The Monk

Text Chapter 1,619 Drinking in a Buddhist Realm

Chapter 1,619 Drinking in the Buddha Land

This sentence was so cruel that Zhang Weijing was stunned. He looked at Zhang Tianfang and thought to himself, how much do you hate Buddhist cultivators to make such a decision? For most cultivators, their cultivation is greater than heaven. In order to improve their cultivation, they will do anything, dare to think of any method, and dare to do anything. Book mi group 4∴8065 is Zhang Tianfang, who easily abandoned his entire cultivation for the sake of so-called freedom. .

Looking at the guy's determined look, Zhang Ai said softly: "Actually, after you convert, you can freely descend to the lower realms, just like the three masters did before."

Yes, the three Buddhas nodded and said: "Exactly, as long as you devote yourself to the Buddha, you are not prohibited from entering and exiting the Buddha's realm."

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter anything else, I just don't want to be a monk." He said it firmly, and with his temper, it was impossible to change it. Zhang Ping could only laugh and said: "Then don't become a monk and continue to think of ways."

The monkey suddenly said: "What about me?" Zhang Ai asked: "What are you?" The monkey said seriously: "You only talk about him. I have been here for many years, why can't you help me get out?"

"Do you also want to cultivate on your own?" Zhang Ai asked casually. The monkey shook his head and said: "What kind of cultivation do I have? There is no circle behind my head. Besides, when I came here, it had nothing to do with the Buddhist realm. I was arrested because I often fought. For Buddhist cultivators, It doesn’t matter whether I leave or not. I promise not to cause trouble, not to fight, not to cause trouble, and not to kill. Let me go. At worst, I will return to secular life, and I will definitely not tarnish the reputation of Buddhism.”

This guy really has an idea. Zhang Ping looked at the three Buddhas, and the three Buddhas looked at the monkey. After looking at it for a while, the Supernatural Buddha said: "You are too powerful to survive outside."

Zhang Tianfang said, "I'm suitable, but you won't let me go."

This conversation lasted for a long time, and it was still a conversation after a long time. Still no solution was found. The Buddha wanted to appease the two guys. The two guys wanted to leave the Buddhist realm. Zhang was afraid that being in the middle of the two gangs, whatever idea he came up with would be wrong. . After talking for half an hour, the three Buddhas stood up and said, "Go back first and come back to you tomorrow."

Zhang Ai nodded and said yes, he couldn't help Zhang Tianfang solve the problem. He couldn't leave with peace of mind and had to stay in the Buddhist realm.

After the three Buddhas left, Zhang Tianfang planned to start making mischief again. He dragged Zhang Awei and said, "Take me out! I know you have this ability." The monkey took the opportunity to make a fuss, grabbed Zhang Awei's other side and said, "There is one more for me. "

Zhang Afraid shook his head at the monkey and sighed: "I have come to see you often in the past six months, and you have never troubled people like this. Oh, look at how much trouble you can make." The latter sentence was directed at Zhang Tianfang. Of course Zhang Tianfang refused to admit it, and said angrily: "What does it have to do with me? You brought me to the Buddhist realm, did you ask me? You tricked me into coming here without my consent, and then demolished their temple."

Hearing this, the monkey said happily: "Yes, it will be demolished! I will go too."

These two brothers are the kings of destruction. In order to avoid causing trouble, Zhang was afraid of changing the topic and diverting their attention, so he whispered: "You came up so suddenly, all the disciples in Tianlei Mountain didn't know that the second you came up, Oh my god, Fang Jian took the lead and organized a farewell party without you, okay."

With one sentence, Zhang Tianfang fell silent, let go of his hand, and no longer embarrassed Zhang Awei. He lowered his head and thought for a while, sat down and asked, "Is Fang Jian okay?" Then he said, "Where's the wine? Take it out." Zhang Awei Then he sat down, took out a bottle of spiritual wine and two cups, put them on the ground and said, "Fang Jian has gone down the mountain. It seems that he will not return to Tianlei Mountain until he becomes a god."

Zhang Tianfang filled himself up with wine, picked it up, smelled it gently, and said in a low voice: "He is the only one on the mountain. It is not easy for him to persist for so long."

At this time, the monkey chattered again: "What about me? Where about me?" Zhang Pingxiao asked, "What's wrong with you?" The monkey said angrily: "The three of us are sitting here, and you two drink? What about me?" I'm watching?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You have converted, how can you drink?" The monkey said: "Never mind, the worst thing is that I will be secularized anyway.

If you take refuge in i, you will

i If I return to secular life, just bring me a cup. Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "I can't."

i you return to secular life. The monkey didn't care and said casually: "We'll talk about it later if you haven't returned to secular life yet. Get me a cup!" Otherwise I'll drink the whole bottle. "

Seeing the monkey's anxious expression, Zhang Ping laughed, and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He went back to the God Realm and asked who created the Buddha Realm. He asked that person to find out, and he thought he could help Zhang Tianfang leave here.

Zhang Tianfang is his friend. Since he doesn't want to stay in the Buddhist realm, he should try his best to help him leave.

"Don't laugh, give me the cup!" the monkey shouted.

Looking at his appearance, Zhang Tianfang smiled and said: "Let him drink some, man, it is always a fate to be able to drink together."

