The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1591 Confrontation

The big man smiled and said, "I hope." Zhang Ain curled his lips and said, "What is hope? It's certain." After saying that, he turned around and headed east, thinking to himself, isn't it the twenty-sixth level of heaven? You have already been to the 33rd heaven, are you still afraid of the mythical beasts here?

He stepped forward, but as soon as he took a step, he remembered something, turned around and asked, "Why are there always so many mythical beasts gathering on the platform?" After hearing this, the big man smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you, you know What do you people think of the sacred beasts?" Zhang Ai asked: "What?" The big man smiled: "You are bastards who dare to challenge their dignity. The sacred beasts think everything on the sacred mountain belongs to them, including the so-called On the thirty-third level of the sky, if you insist on going up, you are provoking them and slapping them in the face. They will naturally not let you pass. Therefore, there are always countless mythical beasts gathered on the platform of each level, just waiting for ungrateful fools like you to pass by. Die."

Zhang Weixing was stunned and depressed. How could he dare to be so dangerous? He turned back to look at the mountain peaks to the east, then looked back at the big man, and praised him: "You are so sinister." Then he ran to the east in a hurry.

The big man laughed loudly from behind. After laughing for a while, he also walked eastward. He walked to the peak closest to the platform and stopped, looking for a place with a wide view to look over there.

At this time, Zhang was afraid of getting into a dense forest and stopped there to prepare. Looking out from the forest, there is a high platform 10,000 meters away. It is located on the mountainside of a peak. On the edge of the platform, there is a majestic stone bridge hanging in the air. One end is built on the platform. There is an arch at the end of the bridge with three words written on it. The big golden characters, Yingzhaotian, presumably are the names of the twenty-sixth heaven. The other end stretches into the sea of ​​clouds.

After walking through the arch, stepping onto the stone bridge, and walking further, you will follow the long bridge and enter the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. In that dense white cloud where no one can be seen, there is the twenty-sixth level of heaven that many gods want to go to. .

Zhang Ai looked at him from a distance for a while, and then said to God's Heart: "It all depends on you." God's Heart made a soft buzzing sound and wrapped him tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. i On the outside of the armor, from the top of the head to the tops of the feet, there are countless long and short pointed thorns, even on the face, but not on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. With this protection, any divine beast that dares to rush forward without opening its eyes would be making itself uncomfortable.

After hearing what the big man said was scary, Zhang Ain prepared carefully for a while, adjusted his body to the best condition, and then started to act. It was like a wild horse running wildly towards the platform, faster than lightning. A black line flashed, and the distance of 10,000 meters passed by in a flash. He had already stepped onto the platform.

It is said that his movements are fast enough. As long as he is given one more breath, he can rush to the stone bridge. It's a pity that the mythical beasts are faster. The platform was obviously empty. As Zhang Wen stepped on it, countless mythical beasts suddenly appeared, as fast as emerging from the ground. In an instant, the platform was crowded with mythical beasts, and every one of them was Furious, he rushed towards Zhang Afraid.

The mythical beast moved so fast that it startled him, it was so sudden! These guys are faster than Green Wolf. They appear in front of you all of a sudden without any warning. Anyone would be surprised. No wonder few gods climb the sacred mountain. With such a bunch of scary guys here, who would be willing to come here alone and die?

Zhang was afraid of being frightened by the mythical beast, and the mythical beasts were also frightened by him. In the past, he had seen many gods and men bravely brave the heavenly pass. The mythical beast called the platform and the stone bridge in front of the thirty-third heaven as the heavenly pass, but they had never I have seen guys like Zhang Ai who wrap themselves up tightly when they come to break through the barrier. Not only is it tight, but there are countless long thorns sticking out from the outside of the armor. It looks very lively both offensively and defensively, but I don't know if it is useful.

This group of ferocious beasts can be called mythical beasts, so they are certainly not stupid. When they saw Zhang Wei's weirdness, they immediately responded. Among the frantically charging team, three giant beasts with thick skin and thick flesh and heavy armor on their bodies rushed out quickly. Just looking at their appearance, one looks like a pig, one looks like a cow, and one looks like a pangolin. The common thing is that the leather armor on their bodies is extremely strong.

The three giant beasts collided fiercely at extremely fast speeds, and Zhang Ai was rushing forward, so they naturally collided with each other. With a bang, Zhang Ai flew backwards.

The power of the three divine beasts was too great, and Zhang was afraid that he could not stop them, but it was not easy for the three of them. With this impact, the fronts of the three giant beasts were pricked into honeycombs, especially a few long thorns that stabbed them to the core, directly piercing through each other. Although he won't die right now, he can't continue fighting and at least needs to rest for a while.

After just one collision, the three beasts were injured, and Zhang Wei's spikes were able to pierce their hard protective scales. The result was really shocking. What's even more shocking is that not only the three of them were injured, but six unlucky ones also suffered the same fate.

Zhang was afraid of being knocked away by them, and there were many mythical beasts surrounding him. He flew back and bumped into these mythical beasts. These mythical beasts are not as protective as the three guys on the front. In comparison, their defenses are slightly weaker and their strength is also slightly weaker. Therefore, Zhang Wen, who was easily thrown upside down, was pierced through his body and flew upside down with him. , one by two, after knocking six mythical beasts away in succession, and after losing all his strength, Zhang stopped in fear, looked back at the unlucky guy behind him, paused with his feet, and rushed forward again.

