The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1586 Killing the Wolf

Chapter 1586 Killing the Wolf

At this moment, Zhang Ai suddenly remembered a sentence. When he was at the lake a few days ago, first the black wolf came, then the white wolf. Two giant wolves appeared one after the other. When the white wolf appeared, the white tiger once asked coldly: "How about another one?" The white wolf's answer was "What do you think?" In the subsequent battle between the two sides, although the fight was fierce, Bai Hu did not use his full strength at all.

Thinking of the situation at this time, Zhang was sure that there were two white wolves. So, are there also two white tigers? With doubts, I carefully looked at this white tiger to see if it was any different from the white tiger that appeared from the lake.

He couldn't use his spiritual power to scan the other person abruptly. That would be impolite behavior and could easily lead to trouble. So I can only see it with my eyes, but this big tiger is fighting and moving very fast, so I can't see it clearly at all. I can only see its silhouette vaguely, making it very difficult to identify.

Zhang Ping watched for a while, still unable to confirm whether this white tiger was the one he had seen by the lake. However, judging from the situation at this time, the guess is that it is not

At this moment, there was movement from the bottom of the mountain. Zhang turned his head to look and saw a black shadow rushing towards the mountain. Seeing this figure, Zhang felt a little familiar, very much like the guy who ran down the mountain just now.

Because it was going up a mountain, and because it was injured, the speed of this black shadow was much slower. When it ran a little closer, Zhang was able to confirm that it was the guy who ran down just now. There were many wounds on his body, including several serious wounds, which were still bleeding. Apparently, he ran back before the wounds could be healed. This guy is a black wolf, very similar to the black wolf I saw just now by the lake. If you don't look carefully, you may be mistaken for the same one.

At this time, Zhang Ai finally figured out the general situation. There were two white tigers, two white wolves, and two black wolves. The Divine Mountain of Xindao was really powerful. These powerful divine beasts that were rarely seen outside were here. I saw two by two, which was very interesting.

Thinking of these three pairs of scary guys, and also thinking of the pair of unicorn beasts, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. Only the big guy was alone, how pitiful.

After clarifying the identities of these terrifying beasts, Zhang Ping had a small question in his mind. If this white tiger and the white tiger by the lake were a pair, why did they separate? One lives in the lake and the other hides in the mountains?

At this time, the black wolf, which had just gone down the mountain, rushed back again and quickly entered the woods. He had just fought with the white tiger. Either he was a match or he escaped with his injuries and howled to notify the white wolf.

When the white wolf arrives, of course it will come back and continue fighting. Seeing Zhang Awei at first glance, and then looking at the white wolf and white tiger fighting in the forest, maybe he felt that Zhang Awei was annoying, but Xu Shi thought that Zhang Awei was vulnerable and could be killed easily, so he turned and rushed towards him.

The black wolf was injured, but it was still very fast, rushing in front of Zhang Ai in an instant.

Seeing the black wolf attacking, Zhang Ai hurriedly moved away. However, Hei Lang's movements were too fast. He only tilted his body slightly and bumped into him in the next moment. Hearing a boom, Zhang Fei once again flew up into the sky like a kite.

Zhang is afraid that he will be very depressed. Is there any need to do this? Even if I enter the wolf's den, you don't have to knock me away once you see me. Flying high up, the silk threads in his hand suddenly shot out and got entangled in several big trees. He pulled hard with his right hand and flew straight towards the black wolf. Can't you hit it? I'll collide with you to see who is stronger.

The whole process was very short. In just a blink of an eye, Zhang was seen flying away and then flying back.

When the black wolf saw that Zhang Awei had not been killed, he had the same puzzled expression as his companion who had failed to kill Zhang Awei at the lake just now. He seemed to be confused as to why this fool was not dead?

Seeing Zhang Awei flying towards it, the black wolf smacked its lips, showing its sharp teeth, and using all its strength, it jumped into the air and hit Zhang Awei again.

Zhang was afraid that his cultivation was not as good as others, so he would not foolishly compete with the black wolf for strength. As he rushed forward, countless tiny spikes suddenly appeared on the outer edge of the black armor. At this time, the fast-moving black wolf had already collided with Zhang Afraid, and the next moment, a shrill howl was heard. The black wolf turned around and retreated. Looking at its forehead and cheeks, they were full of tiny holes. After the black wolf retreated some distance, he saw that these small holes turned red one by one, and blood slowly flowed out.

The black wolf was very angry. Its howling was not because of pain, but because of anger. It doesn’t matter if he can’t beat the white tiger, and he accepts the injury, but in front of him, such a bipedal waste, not only failed to kill him, but was injured by him? Black Wolf felt a sense of shame. At this moment, his eyes showed a fierce light, and he stared at Zhang Awei. He scratched his four claws on the ground a few times, and the sharp claw blade popped out. Whatever was on the ground was lightly cut by it, and then he jumped up, intending to use the sharp claws. The blade cut Zhang Wei's throat.

Unfortunately, it didn't know that the giant wolves attacking Zhang Awei in front of it had the same idea. If they couldn't kill him, they would continue to attack with the claws on their four hooves, killing their opponents with their sharp claws, but the outcome was without exception. All failed.

Because it didn't know, it confidently gathered all its strength and killed it quickly.

