The Monk

Text Chapter 1614 Potential Danger

It was rare for the three of them to get together, but they rarely spoke. They stood quietly and watched quietly. Every once in a while, someone said a word, which was followed by a faint reply from the other two, and then there was silence again.

The Tianlei Mountain Range is vast and boundless, and there are many rare birds and animals in the forest. At this time, a kite came out of the forest, made an arc diagonally, soared into the sky, with a strong body, and shot into the distance. In just a moment, The kite flew into a black dot and flew out of the three people's sight. .

Watching the kite go away, Fang Jian suddenly said: "At that time, Tian Fang always wanted to see what was in front of him."

Zhang Ao nodded and thought to himself that he would visit him in the Buddhist realm another day and ask him what he saw when he came to heaven.

After a while, Fang Jian said softly: "Actually, I also want to take a look." After saying this, his face straightened, and he clasped his fists at Zhang Afraid and said: "You left, Tian Fang left, not in vain." It's time for me to go." He hugged his fists and turned around to walk down the mountain without saying a word. He walked very steadily, taking each step calmly and powerfully, and slowly disappeared around the corner of the stone steps.

Zhang Zhi did not stop him, nor did he say anything. The four of them were very stubborn, and things they determined would not change easily. Since Fang Jian wanted to go down the mountain, he really wanted to leave.

When Fang Jian left, Fu Kong sighed softly and said, "It's time for me to leave too." He clasped his hands together, chanted Amitabha, and slowly followed Fang Jian's footsteps down the mountain.

His footsteps were also steady and powerful, and the sound of footsteps and sounds spread. After a while, only Zhang Afraid was left in the huge Tianleishan Square. Turning around and looking left and right, the square that I had seen since I was a child seemed extremely big at this moment.

He turned around and looked back down the mountain. On the stone road in the mountain, two people were slowly going down the mountain one behind the other. Zhang Ain watched them leave.

As we are brought together, so shall we be separated. Zhang Ping suddenly wanted to visit the ghost cave to see if it was still there. See if there's another stupid guy trapped there.

He stood there for a long time, until Fang Jian and Bu Kong left completely, but he still didn't move.

After a while, Hai Ling appeared in front of him, dragging him and saying, "Sister Yunyi asked me to come to you."

Zhang Ain smiled, picked him up, and jumped back to his house in the mountains and forests.

Entering the courtyard, there were many people standing there. Lin Sen, those fat babies from Fu'er, Yunyi, Cheng Xi'er and the others. Zhang Pingxiao asked: "What is this for?" Yunyi said: "It is a good thing that the sky is letting go. You should have a drink to celebrate."

Zhang was afraid to know that they were worried that he would think wildly. I deliberately found so many people to accompany me, and I was very grateful. He just has someone to accompany him, but who can accompany Fang Jian and Bu Kong?

The people in the courtyard were his closest relatives in this world. Looking at them, Zhang Wen smiled. Said: "You can rest after getting drunk."

So we started eating and drinking, and it was quite lively. When the excitement came, Lin Sen came to talk to him because he drank a lot of wine. I was so dizzy that I almost felt drunk, but I managed to hold on. He grabbed Zhang Afraid and said, "I plan to go back in a few days."

Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this. He asked in a low voice: "What are you doing back there? Aren't the mountains nice?"

Lin Sen's drunken eyes were blurred, and he said with a smile: "It's good, but there are some bad things." After saying this, he tilted his body and fell asleep.

Zhang Ping helped him, carried him back to the room, and settled him down. After he came out, he was thinking about what Lin Sen's words meant.

At this time, Hai Ling ran over and asked, "When will I be able to ascend? I've tried so hard, why can't I?" Zhang Aixiao asked, "Has your boss ascended?"

Their boss is the boss of the Heaven Realm in the Three Realms, the Star Emperor. His cultivation level has already been infinitely close to ascension, but he is just one small step away. Even if he gives up his position as the boss of the Heaven Realm and leaves it to Xiao Feng'er to manage, he concentrates on cultivation, but It still doesn't work.

Hai Ling shook his head and said: "He is him and I am me, how can it be the same?" Zhang Aif smiled and asked again: "Have you tried hard enough?" Hai Ling shook his head and said the same thing again: " He is him and I am me, how can it be the same?"

Zhang Ping laughed, thought for a moment and said, "If you have a chance, you should go to Nitian Cave to practice." Hai Ling heard this and said happily, "That's great. I was just going to tell you, when will I go?" Having been to Nitian Cave, there was no need for him to keep it a secret.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You are a little lunatic. You practice every day. Aren't you annoyed?" Hai Ling said: "It is a little annoying. However, since you have chosen this path from the beginning, there is no reason to stop only half way. You have to When you reach the end, look at the scenery and say something cool, "This is it," then you are qualified to give up."

Zhang was afraid that he would be stunned. He thought for a while and asked: "What did you read again? What kind of crooked truth is this?" Hai Ling said seriously: "There is no crooked truth, and crooked truth is not truth."

In this world, Hai Ling is probably the person who reads the most. He also has a very good memory and has a photographic memory. Zhang Wen knew he couldn't defeat him, so he whispered: "You are crazy, old man."

While they were talking, a group of fat kids from Fu'er rushed over aggressively and said, "We want to go down the mountain to play."

