The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1592 Stepping onto the Stone Bridge

Chapter 1592 Stepping onto the Stone Bridge

As a result, the only ones who can fight Zhang Ain are the pile of long-thorned beasts on the opposite side. After several collisions, those long-thorned beasts finally couldn't withstand it anymore. They can transform into long thorns to attack Zhang Ping first, but these things grow from their bodies, and they have to pay a lot of price for every extra inch they grow. After stimulating the growth of thorns many times in a row, the body's spiritual power was severely depleted, and he was about to die. But in exchange for their hard work, Zhang Ai rushed forward more and more fiercely. A group of big hedgehogs tried their best to attack and block him, but it was all useless in front of that man.

The mythical beasts around the platform also saw that something was wrong, but Zhang Awei was covered in thorns and his armor was extremely strong. It was really difficult to defeat him.

Fortunately, the sacred mountain is huge and has countless mythical beasts. There are all kinds of mythical beasts. Just when a group of large hedgehogs were unable to attack, six large silkworms suddenly appeared on the platform, some cyan and some white, all slightly different in size and appearance.

After the big silkworm appears, it naturally opens its mouth and spins silk. They are mythical beasts, and silk is a magical weapon. It is tough and tough. After spitting it out, it is easy to tie up Zhang Awei and drag him back.

After Zhang was afraid of being tied up with silk, he was filled with depression. What kind of cultivation level am I? This is only the twenty-sixth level of heaven, and it has been tortured so miserably? Any divine beast is faster than me, and can't even dodge.

There were sharp thorns on the outside of the armor, but they failed to pierce the silk. Those silk threads seemed to be alive, twirling among the spikes all over his body, and tied together with knots, dragging him back. With the silk tied together, Zhang Ai finally made a real kite, hanging it in the sky and floating back.

He was a little angry when he was pulled into the air. None of these mythical beasts were willing to talk nicely. At that time, he flicked his wrist and a big black knife suddenly appeared in his hand. He casually slashed at the silk that was dragging him flying. With just one strike, the silk was broken. Open, Zhang is afraid of falling down from the air. At the same time, a dozen blades suddenly stood up among the countless spikes outside the armor, cutting the silk tightly wrapped around the body into several pieces. He twisted his waist in the air and exerted force, fell to the ground calmly, and then rushed towards the long-thorned beast in front of him with more than a dozen blades.

When those mythical beasts saw it, they were looking for their lives! The sacred beast couldn't bear the attack just now with the long thorn. If it was struck by such a sharp knife, would it still survive? The mythical beasts blocking the way are determined to retreat. They wanted to kill Zhang Awei, but that didn't mean they were willing to be killed by Zhang Awei. A group of big hedgehogs immediately made a decision. Countless long thorns on their bodies instantly detached and shot out like sharp arrows. Arrow rain appeared in the air again, whoosh. Swish shot towards Zhang Afraid.

When Zhang Feng saw it, he realized that this was the thing that had attacked him just now, and that it was a bunch of big hedgehogs that had done it. At that time, he stopped, squatted down, covered his eyes with his arms, and prepared himself to be beaten. As expected, this salvo would have to last for twenty breaths, which meant that he would have to be buried in a pile of tattered long thorns.

It's just that I am a little confused. Why do a bunch of big hedgehogs insist on doing this even though they know that the long thorn attack is useless to them?

In the midst of doubt, a flying thorn attack was ushered in. The fierce clang of the attack hit the armor, knocking Zhang Ao back a few steps. Just when he was about to sit on the ground to resist, the rain of arrows in the sky suddenly disappeared. Zhang moved his arm out of doubt, but saw a bunch of big hedgehogs disappearing quickly from his eyes.

Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment before he realized that these guys were exhausted and couldn't stop him. He quickly stood up, ignoring the mythical beasts around the platform, and rushed towards the stone bridge in front of him. I saw a flash of black shadow, Zhang Ping finally stepped onto the stone bridge, and then without hesitation, plunged into the dense sea of ​​clouds.

Seeing Zhang Ai rushing onto the stone bridge, the mythical beasts around the platform were a little excited, but this guy was too difficult to deal with, and there was really nothing they could do against him! Countless mythical beasts came with anger, and they could only watch him walking onto the stone bridge with hatred. Each one of them roared in a low voice or had murderous intent in their eyes, all expressing their hatred for Zhang Afraid. Fortunately, roaring and murderous intent could not kill anyone. Zhang Afraid He walked into a certain level of heaven that he had longed for for a long time without any feeling.

He has really longed for it for a long time. At least during these days on the sacred mountain, he wanted to walk here very much.

Now that I finally walked onto the stone bridge, I had no time to sigh or scan my surroundings, so I just kept walking forward.

The stone bridge is very long, about a thousand meters long outside the sea of ​​clouds. After walking a thousand meters, you are walking into the other half of the bridge hidden in the sea of ​​clouds. If you don't walk in, no one knows where it will lead. At this time, Zhang Ping was standing in the sea of ​​clouds.

When we got here, the mythical beasts would not come looking for trouble. Zhang Ai stopped in the sea of ​​clouds and looked back. Outside the thin clouds and mist was a huge platform, and countless mythical beasts were looking at this side angrily.

Zhang Awei smiled softly, put away the spikes and blades outside his armor, walked lightly towards the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

As we walked farther and farther, the clouds and fog became thicker and thicker. We were in the sea of ​​clouds and we could no longer see very far with our eyesight alone. He couldn't see the bridge, couldn't see his own feet, and couldn't see the road. Fortunately, there were bridge railings and spiritual scanning, so he wouldn't fall under the bridge.