The black wolf was furious because he was stabbed by Zhang Awei. Zhang Awei was also a little dissatisfied. The guy reacted too quickly and failed to seriously injure it. He had just attacked the black wolf with sharp thorns, hoping to use the hardness and sharpness of the Heart of God to pierce it through. Unexpectedly, the black wolf reacted very quickly, and ducked away as soon as it touched Zhang Wei's body. Zhang Ai jumped forward to chase him, but he couldn't catch up with the black wolf, so he had no choice but to give up.

Now, the black wolf attacks again, Zhang is afraid of great hatred, are you not done yet? With a thought, many double-edged knives appeared around him, stabbing at the black wolf. The black wolf moved quickly and got rid of the attacks of these knives in a flash. He came to Zhang Awei, raised his two claws and attacked Zhang Awei's head and chest respectively.

This can be regarded as two-handed preparation, aiming to kill with one blow. Unfortunately, its two-handed preparation becomes completely useless in front of the hard heart of God. Hearing the harsh sound of Dezilla, Zhang was afraid of being knocked away again, but he was also uninjured just like before.

Zhang Afraid was beaten away, and in exchange for a shrill howl from the black wolf, the guy looked at Zhang Afraid who was beaten away with an expression of disbelief. Then he looked down at the wound on his chest. There was a hole as big as a bowl. , the body was penetrated, and the other wound was on the back near the neck. Zhang Ai's plan finally succeeded.

Just now the black wolf launched an attack, and Zhang Ao released many knives to distract him. When the black wolf dodged their attacks and rushed in front of Zhang Ao, Zhang Ao suddenly stabbed out a long thorn from his black armor. When the black wolf came close to him, the long thorn suddenly appeared and pierced its body quickly. The black wolf had no time to react and was hit. In this way, the two sides fought, but the stronger side was seriously injured.

At this time, Hei Lang didn't believe that he was seriously injured. Zhang Wei, who was beaten away, once again used the sky winding silk to wrap around the big tree below, and flew back with the help of his strength. While flying back, the flying knife and the one in front of him were thrown. All the long thorns retracted the armor, and he slashed at the black wolf fiercely with a broadsword.

It doesn't matter if you lack strength. As long as you have the help of the Heart of God, no matter how high your cultivation level is, as long as you are hit, it will definitely cause serious harm, such as serious injury or death.

Zhang was afraid to dodge and arrived. At this time, Hei Lang was angry at being injured by him and was a little dizzy. Also because of the continuous injuries, his strength had been reduced a lot. In a hurry, he was unable to retreat and was struck by the big black knife again. The black knife slashed down, like a soft wind blowing, silently, and only felt a coolness. The black knife had already scratched its body. The next moment, the black wolf was hurt, let out a scream, turned around and ran away.

Zhang was afraid that the target of this knife was his head. When the wind of the knife hit his body, Hei Lang subconsciously turned his body and hit his shoulder with the big knife. If it were replaced by another divine weapon, you wouldn't have to worry too much even if it hit the body. It would only break a few bones. But what Zhang was holding was the heart of God. With one blow, he could easily take away half of the black wolf's body, including the shoulder and headband. The front legs, as well as several ribs, were separated from the body with a single blow.

The black wolf was in pain, turned around and ran away, but lost one of its front legs. His body did not adapt to this run, staggered, and fell directly. He did not stand up at that moment, and took advantage of the situation to roll out of the woods, and then continued to roll down the mountain. go.

Of course, Zhang Ping was not willing to let go of the good opportunity to beat up the drowned wolf. He stamped his feet and quickly chased out of the woods. He jumped straight down the hillside as if diving, holding knives in both hands. His target was the black wolf tumbling down the mountain.

It's a pity that he and the black wolf are not the only ones on the battlefield, there are also white wolves and white tigers fighting in the forest. When the black wolf attacked Zhang Awei, the white wolf knew it completely, because it was fighting the white tiger and had no time to think about it, so it just didn't pay much attention; and in its mind, the black wolf could kill Zhang Awei quickly. But he didn't expect that after a fight between one person and one wolf, the powerful black wolf would be injured and might even lose his life. The white wolf hurriedly quit the fight with the white tiger, his body was like lightning, and chased Zhang Wen away.

The white tiger also knew what was happening around him, so of course he would not miss this opportunity, so he chased after the white wolf, hoping to take the opportunity to seriously injure it.

At this time, Zhang Ai was jumping down from the hillside when he was suddenly slapped by a huge force, which caused him to fall straight down and hit the ground with a bang. The force was so huge that it directly smashed the ground. A large pit more than three meters deep emerged.

This power belongs to White Wolf. This guy has high cultivation, fast speed and great strength. He can easily defeat Zhang Awei's pursuit and save Black Wolf. But at this time, the white tiger came to kill him.

Of course the white wolf would pay attention to the white tiger, lest the mantis catch the cicada and be taken advantage of by the oriole, so he tried his best to protect himself while attacking Zhang Awei. He admitted that he would rather let the white tiger hit him and get hurt than save the black one. Wolf. As long as you don't die, it won't matter if you come back next time. But he didn't expect that the white tiger's target was not it at all.

When the white wolf attacked Zhang Awei, the white tiger passed over the white wolf's head and appeared next to the black wolf in the next moment.

The white wolf realized that something was not right, and hurriedly left Zhang Fang to chase after him. But at that moment, the white tiger opened its huge mouth, and the strong teeth in the mouth flashed out with a dazzling light, one of them swung and pierced into the black wolf's throat. As the giant mouth closed, there was a click, and the black wolf's head was broken off, with the remaining fur connected to it, holding the head back from falling.

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