The monkey liked this sentence very much and said loudly: "That's right, men, you should be more straightforward when doing things. Get the cup quickly and a bottle of wine. By the way, are there any dishes? Bring them out together. However,

Forget it, this is a Buddhist realm after all. "

Zhang Ain thought for a while, forget it, it doesn't matter whether he practices Buddhism or not, including himself, after all, he is just a small life in the world created by the God of Creation, why should he care too much, why should he be too persistent, just come up with a Cups, and a few plates of vegetarian dishes, he smiled and said: "Drinking in a Buddhist realm is awesome, haha."

As a result, the three of them drank and talked happily, and the worries and anger just now disappeared, replaced by happiness and some nonsense, floating in the Buddha realm. In the only temple far, far away, the Buddha sighed softly, how could the Buddhist realm become like this?

The three of them became happier as they drank, one bottle after another, and they drank a total of three bottles of spiritual wine before stopping. The monkey sighed: "This is the first time in my life that I have drunk such a fine wine. Why didn't you give it to me before?" Zhang Tianfang asked: "Is the little monk envious of me? If possible, I would definitely want to trade with him. Location."

Zhang Wen did not answer the monkey's question and said to Zhang Tianfang: "You ascended. Fu Kong was neither envious nor angry. He just returned to Daxiong Temple very calmly and decisively. He also wanted to come up."

"Idiot, what are you doing here?" Zhang Tianfang scolded the young monk, and then looked at Zhang Ai. He suppressed his desire to ask questions and lay down and stared at the sky in the distance in a daze.

Seeing him lying down, the monkey also lay down, tilted his head and looked outside the pavilion. The sky in the distance was filled with light clouds and mist. He looked at it for a while and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Zhang Tianfang smiled and did not answer his question. Instead, he said: "Strictly speaking, this is the first time we have met. I think Ting is in love. If I can go out, I will definitely take you with me."

Hearing this, the monkey turned over and sat up, laughing and said: "I also feel that we are compatible. If I can go out, I will take you with me."

Seeing the two brothers talking nonsense, Zhang Ain sighed and said: "Only I can take you out. It's up to you two. If you don't want to change, you can only stay here."

Zhang Tianfang curled his lips disdainfully and said, "As powerful as you are, don't forget that you were a fool when we first met."

The monkey nodded and said: "Yes, when I met him, he was also a fool. There were a lot of people around him, including women, and he was the dumbest."

"Nv? What kind of nv?" Zhang Tianfang asked. The monkey replied: "Who knows, it's a woman anyway."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Ain thought of the seven beautiful women with the same appearance. The Seven Fairy Women once took good care of him, but in the end they died in Xiguan. Thinking of the Seven Immortals, I also thought of the Thirteen who accompanied me walking in the starry sky, and I felt sad for a moment. In any case, the revenge of the Seven Immortals Nv was avenged by myself. Thirteen was killed, but the murderer couldn't be found. Fourteen pursued it several times, spending a lot of time and energy, but it was all in vain, alas.

The monkey spoke, lay down again, was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "It's good to be a human being."

No matter how powerful the monkey is, no matter how bizarre his life experience is, no matter how big his background is, he is not a human after all. He is a born divine monkey and will never be able to roam freely in the human world like a human being. There had been too many killings in the past, and a large part of the reason was because he was not a human being. To normal people, he was just a beast.

Seeing the monkey sighing with emotion, Zhang Tianfang said dissatisfiedly: "With your ability, can't you transform?"

The monkey didn't reply. No matter whether he could transform or not, and no matter how many stories had happened before, it was useless to say anything now that he was in the Buddha's realm.

Three people, or rather two people and one monkey, spent the day like this. Early the next morning, the three Buddhas, the Victorious Buddha, came again.

When he came to the pavilion and saw the wine bottles scattered on the ground and the leftover side dishes, Sheng Fo sighed softly and said, "You have broken the precepts." Zhang Tianfang lay still and murmured: "The precepts are just for use. Are you here to break it?" Monkey smiled and said, "That's right." Zhang was afraid of giving both guys a slap and said angrily, "That's ridiculous."

At this time, no one cared about the truth of what they said. The three Buddhas looked past the wine bottles, showing no concern for breaking the precepts, and looked straight at Zhang Tianfang. Sheng Buddha said: "We thought about it. What matters in practicing Buddhism is sincerity, so I want to ask you first, are you sincere?"

He was asking Zhang Tianfang, and Zhang Tianfang replied disdainfully: "Sincerity? What is sincerity? I don't care how many bowls of rice the Buddha eats?" Sheng Fo shook his head and said: "No one wants you to admit the existence of Buddha, and no one wants you to know who Buddha is. Who, we think, what you have been doing is actually what the Buddha is doing. The Buddha wants to make the whole world beautiful, unified and free from disputes. This is what you are doing. Maybe this is why you can ascend. s reason."

When he said this, Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said: "After all, let me take refuge. Again, I don't want to become a Buddha like you."

Sheng Buddha said: "No one wants you to become a Buddha. It's just that what you do happens to be in line with the Buddha's will. In addition, you are a Buddha. The two conditions are combined into one. If you don't ascend, who will ascend? If you don't become a Buddha, who will? Buddha?"

Zhang Tianfang shook his head and said: "After all, those words are the same. What we should think about now is the solution. I want to leave here, what can I do to leave?"

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