At this time, he suddenly had an idea. If the stone bridge had no railings and he really fell under the bridge, what kind of existence would be below, in the sea of ​​clouds?

Of course, this is just an idea. Zhang Ping will definitely not jump out of the bridge railing to find out out of boredom. He has only one idea, to go back to Xingyuan as soon as possible, and doesn't care about anything else. From a secular perspective, this is a very family-oriented man.

At this time, the god of the Gu family was walking along the bridge. He didn't know how far he had gone. He only knew that after walking for a quarter of an hour, there was still a sea of ​​dense fog and clouds in front of him, and there was still a stone bridge under his feet. After scanning with his spiritual mind, there were still only stone bridges and bridges in front of him. The sea of ​​clouds, and the rest is void.

After walking for a while, Zhang Pa had another thought. Could this stone bridge be a magic circle? Otherwise, how could he never reach the end?

Just as he was thinking this, a strange thing happened. A fork in the road appeared in front of the stone bridge! Damn it, is there a three-way intersection game on the bridge? Where should he go?

Zhang Pa stopped at the fork in the road, or should I call it the fork in the bridge, and his mind probed in two directions. Unfortunately, since he came to the sacred mountain, his powerful soul has been restricted by the forbidden method, and he can't probe far on this bridge. He took back his mind and stood alone in the clouds and mist, thinking randomly. After thinking for a moment, he turned around and walked back. After walking a hundred meters away, he sat cross-legged, took out a bottle of fairy wine and started drinking.

Because he had to wait for the big guy, he couldn't just barge in casually, otherwise he and the big guy would go to the fork in the road, and it would be a big deal if the two didn't meet.

At the same time, he felt a little wronged. That bastard big guy must have been here, why didn't he remind himself that there was a fork in the road?

He sat like this for more than ten hours, and finally waited for the big guy. The guy walked towards this side with a thumping sound, like beating a drum. When he got closer, he laughed and said, "I knew you would wait for me here."

Zhang Pa got angry when he found the big guy approaching him, and asked loudly, "Why didn't you tell me there was a fork in the road here?" The big guy replied casually, "What's so strange? What is there in the thirty-three heavens? I dare say that everything you have seen in the lower world can be found here. Let's go, go left, and I will take you to see the beautiful scenery."

As he spoke, the big guy came to Zhang Pa's side. Although they could not see each other through the thick fog, they could clearly sense each other's existence, so they walked to the left together.

Zhang Pa asked as he walked: "Why is there a fork in the road?" The big guy replied: "You asked it just now." Zhang Pa wanted to say that he asked why you didn't tell me there was a fork in the road just now, and now he asked why there was a fork in the road, and the two questions were different; but he remembered the big guy's laziness, and it would be useless to ask a few more times, so he changed the question and asked: "Where does the left lead to?" The big guy didn't want to disappoint him at all, and continued to lazily reply: "You will know when you go there." Zhang Pa was very angry: "Will you die if you say one more word?" The big guy replied: "No, I just won't say it." This bastard, if I can beat him, I really want to beat him up to vent my anger. Zhang Pa looked to the left angrily, and the big guy was hiding in the thick fog on his left. The big guy knew Zhang Pa was looking at him, and said leisurely: "Why are you looking at me? Look at the road."

Zhang Pa turned back and said angrily: "You said that the 26th floor has a good view. If it's not good, I will humiliate you." Hearing this, the big guy suddenly stopped, thought seriously for a while and said: "I only said there is a good view, but I didn't say that you will be satisfied. Anyway, I am happy to see it." After that, he walked forward again.

The stone bridge is not too long. After passing the fork, it will reach the end after 10,000 meters. At the end is a row of high steps, and there is a small platform on the steps.

The steps and the platform are white, paved with white jade. Here, the dense clouds and mist began to fade, lightly surrounding the entire platform. Here, the clouds and mist seem to have weight, gently covering the white jade steps and the white jade platform, hanging on the ground. If there is a breeze, it will gather, disperse, and flow at will with the smoke.

The big guy and Zhang Pa walked all the way, bringing the breeze, which also drove the clouds and mist to disperse.

Looking at the fog gathering and dispersing and the white jade steps in front of him, the distance is also all white, even the blue sky is lightly covered by white fog, showing a different sky, feeling very ethereal and unreal.

Standing in front of the steps and looking up, looking at the faint clouds and mist, looking at the pale white sky, and finally looking at the white high platform, Zhang Pa sighed: "This is like the God Realm." In his imagination, the God Realm should be so unreal, but it is full of sacredness.

The big man smiled and said: "For the gods who are qualified to enter the thirty-three heavens, they certainly think so, but for me and the old madman, the real God Realm is only in our hearts."

Hearing this, Zhang Pa rolled his eyes and said: "Don't say these mysterious words, as if they are so profound." The big man smiled and said: "Masters are lonely, surpassing ourselves is surpassing the God Realm."

This guy is addicted to bragging, Zhang Pa said depressedly: "Why are you talking less and less, are you going up?" The big man has always been thick-skinned, if he doesn't interrupt him, he can at least talk nonsense for an hour.

The big man nodded and said, "Of course I have to go up." As he spoke, he walked ahead, stirring up clouds and smoke flying around him, circling around him, giving him a feeling of flying in the clouds, making this tall and fierce beast look a little more sacred and majestic.

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