There wasn't even a fight yet. After just one collision, nine mythical beasts were seriously injured. The mythical beasts were in a bit of an uproar. The kid in front of them had average cultivation, but was as difficult to deal with as a hedgehog. He also had a powerful protective magic weapon. Even if the three giant armored beasts collided with each other, it would be fine. How could we keep him?

Zhang Ain didn't care what the beasts were thinking, and just rushed forward. The gods blocked the gods, the beasts blocked the beasts, and they must hit a way out.

Seeing him charging forward with force, the beasts suddenly dispersed, as suddenly as they appeared, and equally suddenly when they dispersed. With a bang, all the beasts scattered to the edge of the platform.

These guys moved so fast that Zhang was afraid that he would be startled again, but fortunately he did not stop and continued to rush towards the stone bridge. But the next moment, he had to stop.

As soon as the divine beasts dispersed, they saw a rain of arrows flying from the sky, powerful, fast, and dense. It wasn't that Zhang was afraid of wanting to stop, but the force of the arrow rain was too great and forcefully left him on the platform.

With the protection of God's Heart, there is no need to worry about getting hurt. Zhang Ho raised his arms to block his eyes, and then stood on the ground, listening to the endless tinkling sounds.

Ten breaths passed quickly, and the arrow rain continued. Because the force was too great, it pushed him forward and backward, making Zhang afraid very depressed. At this time, he couldn't stand anymore and sat helplessly on the ground, thinking, where is the mythical beast here? They were clearly a group of well-trained killers. When they saw that they couldn't attack hard, they switched to arrow attacks. They were so depressed. Are these guys really a bunch of beasts?

Amidst the clanging sounds and random thoughts, relying on the magical heart of God, Zhang was afraid to escape another disaster. Twenty breaths later, the rain of arrows stopped, and Zhang Ai hurriedly got up. At this time, he was buried by flying arrows.

It's said to be an arrow, but it's actually a sharp long thorn. I don't know what kind of mythical beast it is. Looking at the number, there must be more than dozens of mythical beasts to release so many arrows.

After finally waiting for the rain of arrows to subside, Zhang Ai jumped over the long thorn that almost buried him. He moved and was about to rush towards the stone bridge, but stopped immediately. Not far in front of him were mythical beasts that looked similar to him. Each one had long thorns on its body, stretching outwards. Even its eyes were hidden among the long thorns. They looked at him coldly, eyes killing. meaning.

Zhang was afraid to take a look and realized that these guys were really good at it. They were able to find so many big hedgehogs to deal with him in such a short period of time. Alas, no wonder the big man would repeatedly remind himself to be careful, saying that it would be difficult to cross the platform. Just looking at this formation, if it were not for the protection of the Heart of God, I would probably have died in the first wave of divine beasts.

He looked at the dozens of mythical beasts with long spikes on the opposite side, and then looked at the spikes on the outside of his armor. It seemed that they were a little short. The Heart of God had the same idea as his, and immediately made the spikes longer. Comparing this, Zhang Weijing looked more like a big hedgehog.

Dozens of mythical beasts on the opposite side were preparing to compete with their opponents to see whose long thorns were longer, stronger, and sharper. However, they did not expect that in just an instant, the long thorns of the boy opposite became longer again. What should I do?

A group of mythical beasts looked at each other. At this point, no matter what, they had to rush forward and fight. At that moment, they all started to attack without anyone giving an order. Dozens of the mythical beasts with long spines formed an arc, targeting Zhang Ai, and they charged at them with all their strength without hesitation.

This group of guys rushed over with great momentum. Zhang Ping sighed secretly. He had to make another unlucky kite. He also rushed forward and collided with those long-thorned beasts.

The ending was just as he imagined, he was easily knocked away by a group of mythical beasts. This time, there were no mythical beasts behind him, so Zhang was afraid that he would fly far away. Fortunately, the Heart of God noticed his situation and immediately retracted the long thorns outside the armor, preventing him from rolling and undulating after landing.

This time he fell far away, stood up after a moment, and continued to rush forward. There were dozens of long-thorned divine beasts standing there, their long thorns still sticking out, but many of the long thorns on each one were broken.

Just now, Zhang Ai's thorns grew longer. The mythical beasts had magic and naturally extended the thorns. However, no matter how long and hard the thorns were, they were useless when they pierced Zhang Ai's body. On the contrary, because the force was too great, those long thorns and black armor were broken one after another upon impact. However, it was precisely because they used so much force that they knocked Zhang Awei away, so he was not stabbed by his long thorns.

Zhang was afraid of admitting defeat and rushed forward again. As he rushed forward, his armor was covered with spikes again.

Seeing that the long thorns on the armor can change freely, a group of big hedgehogs were a little puzzled. Is this a human spell? Or is it the ability of the armor itself?

The distance between the two sides was not far, and in an instant, Zhang was afraid of rushing in front of them again. Of course, the big hedgehogs had to use longer spikes to counter Zhang Awei's thorns, so they pushed Zhang Awei away again, at the cost of breaking countless long thorns.

Zhang was afraid of being pushed away again, but he was completely unafraid. He stood firm after landing, and then rushed towards the mythical beasts.

He rushed forward wildly, and the mythical beasts on the edge of the platform could see clearly. However, this guy's long thorns were very strange, making it impossible for them to attack hard. Even if you want to beat up a drowned dog, it will only happen if the dog actually falls into the water. Obviously, Zhang was afraid that they could only watch before he fell into the water.

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