The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1599 A Little Injury

Chapter 1599: A little injury

The big man shouted: "Come here quickly, what are you talking about?" He didn't like Zhang Afraid to talk to the old madman. Zhang Ping just walked back with a smile and sat down opposite the big man. Qingyin also sat down. The three of them sat at a table and ate immortal wine with netherworld snacks. The food was extremely nourishing.

The three of them and the two little beasts ate together, and the old madman in the distance was thinking about when it would be better to feed the Heart of God with alcohol.

Zhang Ai glanced at him and realized that the man was quite lonely, so he asked the big man in a low voice: "Invite me to come and eat together?" The big man simply shook his head and refused to say a word.

Well, I know you hate him. Zhang Awei said again: "Give him something to eat, which one do you not like?" The big man said: "I like them all." Zhang Awei said depressedly: "That's nonsense. In the past few times, there was always something I didn't like. Are you trying to find fault with me, saying that I don't know how to buy things, but now it's gone?" The big man didn't argue with him, and just replied: "It's gone."

Zhang Ping laughed and said, "Only a ghost would believe you." Then he picked up a bowl of vegetables, stood up and came to the old madman. After putting it down, he said, "The snacks in the lower world have a very special taste. I guess you haven't eaten them in a long time. Try them. Wine If you have it, I won’t get it for you.” After saying that, he went back to the big man’s side and sat down to continue eating.

When buying things in the lower realm, they always choose the largest pots to hold vegetables. Each pot is big enough for ordinary people to take a bath. However, to the people in the God Realm, such a big pot is just a dish, so Zhang is afraid that every pot will be filled with vegetables. Every time I buy something, I always buy a lot.

Seeing Zhang Wen bring over a plate of food, although the big man was unhappy, he didn't say much. The old madman was a little surprised, then he smiled softly, moved his hand, and a spoon appeared in his palm, and began to taste the snacks from the nether world. He took a bite of the food and drank a sip of the wine, which was considered to be a pleasure to himself.

After finishing eating, he threw the big basin from the lower world over and said softly: "It's delicious."

At this time, Zhang was afraid that the group was still eating. They had a lot of food, they were eating and drinking, and they were talking and chatting at the same time, so naturally they were much slower. Seeing the big pot thrown over, the big man said first, "Don't give me any more." Zhang Ping laughed and said, "You're reminding me." After saying that, he threw another pot of vegetables, which made the big man glare in anger. he.

Seeing the angry expression on the big man's face, Zhang Awei asked in a low voice: "Have you eaten?" The big man was stunned and then said: "Eat your head." In order to prevent the old madman from having anything to eat, the guy lowered his head. He worked hard to stuff it into his stomach, and the posture was like falling inward. Fortunately I didn't have hands, otherwise I would have eaten faster.

In just a moment, the snacks and snacks that could last for several days were completely destroyed by the big man in half an hour. Then he burped and shouted: "Comfortable."

Zhang Awei picked up the two little beasts and shook his head, and said helplessly: "You ate all the meat of the little beasts!" Qingyin kept laughing, and whispered at this time: "It seems that you have to go down again. Buy some and bring it back." Zhang Awei shook his head: "No, if he eats like this, it's not enough for me to make eight trips a day." Qingyin just laughed louder. The big man said indifferently: "Who asked you to give him something to eat?"

Well, it's my fault. Zhang Ping was too lazy to pay attention to this one-minded guy. He casually conjured up a quilt and lay on it to play with the two little Qilin beasts.

At this time, the old madman also finished the second snack, came over to return the pot, then squatted in front of Zhang Aoi and asked: "In your estimation, how long can one hundred thousand bottles of wine last?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I really don't know. Last time I just poured wine for the Heart of God to drink. I didn't remember exactly how fast I drank it or how much I drank every day. I only know a rough total. Anyway, it was very busy at the beginning. Fei Liquor.”

Qingyin added: "We exchanged all Qian Kechou's wine. We also exchanged a large amount of wine at the beginning. I don't know the exact number, but it must be more than one million bottles." After saying this number, Qingyin paused for a moment. , turned to Zhang Afraid and asked: "In just two years, that iron guy drank a million bottles of wine? Isn't that too exaggerated!"

Zhang Awei said with a bitter face: "More than a million bottles, all the wine that Qian Kechou had stored for countless years was given to me at once. I don't know how much wine there was. If you don't count it, I really don't know. This big iron block can really eat."

As the two of them talked, the old madman's expression became a little ugly, and he asked: "Approximately how much wine is it?" Zhang Ain thought about it carefully and said, "It should be more than two million bottles."

Hearing this number, the old madman whistled softly and looked back at his big iron block with disbelief. Two million bottles? That's ambrosia! Even if two million bottles of water are poured out, it can still be poured for more than ten or twenty years. This iron block actually drank all that much wine in more than two years?

After saying this number, not only did the old madman have a different expression, Zhang Ai, the big man, and Qingyin were all shocked for a moment. The big man said: "If that thing hadn't saved your life, I could have beaten it. Spit out the wine." After saying these hateful words, he asked in a low voice: "Are there really so many?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "I confused myself and can't remember anything."

