep water, all the power can only be swallowed by the sea. Here, your ferocity and madness are useless. At most, you can create a whirlpool in the water, or shoot a water arrow, and make some small movements, but it is impossible to stir up the deep sea.

Zhang Wen and the big man had been in such water for more than a day, and they were well aware of the possible changes in deep water, but at this moment, he was shocked. This is powerful! No wonder such a fierce big man is unwilling to provoke the beast. There is only one reason: the beast is too powerful.

Of course, Zhang Ai also has the power to shatter stars, but that is in the lower realm. This is the God Realm, and no matter how powerful a god is, he will be restricted by the various rules of the God Realm. In such a place with many restrictions, the beast can stir up the sea at the bottom of the sea. His power can only be described as amazing.

Therefore, Zhang was afraid that he would be sighing, so he looked for the big man while sighing.

The big man was also looking for him, and the two of them were separated by the powerful force and rushed in different directions. Fortunately, Zhang Wen had already tied the two of them with the Heavenly Winding Silk. At this moment, with a thought, he swam along the Heavenly Winding Silk to the big man and asked in a deep voice: "Is it the Ding Beast?"

Although the two of them met at one place, the huge power of the sea water still threatened the two of them and surged into the distance. The big man replied: "Other than him, who else has such power? I just don't know why you are going crazy? Does it mean you don't like me killing fish?"

At this point, he had the same idea as Zhang Ain, thinking that killing the big fish would annoy the Ding beast, so he secretly guessed the relationship between the big fish and the Ding beast.

Just as I was guessing, the sea water changed again, from pushing outwards to flowing back, like a wave, rushing up and receding, but the waves were too huge, as high as hundreds of thousands of meters. big.

How is this going? At this time, the powerful big man and Zhang Wen turned into small fishes in the waves, being carried by the waves and unable to control themselves at all. Seeing that all his strength was useless, the big man said bitterly: "You bastard, what did I do? He did this to me."

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