These little ancestors were tired of seeing Tianlei Mountain and wanted to go out and see the beautiful rivers and mountains. Zhang Ain laughed secretly when he heard this. Uncle Lin wants to go back to Nitian Cave. It's strange that you can get out. Immediately he replied: "I will talk to Uncle Lin when he sobers up."

There were more people and the excitement continued until the next morning. After the group of people dispersed, Lin Sen sobered up. When he got up, he found Zhang Ping and repeated what he said yesterday: "I think we should go back."

Zhang Pa laughed and said, "I thought you were drunk and talking nonsense yesterday." "You are talking nonsense! You are disrespectful." Lin Sen glared at him, and then said, "Under your protection, Fu'er and the others are becoming more and more ignorant of the world, and their cultivation has stagnated. It's okay in the mountain, because there are always Ruiyuan and Hailing, as well as the little cat and pig to help them, but if something happens, or someone gets greedy and does something bad to them, if they really lose their lives, it will be too late to say anything." After hearing this, Zhang Pa chuckled and asked, "Did something happen when I was not there?" Lin Sen replied, "When you were not there? Even if you were in Tianlei Mountain, you just stayed at home and didn't come out. What could you see?" Zhang Pa laughed and said, "So something really happened?" Lin Sen replied, "It can't be considered that something happened. It's just that fifteen big fat kids with powerful spirits ran around everywhere, sometimes riding horses, sometimes with bears, and having a lot of fun. There are very few people in the mountain who haven't seen them. Do you know how many disciples there are in Tianlei Mountain now? There are so many people, so naturally there are more thoughts, and it is easy to get into trouble." This sentence means that someone is plotting against the kids. Zhang Pa thought about it and said, "They like to be lively. If they go back to the Nitian Cave with you, they might go crazy."

Yesterday, when Lin Sen said this under the influence of alcohol, Zhang Pa guessed that something was going to happen, so he told Hai Ling to let him go to the Nitian Cave to practice. Hai Ling is very powerful now, and can easily protect Lin Sen and the fifteen fat kids. But protection is protection, and it is definitely difficult to make a bunch of fat kids quiet down.

Lin Sen said, "There is no way, happiness and life, you have to choose one."

It is normal that there are disciples in the mountain who are trying to get the kids. For cultivators, as long as they can use something, they will fight bravely. This is instinct. They regard monsters as objects, not people, not to mention spiritual medicines and spiritual herbs. For example, if a powerful monster appears in a valley, countless cultivators will flock to it to snatch, rob and kill it. No one cares about the monster's thoughts, and they all think it is a matter of course. Just like Zhang Pa's uncle saw the seriously injured Fu Shen Snake, he didn't think of rescuing it, but catching it back to refine it, and therefore, many stories happened later.

Ideas are the most magical things in the world, and it is not a crime to think about them. Therefore, Zhang Pao could not stop them even though he knew that someone in his sect was planning to take advantage of the fat baby. For example, if a beautiful woman appears in front of you, you will like her and fantasize about possessing her, but you cannot really act. If you act and the beautiful woman disagrees, if you force her, you will violate the law.

For the mountain disciples, the same is true for the grass spirits such as Fuer. They really want to possess these spiritual herbs that are hundreds of thousands of years old, but because of the rules of Tianlei Mountain, they can only suppress their greed.

For another example, there is a family with the door wide open, no one around, and a floor full of gold inside the door. If you take it, no one will know, and if you don’t take it, no one will know, so will you take it or not?

Lin Sen is worried that one day in the future, someone will take the gold. In order to protect the gold, he can only hide the gold again.

In the past, Zhang Pao stood outside the door to ensure that nothing would happen. But as Zhang Pa's cultivation became stronger, there were more and more things to do. He was always away from the mountain most of the time, and there were more and more disciples in the mountain. Many newcomers had only heard of Zhang Pa's name, but didn't know who he was. Of course, Lin Sen had to prepare for a rainy day.

Now, he was preparing for a rainy day. Zhang Pa understood his thoughts and knew that he really couldn't take care of both. He said, "If we go back to Nitian Cave, let Hai Ling go with us." Lin Sen nodded and said, "Okay." Zhang Pa said, "Fu'er said he wanted to go down the mountain. Take them out for a few days. Consider whether to go back to Nitian Cave." Lin Sen agreed.

After the two talked, Zhang Pa let go of his divine thoughts and scanned the entire Tianlei Mountain Range. Everything was fine. He thought to himself that he had to find Tongtian quickly, let him help Song Yunyi and the other four girls become gods, and make Lin Sen more powerful. In this way, he didn't have to worry about Fu'er and the others' safety at all.

However, in order to avoid trouble at present, Zhang Pa said: "I will seal these mountains in a while, so that people inside can go out and people outside can't come in." Lin Sen nodded and said: "This is the best, so we don't have to go back to the underground to suffer." Zhang Pa said depressedly: "If you had said earlier to build a magic circle, it would have been done, which made me nervous for a while." Lin Sen asked with a smile: "Aren't you nervous?" Zhang Pa laughed and didn't answer. It is said that caring makes people confused, and even the smartest people will be confused for a short time, so Zhang Pa talked to Lin Sen for a long time, and finally found that the solution to the problem was actually very simple. Lin Sen also laughed and asked: "Do you still let Hai Ling go to the Nitian Cave?" Zhang Pa nodded and said: "Go, he only wants to practice, and he will soon become the second Fang Jian." To be continued. .

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