After saying this, he suddenly remembered something, and then said: "When the two small Qilin beasts, the two big beasts were injured, and you and me, we drank too much." The big man refused to admit it: "Come on, how much can I drink? There are piles of God's Hearts to drink, but the four Qilin Beasts drank a lot. There are at least ten or two hundred thousand bottles, and they are waiting to ask Qi Xin for compensation."

At this time, the dignified god actually couldn't figure out the number. Zhang Ain thought for a while, but still didn't have an accurate number, so he just didn't want to think about it anymore and said to the old madman: "Anyway, I need a lot of wine."

The big man interjected in a cold voice: "Not only do we need wine, we also need fairy grass with a lifespan of more than hundreds of thousands of years. Go and prepare it." He definitely did not remind the old madman out of kindness, he just vented his dissatisfaction and wanted to toss the old madman.

When the old madman heard this, he asked Zhang Awei: "Is it true?" Zhang Awei slapped his forehead and said quickly: "I'm sorry, I forgot about it."

I couldn't count the amount of drinks before, and now I forgot about Yuntian Shen. Both the big man and Qingyin looked at him with worried expressions. After looking at him for a long time, Qingyin asked: "What's wrong with you?"

Zhang Ai was a little confused and replied: "Nothing, what's wrong?" Qingyin said seriously: "People like you and me, let alone millions of bottles of wine, are just billions of stars in the lonely sky. You can count them clearly, why would you forget them?”

At this moment, Zhang Zhen was also thinking about this matter. What happened to him? Why can’t I remember accurate numbers? Why do I forget certain important things? Unfortunately, after thinking about it again and again, I can't figure out the reason.

Seeing that the big man and Qingyin were looking at him with concerned expressions, Zhang Yin smiled and said: "It's okay, it's not a big deal." As soon as he finished speaking, the old madman answered: "I know the reason."

As soon as he said one sentence, the big man and Qingyin looked at him immediately. The big man said loudly: "Hurry up!" The old madman chuckled and said softly: "Is this the attitude you should have when asking for help?"

Hearing this, the big man was very angry and wanted to explode, but because it involved Zhang Awei, he endured it. Just when he was thinking about whether to say a few soft words and coax the old lunatic into telling him the reason, Zhang Awei said in a low voice. : "I also know the reason."

He would occasionally be unable to remember certain things or things, and even the big man and Zhang were afraid that he had just learned about it, but the old madman said he knew the reason, and it was obviously related to the old madman. And what's the deal with the old madman? One is the Heart of God. Whether it is given to the old madman or not, Zhang Afraid will not lose his memory. So it can only be another reason. Zhang Afraid's soul was damaged when he was suffering in the Immortal Well.

Originally, the Immortal Well would not cause harm to people. When the damage reaches a certain level, the trialist would be knocked unconscious and fall from the trial ground to a safe place. But in order to get out of the banished fairy well, Zhang Ai tied himself to the stone steps with silk. In this way, even if he faints, he still has to accept countless painful attacks.

At that time, Zhang was afraid of getting angry and stayed in severe pain for a long time. Later, he was lucky enough to escape from the Immortal Well, but his soul was damaged. It's just that the damage was so minor and unimportant that no one cared about it at all. Even Zhang Weijing didn't notice it, which shows how minor the injury was.

But no matter how minor the injury is, it is still an injury. Zhang Ping's soul is injured, which manifests itself in the occasional inability to remember one or a few things.

Seeing that Zhang Awei said he knew, the old madman's expression remained unchanged. He had no intention of hiding this matter. The reason why he reminded Zhang Awei and said he knew the reason was because he wanted Zhang Awei to ask about his cure method after he guessed it. In exchange for the know-how of warming the heart of God.

They both understood what was going on. The big man and Qingyin were still a little confused. Qingyin asked: "Are you injured?" Zhang Awei nodded and said: "About the same." The big man said angrily: "What is almost the same? Are you injured?" You don't know?" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter." But the big man didn't believe it and asked, "How can it not matter if the god is injured?"

Yes, it is definitely not an ordinary injury that can hurt the hard body of a god. But the problem is that Zhang Ain's body is fine, but something happened to his soul. The powerful Shen Transformation Pool can't help, so he has to find another way. Therefore, Zhang Ain doesn't want the big man to know.

Seeing that Zhang Awei didn't reply, the big man was a little unhappy and said loudly: "What's going on? What can't you say? What's the point of hiding it?" This sentence was said to the old madman, and also to Zhang Awei. of.

The old madman didn't care about the big man at all, he just stood there leisurely and looked around like someone who had nothing to do.

Zhang was afraid but kept silent. He didn't tell lies. He didn't know what to say, so he just chose not to.

By this time, the big man was completely angry, glared at the old madman, and said in a cold voice: "Either say it, or get out."

This guy was really angry. The old madman lowered his head and thought about it. His goal was to warm the heart of the gods. There was no need to argue with the big man, so he decided to give in for once and whispered: "When he was testing in the Immortal Well, , because he was eager for success, his soul was constantly being impacted by the magic circle in the well, and his soul was slightly injured due to the continuous violent impact. Judging from the current situation, nothing was delayed or affected. "

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